
Fairy Tail, a place where time goes very differently from the rest of the world. Here Aidan spent day after day. He more than once went on missions with Natsu or Gray, and also managed to go on a mission with Lisanna, Elfman and his dear Wendy. The time spent with Erza and Kana became more frequent and already very quickly they even began to forget about the contract and tried to be with him at once.

In his spare time, Aidan continued to train the new Dragon Slayer, whose appearance surprised many, including Makarov. The old man was clearly impressed by this news. Three Assassins at once in the guild is already quite significant, especially considering that his grandson is also an Assassin and, like Cana, was a member of the Second Generation. Strong magicians gradually grew, and the girl trained non-stop. Now Aidan could at least do something to help her, since he himself possessed ice magic. Often reading books aside, he supervised the training, sometimes Gray joined them, he, perhaps, turned out to be the most joyful, since the guild added one more ice wizard.

But behind all this carelessness and everyday life, there was a long shadow that was growing day by day. Aidan was worried about many things, including the effect of his magic on others. Slowly, his patience was running out ...

In the library for another book, Aidan decided to contact Ikaruga. In recent weeks, his appearance has changed again, not only has his clothes become more strict, like a dark shirt and simple trousers, but his eyes seem to have lost their former shine. He literally changed before our eyes, although he did not care, many have already begun to notice the changes. He noticed them himself, after leaving Mavis, everything became kind of dull ...

Now he was more and more clearly aware that what was happening to him was much more serious than he had initially thought.

Only, now is not the time at all ...


Energy suddenly emanated from the blue sphere in his hand, and Aidan dropped his eyes and immediately met the attractive girl on the other side. Ikaruga smiled and bowed.

- Master, I am happy to see your face."Yes, and I'm yours ..." Aidan shrugged, as he couldn't deny the girl's lovely appearance. Although, his casual words clearly pleased her. One charming smile was worth what ... In any case, he was counting on this, since Ikaruga probably did everything in her best possible way and deserved at least some kind of reward.

- How is it on the island? Finally he asked the main question.

The sorceress smiled sweetly and shook her head.

- Nothing. More precisely, nothing important to you. Some kind of tribe lives here, as you said. I did not contact them, and the pyramid is still empty. Nobody started any ritual. Although...

Noticing the thoughtfulness on the girl's face, the wizard narrowed his eyes:


- What is there?

- Well, you see, sir ... Recently, some suspicious young man arrived on the island. I didn't like his appearance at once, some little brow-haired guy, here ... - the girl deftly took out a small notebook from her deep cut-out and turning a couple of dozen pages directed it to the lacrima. Although the cloudy surface of the sphere slightly spoiled the images, Aidan was still able to distinguish the portrait and immediately recognized the person drawn by Ikaruga.

"This is it ..." - he frowned.

- You draw well ... This is exactly who I need.The girl smiled sweetly:

- Thank you, sir, I am still not bad at writing poetry, if you are interested ... By the way, this man left immediately after he found the village of these strange creatures.

- Strange creatures?

`` Oh yeah ... '' Ikaruga turned a couple of pages and again showed a drawing of a horned creature with clawed paws:

- This is how they look ... Pretty cute, right? It seems they are not hostile.

"Yes, you're right ..." Aidan nodded thoughtfully. The demon race from Galun looked exactly as he remembered.

"Okay, keep tracking, as soon as the ship arrives with a huge chunk of ice, let me know. Up to Galuna no more than three days' journey, I can speed up and do it in a day. Be prepared.

Ikaruga bowed again and, as usual, opened up a beautiful view of her impressive charms:

- I will wait for you with impatience.

As soon as the connection was broken, Aidan leaned back in his chair and thought:

"They've already started scouting the area ... This guy is from Leon's team. Soon Diliora will be brought to the island and I will have three whole years to wait for the completion of the ritual. I think during this time Leon will play his part with his henchmen. Three years ... How I hate to wait, eh ... "

On that day, time again, as if at the behest of someone's thought, began to drag on more slowly. The darkness buried deep within Aidan's body began to awaken, preparing to break free in yet another rampage. He felt the time to leave the guild was drawing near. The next three years will again be filled with a long wait, you just had to accept it and get used to it ... Just keep on waiting ...
