After all that piled on, Aidan rubbed his eye and shook his head.

- It's not scary, I'll think of something ... Only, now it's getting worse, I don't know at all how the appeal will go this time. Now I have comprehended quite a lot, I have become many times stronger, who knows where this will lead. Perhaps now even that spell of Mavis will be powerless ...

After a quiet sigh, he decided not to think about the problems, but to deal with the benefits. He also ignored the situation with this unknown witch. Even now, he was uncomfortable with her voice.

First of all, new acquisitions, the so-called Supreme Spells.

The magic of Death has three more:

- Incarnation of Death (summoning magic, allows you to summon a deadly avatar from magic, which will inflict death. He is incorporeal for physical attacks, only magical ones work)

- Withering (magic that allows you to manipulate the lifespan of the target. In fact, it can age or rejuvenate)


- Obsession (move into another magician and read all his thoughts and memories, as well as take control of the body and even kill)

Aidan studied them fully, but of course he did not fully understand them. Applying them with perfect success is unlikely to work, and for some reason he did not doubt that in the worst case, he would simply turn into his demonic version. At the same time, converted, he will be even stronger and will be able to use these spells much better.

- Now, if I could control this "Madman Mode", then everything would be much easier. Now even my regeneration is on a completely different level, I remember how I could change my claws and even bones. But, without conversion, I can hardly control my hair, voice and body ... Of course, for ordinary people this is already something beyond the bounds, but I gradually become some kind of strange creature. Magic enhances feelings, perception, regeneration and my body itself, and as practice has shown, a person is also possible ...

Contemplating the spells, Aidan nodded. Now he understood much more and it made him more confident.

"In fact, some of my capabilities are somewhat reminiscent of the Curse. For example, I can completely turn off the feeling of pain or even intensify it. I suppose this is connected with the Source of Magic, some laws ... If you evaluate the differences between the present me and me at the moment of conversion, then the differences are significant. First of all, the magic of the Assassin gives me the ability to regenerate like some kind of monster, I can probably now grow my limbs back. All my scars have disappeared ... "- Examining his skin, he just grinned: "I left them on purpose, but this is the end ... Although not so bad, I just want to explore these ruins and end it all, the past can be left behind."

If we briefly describe the passive abilities given to him by this ancient magic, then it is worth emphasizing the main thing:


Increased magic resistance

Spiritual resistance

Extrasensory perception

Body control

Reactive evolution

Natural regeneration

Increased immunity

Involuntary manipulation of chemicals (arousing sympathy, etc.)

All this is just the list that Aidan has identified in the course of his development at the moment. Simply put, the magic itself changed him. However, this also happened with ordinary wizards. Magic made them stronger too, but in his case everything was amplified at times and sometimes uncontrollable.

"Perhaps this is the secret of the magic of the Assassins ... Those who comprehend the magic of Dragons and turn into them themselves, and those who comprehend the magic of the Gods, can they acquire God's abilities? Still, for strong magic you need a strong body, everyone knows that. In my case, there is no need to doubt the power of Life and Death " While continuing to think, Aidan highlighted a couple of other important points:

"I finally touched my soul ... ESP and Obsession prove it. Even the knowledge of souls acquired from the grimoire is a real treasure. The problem is, it doesn't help me fight the curse in any way. I think you need to try and research everything yourself ... I wanted to return to the guild early, but now it might be worthwhile to hold up and do a couple of experiments on the dark guilds. Ruthlessly, but it may be possible to regain the ability to feel the approach of conversion. I have no other thoughts "

In addition to the expanded range of Death Magic spells, Aidan has reached the stage where Life and Death have slowly intertwined and can now complement each other in Supreme Spells. Previously, the magic of Life did not have higher spells at all, but now they are:

- Biomass (converting the enemy into biomass, and then the possibility of higher Absorption) (Higher absorption allows you to take over twice as much knowledge, reserve and life forces)

- Mutation (cross two types of creatures)

- Non-healing wound (inflicting a wound that cannot be healed in any way. Only a scratch, but it will bleed forever. Ruthless method)

"Biomass with Absorption will work perfectly, it would also be useful to check it. All these spells are useful, but also dangerous, now is the time to use them, before I turned. "

Having dealt with his main magic, Aidan finally turned his attention to the Curses. More precisely, on the basis of this knowledge. In the past, even Mavis hadn't told him anything about it, she hadn't even mentioned this section, and he himself hadn't asked, because he simply didn't remember about them. Only now, with the knowledge of this, he remembered about Tartaros and some of their skills, the same increase in pain, as an example.

"I remember their curse associated with the raising of the dead and something with explosions and storms ... Damn my memory, no matter how hard I strain my brains I can't draw anything out. Thanks to Mavis, I was able to somehow collect the knowledge together, but I need to work more on myself and probably find some kind of spell like the Archive. Unfortunately, I have no predisposition to this at all ... "

Rising from the stone floor, Aidan brushed the dust off his trousers and stretched his shoulders.

- Okay ... It's time to deal with the problems. Curses are part of my magic. Damn you understand what this witch mixed in there ... I'm not surprised that my mind is subject to such an influence, after receiving the second part of the grimoire in my head like some kind of hurricane ... Did I do the right thing? Why did I come here?

Grimly grinning at his condition, Aidan shook his head.

- It doesn't matter ... I wanted to go through this dungeon, right? Don't stop ... I feel like I have to go.

Lost in thought, he nodded.

- Yes, curses ... As I understand it, I will be able to study and comprehend more on my own, as soon as I can absorb something containing a huge amount of negative feelings and only then the Cursed Power will open to me, it is something like a special energy that can enhance and powerful magic already ... Hmm, maybe I can somehow take care of my problem if I can sort it out? " - Thinking in this vein, Aidan began to seriously think about this idea. He already knew where to absorb a significant amount of negative emotions from.. Besides, who, if not the Death Magician, can create enough of these feelings?
