The fight between the two sorceresses was rather brutal. Mirajane hovered in the sky and sent compressed beams of energy at her opponent, while Ikaruga often dodged and sometimes sent cutting or searing attacks into the air. In fact, the battle has reached a dead end. Mira quickly realized that in close combat she was finished, but she also could not help the constant maneuvers of the swordwoman.

"Enrages!" Swearing, the sorceress squeezed the ball of energy in her clawed paw, and then threw it into Ikaruga. After another crash and scattered pieces of earth, the swordsman calmly dodged and struck her blow with a fiery blade! The spectacle of bright flashes was mesmerizing, especially when you consider how beautiful sorceresses used such deadly magic.

"Girl, you should retreat, you cannot win this battle," Ikaruga waved her blade a couple of times with a calm smile, "My Mugetsu-Ryu hasn't shown all its power yet, don't make me! Your blood will brighten this touching day ...

Mirajane laughed sharply, holding her bloody shoulder.

- Today I'll give you a funeral, stay! - grinning viciously with her fangs, the girl stretched out her clawed palms:

- Evil explosion! - at the same moment, a beam of powerful dark energy burst out towards the swordwoman. Ikaruga immediately snorted and shook her katana, and the next moment she was covered with many sparks:

- Flash of the lightning blade! - instantly in the direction of Mira rushed the shine of the blade, charged with the force of the elements. The explosion was not long in coming, the two forces collided, but nothing ended there!


Grimacing viciously, Mira abruptly retreated higher, residual sparks almost reached her:

"This is a nasty girl! Perhaps even this nerd would lose to her ... If not for my wings ... Damn! " - Suddenly Mira turned around and involuntarily smiled with relief for herself.

"He is back..."

Slightly gloomy Aidan walked in her direction, with each step the ice cracked under his feet and all his magic quickly dissipated. The cold stopped spreading and even Ikaruga found it easier to fight, but she was not at all happy about it. All her comrades are dead, even if she did not feel any affection for them, at least they had common goals and at the right time they could cover each other's backs. Now, even the Guild Master escaped, finding himself here alone against the flying demon, she was still in danger and now this danger was walking right in her direction with a face that definitely did not dispose of a peaceful conversation.

Pulling the blade closer to her imposing chest, the girl's bare shoulders trembled slightly:

"Fate is so ruthless. Is my dance over ...


Suddenly, Aidan stopped ten meters from the two fighting sorceresses. He narrowed his eyes and reached for his sword. Ikaruga was not filled with confidence, even if she knew about the enemy's skills in fencing, she was not afraid of them at all ...

Having touched the handle, the guy suddenly stopped, thinking about something. Casting a careful glance towards the dead pieces of Vivaldius, he nodded.

"It is worth picking up the spear, that up to the girl ..." - again turning to Ikaruga, Aidan straightened and calmly said:

- We have a task to destroy the Skull Dynasty, with the death of four and the escape of your Master, the job is only half done.

With a wry grin, Ikaruga gently stroked the hilt of the katana.

- So, what are you waiting for? I'm not running anywhere ...

Mira grinned harshly, but didn't move as she continued to watch Aidan's actions. She was already looking forward to when he made his move. The guy, in turn, did not attack either, he just smiled and said:

- With your death, nothing will change, although ... Since I killed your comrades, you can become a problem.

"Do you think I'm going to take revenge?" - the girl smiled slightly: - Are you trying to make me lie or tell the truth?- And what do you think?

Ikaruga was silent for a little, and then smiled playfully:

- And if I promise not to take revenge, then what?

- You can leave or come with me. With your abilities, you can earn money legally.

- Hey! Are you crazy?! - shouted Mira sharply. She could not believe that he was starting to offer an almost defeated enemy a chance to retreat! He couldn't be scared of her sword skills, could he ?! No, she didn't believe it ...

"Is this girl ..." - glancing over the bare shoulders of her rival, Mirajane gritted her teeth in irritation:

"Couldn't he buy into her depraved appearance ?!"

While the fire of irreconcilable hatred blazed in the eyes of the sorceress, Aidan took a step forward and said:

"So what do you choose, stay on the side of the Skull Dynasty or follow me?"

Ikaruga narrowed her eyes slightly and bit her lip.

