
In the Eastern Magnolia Forest, among the dense forest thickets, there was one very large and ancient tree; it was at its base that the house of the famous Fairy Tail healer, Polyushka, was located. Aidan remembered her other name, but had never before tried to find out the truth.

Accompanying Kana, he was simply kicked out the door and made to wait on the doorstep.

Time dragged on ...

- For a long time they ... It starts to annoy ... - although he showed displeasure, but was not distracted. Now he was caring for the little twig with care. Using magic, he sprouted some leaves and finally planted the plant in the ground.

"New life, I hope you are lucky ... Decades will pass and you will dry up. The life of trees is fragile, forever in one place, compared to them, people are even lucky. Although, who knows ... "

While Aidan pondered, continuing to stroke the small leaves on the twig, Polyushka completed the entire operation to implant Dragon Lacrima. As a result, Cana was able to go through the operation with almost no complications and was now just resting.


Having finished with everything, Polyushka left her house and looked around, watching Aidan with interest.

"So Makarov did not lie, he is able to use such a rare magic ..." - looking at how butterflies and small animals gathered around the magician, the woman involuntarily smiled. For a long time she had not been able to see something so harmonious as the ability of this magician to merge with nature.

Aidan sat next to a small tree a little longer, and then turned towards Polyushka:

- How is Cana? I feel that she is not doing well ...

- Everything's under control. She is no longer a child, this has increased the complexity of the operation, but nothing special. Will wake up soon.

The guy nodded slowly, and then stood up, brushing his knees.


- So ... I like this forest. One part of me admires him, and the other ... - sighing gloomily, Aidan turned to the woman and met her dark eyes, their red tint at times inferior to his bright radiance. But, something similar was hidden in them, Aidan noticed this, and therefore turned his gaze to the sky:

- Your house ... do you miss?

The contact of glances was enough for Polyushka to feel something dangerous and sad at the same time. When he asked about "home", she began to understand something ...

- You ... What do you know?

- My magic gives me a lot, - grinning at his lie, Aidan explained:

- Returning this time, I began to distinguish a lot. For example, I can feel something alien flickering in my dear Wendy ... And also, I can understand that you are not a person from this world.Polyushka's face changed dramatically, she did not expect that a simple youth would be able to understand so much - his magic really amazed the imagination! Only, it doesn't seem that he behaved arrogantly because of this, as if it meant nothing to him ...

Turning to the woman, Aidan smiled slightly.

"I'll wait for Kan as long as it takes, after all, my home is where my people are dear to me ... Because that part of me admired this forest will never be able to win.

"What does it mean?" - she did not understand why he said it.

Cross-legged on the ground, the guy sighed and fell silent. Polyushka continued to study this wizard intently for almost a minute, so that in the end she herself would utter a bitter sigh and return to her hut.

"Makarov, I don't know what's wrong with him, but I'm afraid I can't help him ..."

The dark skies sprinkled countless stars, only then Aidan opened his eyes again and turned to the hut:

- At last. - then Cana got out of bed, the power of the Snow Dragon Slayer completely enveloped her entire body. Unintentionally, the cold swept through the entire hut.

Polyushka was preparing some kind of medicine at her desk, and when she felt the cold wind, she immediately glanced at the girl with irritation:

"Stop it, my herbs don't like the cold. Hmm, and in general, leaves, there your boyfriend is waiting for you.

- Adie? - Cana was immediately delighted and jumped out of bed: - I knew that he would wait!

Giggling, the girl went up to Polyushka and tried to hug her, but received only a threatening look from the old woman:

- Just come, you'll be sorry!

- Eh? - the girl got scared and stepped back a couple of steps: - What are you doing? I wanted to thank ...

- Get out - this is the best thanks! I hate people ...

- W-well, okay ... - Kana sighed and turned away: - In any case ... Thank you Polyushka, I won't forget this and ...

- Go already, your boyfriend brought me a fee, you don't owe me anything.

- BUT? Did he pay you ?!

- Hmm, are you deaf? Go away! - when Polyushka was already reaching for the broom, Cana finally panicked and quickly left this dangerous place. Before she had time to leave, the door slammed shut and Polyushka immediately closed with a couple of locks. Cana's eyebrow twitched nervously, after which she shook her head with a sigh.

"What a horror ... And why is she so grumpy?""Is my Dragon Slayer back?" - listened to a satisfied voice from the side. The girl immediately turned around and, to great joy, saw him ... Calmly, the dark silhouette stood below and waited with a warm smile. Cold and lonely, even the moonlight gave him a kind of heavy gloom. Cana smiled a little and jumped up to Aidan, she was not going to leave him alone.

As soon as the girl flew into his arms, the wizard immediately broke into a satisfied smile and his hands slowly slid down to Cana's slender waist, pressing her closer. The girl involuntarily shuddered and from such actions her body reacted:

- Damn, you always know how to touch me ...

- This is a secret gained by experience, - chuckling, Aidan kissed the girl and immediately asked:

- Will you show your magic?

- Well ... - Cana hesitantly stretched out: - I really don't know anything ... I just feel some kind of power and that's it.

- How do you like it?

- I like it when I close my eyes, it feels like I'm surrounded by countless snowflakes, so beautiful!

- Well, that says a lot, try to create them, just like you feel. Your spirit will respond on its own, just start.

Aidan stepped back a little and put his hands behind his back. He was eager to see what this adorable Snow Dragon Slayer could do now.

Cana hesitated a little, but then she closed her eyes, exhaled sharply and concentrated, literally right away, small crystals of snow began to appear around, and then, they became more and more ...

- Beautiful ... - watching this beautiful dance of thousands of snowflakes, Aidan smiled. He liked such coldness, and the icy beauty enchanted him. There was not much in this world that could make him smile. In something with his crazy side, he could agree, for example, they were both interested in beauty, they both admired her. They just acted differently with her. One wanted to defile, and the other just to touch, which is why Aidan reached out and touched the cold snowflakes.

"Not so bad, even a little cold, ordinary snow, so far nothing outstanding ... But, for now" - as the guy's eyes flashed with confidence, Cana immediately stopped using magic and immediately sighed:

- For now, that's all ...

Aidan put his finger in his mouth and relished it with pleasure.

- Mm ... Pretty tasty! This is the best ice I've ever eaten!

- Truth? - it is not clear why, but Kana was delighted: - Do you want more?

Laughing, Aidan came closer and hugged the girl again:

- You still have time to feed me, let's go, you need to rest.

- Ha, perhaps ... I want to go to a warm bed ~

- Then what are we waiting for ?!

Laughing playfully, a couple of wizards quickly left the forest. Very soon, on the way, they will meet Erza, and then the three of them will head to the nearest restaurant. Another carefree night in which he again distracted from reality ...

Around that moment, Polyushka was studying something special in his hut under the bright lights of candles. A large apple-sized lacrima, very strange, containing some kind of mesmerizing golden light. Aidan's gift turned out to be precisely this lacrima, which contains a certain amount of his life magic. For a healer like Polyushka, such a gift has become something very valuable, far superior in importance to any Dragon Lacrima. For her, such magic was akin to a treasure, and it was this that she wanted to start studying immediately. Still, life can influence people in different ways. Even if Aidan warned a woman to be careful, even with such seemingly "kind" magic, her determination and thirst for new knowledge can lead to surprising consequences. Even if he didn't want to risk it, he still gave her such a special gift ...
