"I can control the body, but not the mind. He is the most vulnerable place, which is somehow influenced by my magic. If I can study Curses, then there is a chance to seal the moment of conversion and suppress it myself. Even if there are losses, I am ready to accept ... The problem is that although I know how to use the cursed power and strengthen my magic, I do not know spells based on Curses. This witch seemed to have done everything on purpose so that I would not get hung up on unnecessary things and develop the magic of Life and Death - everything else is just side means of amplification. Curses are needed only as a last resort. Besides ... I am a human being, to accumulate the Cursed Power in oneself is like poisoning oneself with poison. If I were a demon, things would be easier. As I understood from the knowledge gained, the combination of the cursed power and the magic of the Killer of Life and Death will allow me to become even more powerful, but at the same time it is clearly emphasized that to do this without being a demon or a creature with natural immunity is sheer stupidity. Fortunately, there are instructions ... "

Aidan concentrated, as if he was reading a book, perfectly typed in his mind:

"Hmm ... We need to develop immunity. However, as I said, I need the Cursed Power, if I understand correctly, I just need not to die in the process of Absorption. If I develop immunity, I can easily cast Curses. This will allow me not only to become stronger, but maybe I can develop my own seal. "

The goals were outlined. Aidan already knew who he could absorb to get what he wanted. Aetherias is the best option, there are even two candidates, one of whom will die soon, and the other will have to be killed personally. Lullaby and Deliora are just waiting to be devoured.

- Okay, these old demons will wait, I'll deal with the statues for now ...

Collecting death magic in a black sphere, Aidan casually ran his concentrated gaze around, assessing the situation. Now he felt the surrounding space incredibly clearly, not at all like before. It was as if he had acquired a third eye, and as if he was touching the walls with an invisible palm - even the smallest details could not hide from his keen gaze.

"Impressive ..." - suddenly, the guy's eyes fell on the statue, and she trembled sharply.


"Wow! He felt ... "- quickly discarding his new sensory ability, Aidan gathered the black energy of death on his hand and turned it into a dark bow. A tar haze covered the bowstring, and then a long arrow formed on it. Aidan was now able to create finer structures out of energy simply by focusing. He could even create chains or more intricate things.

The moment to attack is perfect. In this case, ranged combat is the best option.

The arrow silently fell off the black bowstring and cut through the air at an impressive speed, at the same moment piercing the head of the barely revived statue. The first hit was followed by the second! Another arrow hit the statue in the chest, and then a couple more punched two holes in the stone neck of the last statue!

He instantly destroyed both threats, barely wasting magic.

Suddenly the space trembled, Aidan turned his gaze sharply to the ceiling and to his surprise noticed how the clock on the ceiling covered with golden cracks, and then completely shattered into pieces.

- What the... The earth and walls shook!


At the same moment, the space began to tremble, the wizard frowned and jumped abruptly, he liked this situation less and less ...

Space continued to distort as the ceiling collapsed at a terrifying rate, only ... The stones began to float! The two remaining statues had long since faded, and the three exits on each side suddenly began to distort.

- Illusion? Aidan stepped back in shock. He generally could not distinguish between what is real and what is just a fake! The statues suddenly disappeared, and all the stones floating in the air began to shine with golden lights. The last pieces broke off the ceiling and only the cracked clock continued to float in the black space.

An eerie sight ...

Everything hovers and sparkles, and the round hall quickly transformed into a long corridor with a single passage into the unknown. This unknown attracted by the distant snow-white radiance, which slowly surrounded the cracked watch and simply pulled it after itself, then all the stones moved and magically gathered right in the air. Only then, Aidan, in shock, noticed that there was no ground under his feet for a long time, and the exit had completely evaporated!

"Damn it ..." - he did not know what to do, everything changed in a matter of seconds and now all the stones lined up in a bridge on the other side. It was as if something led him into that white, distant door where not so long ago a clock with three golden hands disappeared ...