- Do you want my loyalty? Is my beauty really so ...

- Don't flatter yourself, - the magician interrupted: - You are pretty, but I say this only because of your skills. Moreover, if you betray me, your body will face the worst consequences.

- Wow, how scary, - laughing, the girl nodded: - It even sounds tempting. My life is like a spring flower, the moment has come to step out of the shadows ... Have you decided to become my sun? I'm impressed. My blade trembles with emotion overwhelming me!

- Um, yes ...

"What is she talking about?" Aidan coughed.

- This is all good of course, but I hope he doesn't cut anyone until I tell you. Do you understand?

Ikaruga smiled sweetly and got down on one knee, bowing.

- Yes, my lord, this blade and my heart are from now on yours!

"What the hell is this woman talking about ?!" - Mira already wanted to spit poison, watching from a height the expression on the face of this pink-haired girl! No matter how you look at it, she didn't look upset at all! It seemed as if she was truly happy!

"Here is a snake! I want to kill her! "

Even Aidan flinched at Ikaruga's reaction. He guessed that in this guild clearly not all close friends, but he simply could not miss the chance to recruit a strong swordsman. With business on Galun or even with some important work on other continents, he could not cope alone, and he did not really want to involve people from the guild in his affairs. So when he saw the swordwoman in such a precarious position, he decided to seize the moment. She held out to the "S" rank, the benefits of living much more than dead. Of course, there was no question of any sympathy, Mira thought too much for herself. It was worth recognizing the beauty of Ikaruga, but this was the last thing Aidan was interested in, in recent years he has changed significantly and acquired completely different values. The current relationship was quite enough for him.

- Well, okay, get up. As I said, don't even try to betray me. - he acted confidently. Naturally, Aidan was not going to trust the former killer at his word, but he understood well: how birth, upbringing and life path can lead in the end to an unpleasant ending, full of emptiness. He himself was one of those and also killed. This made him even more suspicious. Ikaruga gave up so quickly and so humbly that it felt like some kind of ridiculous comedy. In any case, confidence in success gave the ability for the magic of life. Until the head was cut off, Aidan fully believed in his ability to heal and save the others. In addition, he did not intend to bring Ikaruga to the guild, he would take this responsibility only on himself, without exposing others to attack."My blade still did not know defeat, the dark glitter of your ice showed me a new world. It was wonderful! - the girl sang with admiration, smiling tenderly, closing her eyes.

Mirajane snorted and flew up to Aidan, cursing in displeasure.

- What the fuck ?! Are you going to pick up all the titted women ?!

- Hmpf! What an ill-mannered girl, in such a vulgar outfit, you still dare to appreciate my excellent breasts. Ikaruga mocked.

- What vyaknula ?! Do you think I won't kill you ?!

`` Hmm, you can try, '' quickly finding herself behind Aidan's back, the girl haughtily said:

- But, you first have to ask my master!

- Y-you! - Mira gritted her teeth until she crackled and turned her eyes full of rage at the guy:

- Y-you! You both! I thought better of you!

- Hey, you misunderstood everything ...

- Hmpf! Spit! I'm not talking to you! And in general I'm leaving!

Aidan watched her with an annoyed look, then sighed.

"Well, but relations have just begun to improve ... This girl is too impulsive."

- Argh! Your mother! - Mira began to swear again, getting close to the edge of the fog. Turning sharply towards the wizard, she did not even look at Ikaruga and shouted:

- Get me out of here, and then don't even look at me!

The swordsman took a step forward and remarked with displeasure:

- Sir, this girl does not respect you at all, can I teach her manners? I swear I'll be gentle!

Aidan involuntarily noticed the sadistic lights in Ikaruga's eyes, which immediately frowned.

- Do not overdo it, she has a difficult character, but we are friends.

- Hmm, as you say, - the sorceress nodded guiltily, returning the katana to its scabbard:

- I have never obeyed a man, I still have a lot to learn. I am counting on you, in this matter I am completely innocent.

"Maybe I was in a hurry?" - Aidan sighed, the first time he encountered such a strange girl.

"You think too much about it. I had no intention of using you as a personal servant. A little help in some matters is enough for me. - waving his hand, the guy added:

- Come on, or she will flare up again.

- Got it!