"It looks like there's only one choice." This is the work of the followers of Chronos ... My bitchy witch did not really like this God, like the rest, in fact. She created magic to fight them, for something important ... It's not at all clear what the point is, in those scraps I saw some kind of battle in a black space ...

Shaking his head, Aidan sighed. Unfortunately, he received only basic knowledge about magic, the knowledge about Gods did not get. However, this is not surprising, now he is not in a position to even think about them. Perhaps that is why he was in no hurry to follow this suspicious path of floating stones ...

Moreover, the presence of this witch worried him even more than the unknown ahead. Most of all in his life he tried to control everything and put his thoughts in order, trying to achieve harmony with himself, and now, is this possible with a voice in his head?

It seemed that after receiving the second part of the knowledge from the grimoire, all his emotions were in some kind of panic rage, he simply could not collect his thoughts ...

"If you put the knowledge together, then ... She fought with the gods using the magic of the God Slayers, and then something unpleasant happened. Most likely, she did not manage to win, or maybe she was mistaken in something. It is unlikely that she had any plans to be locked in me, and then hurl insults and contempt. Most likely she made some mistake. That pendant probably held the grimoire, her soul, and when I took it, he let me take it all. It's just not clear why ... It's clearly not an easy matter, it's stupid to think that she just decided to help me. She probably wanted to use me, or maybe she still wants to. Otherwise, why would I still be mad? Although, apparently, this is such a method of development, and also an indicator of my weakness. If I were strong, I would not become a "mad dog", here she is right. I have to admit, I'm pretty pathetic, being the son of a talented sorceress I'm still a weakling. Not that I am to blame, but, nevertheless ... I am definitely not fit for this witch, and even more so for the Gods who were able to slay her. You can say I got all the benefits, so her anger is quite justified ... "

Suddenly, Aidan's thoughts were interrupted by a cold voice. "You're not so stupid for a human, and not so smug. Hmpf! It still won't help you, even if I could not absorb your filthy soul, I will still find a way to escape, and then ...

"Shut up," Aidan interrupted irritably. "Did I talk to you?"

"Despicable ..." - from her haughty tone, the wizard only frowned:

"She can read my mind ... It's not even better. I won't have a quiet life at all? "

"Can you finally take a step and stop barking uselessly?" - again her discontent fell like snow on his head with contempt.

Aidan snorted in annoyance.

"I forgot to ask you. I may be grateful for the chance to live again, but I had no idea that everything would turn out like this ... "

"O Creator ... How boring you are, I had the same annoying pet, how glad I am that Anxelam and his geeks killed him! At least some benefit from this filth "- the witch herself snorted, for the first time showing at least something other than coldness and contempt, it sounded like a sadistic grin:

"When I get out, I will make everyone slaves!"

"And am I boring?" - the wizard rolled his eyes in irritation: "You swear like a poisonous bitch, I understand, without a man for so many years, you've completely become an old maid, but maybe you won't be spoiled for me? Besides, it says that you will get out - it's too stupid, do it first, and don't talk in vain! "

"Worm! Watch your language!" The witch swore coldly.

"But the fact that?" - Aidan snorted with a sneer: "You have already brought enough dermis to me by a nasty woman, I can't even imagine how much I still have to clean up. If I survived, because of your magic, I will clearly have problems with the Gods! So shut up and don't piss me off until I find a way to kick you out! "

"Th-throw out ?!" - for the first time her voice contained something strange, it even seemed to Aidan as if she panicked: "Just try bastard! If I disappear, you're finished! The grimoire will just make you a slave without me! "

"Shut up already ..." - the guy rubbed the bridge of his nose and grumbled: "I already forgot what I was thinking, because you stick your nose wherever they ask ... Hmm, I'm not much different from a slave with you either, so what's the difference? You will bother me and fly to hell with this filthy door! "

Deep in Aidan's mind, the pale witch trembled with rage. She did not show him her hot-tempered side, but now she almost started pouring all the curses accumulated over the centuries on him!

No longer exchanging words, she simply broke the connection and gritted her teeth:

"Geek .... Typical human: perverted, ungrateful, rude and stupid!"
