Mira finally woke up from the influence of the rocker's magic and cast an angry glance towards his corpse. It finally collapsed and quickly covered with dark ice. But the girl was pissed off not by this ...

- Fool! You've finished three already! Leave me at least someone!

- Hey, I actually care about you! - dissatisfied with her words, Aidan was indignant:

- You'd better resist!

- Shut up! One more word and I won't talk to you anymore!

"Do me a favor!"

The guy snorted grimly and rushed at the remaining opponents. All their fighting spirit had long since evaporated, and when they were left alone, they had not hoped to win for a long time. Ikaruga, however, did not panic, as if she was not afraid, although she no longer smiled as before.


"Hu ... He's so interesting ..." The girl was still casting sidelong glances at Aidan. She really wondered how he would kill her. Whether she receives death from the blade, or maybe he will freeze her, like the rest. From the anticipation of her imminent death, the girl already had tears ... However, to call it tears of sadness is a complete delusion. Sad poems and asked to escape from her romantic heart.

However, the Skull Dynasty Master could not waste time on poetry, he was slowly overwhelmed by panic!

Teleportation and an amazing spear, together with the terrible strength of the enemy, made him completely reconsider his plans for this battle ...

- Y-yes, who is this kid! Who the fuck ordered us ?! - the old man yelled at the top of his lungs. He could not even imagine who brought such a terrible disaster to them!

Ikaruga, in turn, calmly retreated to the side. She finally found an opportunity ..."Shout louder, please ..."

"The teleportation comes in handy, thanks Mavis," Aidan whispered softly and regained his former focused expression. Even if she had taught him such useful magic, he was not going to think too much of himself. The world is full of wizards many times stronger and for them these six weaklings are no bigger than insects. Acnologia would probably have killed them all in less than a second. You can't relax, never!


Leaping from his place, Aidan attacked sharply with his fist, moving behind the old man's back. Now, without the threat of the five magicians, he decided to end the main threat!

He immediately reacted and drew signs in the air with his finger, the letters immediately came to life and Aidan instantly slowed down. As if finding himself in an impenetrable swamp, his speed dropped significantly.

"Yes, show me everything you can ..." - paying attention to Mira, the guy was surprised to notice her fighting Ikaruga. It was not easy for her, dodging the sharp blade, striking at a terrifying speed. The sorceress has already received a couple of wounds, but thanks to her ability to fly, it has become much easier for her.

Dodging the old man's surprise attack, Aidan abruptly backed away from the viscous letters.

- Again! - grinning, the wizard abruptly teleported behind the enemy's back and waved his hand, it literally froze before our eyes, turning into a huge dark fist of a giant!

Meeting with such power, the old man shuddered, even his body, enlarged thanks to the letters, will clearly suffer seriously from such a fist. And he was too fast! Here the wizard teleported, but his hand literally transformed from nothing into a dark something.

There was a crash as the old wizard barely had time to stick out his hand and use the remaining letters of protection on his index finger. But, his strength was barely enough ...

Coughing up blood, the old sorcerer crashed into his former guild. Being weakened, the ice began to quickly cover his body, which also happened not so long ago with the rest of the killed Aidan, and now it was his turn.

Remembering her killed people, fiercely again seized his mind!

- Aaaaa! I will kill you geeks! - uttering a furious roar, the giant rose and all the dark ice immediately crumbled to pieces. The old man's size had decreased by a quarter, but he still looked quite impressive, under three meters tall and covered all over with purple letters, they sparkled and shimmered all over his body, even moved and wriggled.With another roar, he ran to the enemy:

- I do not know who hired you freaks, but I will have my revenge! - Sharply spreading his arms to the sides, the magician directed his palms down, and then the letters on his neck and head flashed with a bright bloody glow.

"I won't die here, creature!"

Aidan tensed and involuntarily reached out to the blade. Without a spear from a magic weapon, he had only a sword, an ax and a bow, but all of them could not be compared with the power of a spear. Just mediocrity compared to the masterpiece of the master. Even so, the sword can still strike better than fists ...

Suddenly the old man laughed furiously and his eyes turned pale, he threw a look full of rage at Mirajane and croaked:

- I'll kill you geeks! I see your brat's guild mark, Fairy Tail will pay! You will all pay! - howling into the heavens, the old man abruptly took off and at an impressive speed rushed into the fog. Aidan frowned and gritted his teeth.

- Yours ... - turning in the direction of Mira, he shouted:

- Deal with the swordsman! I'm after him! - Without waiting for an answer, the wizard pulled on the trail. Now the enemy was radiating a significant amount of magic, tracking him down was a piece of cake.

"How fast!" - Gathering his strength, Aidan burst into the depths of the fog and the ice under his feet seemed to come to life. Using the old method, he began to channel the chilling power into his legs and driven by the energy, just like in an exam, he began to catch up with the enemy.

"Hmm, he's way faster than Laxus! This is bad..."

It should be borne in mind that the Magic of the Ice God Slayer was not created for high-speed chases. Aidan developed this method himself and naturally had limitations. The speed can be adjusted, but the main limit cannot be exceeded, and it was at this peak that Aidan moved now and even then with Laxus. The principle of operation is very simple, ice creates blades as well as icy ground underfoot, while the force of cold escapes from the user's feet and, in fact, accelerates his movement. The fire can be made hotter, the ice colder, but this will not affect the speed in any way, here also. Someone simply cannot fly with the speed of lightning ...

After five minutes of chasing, Aidan had almost left the forest and stopped abruptly. A shadow of irritation crept over his face ...

- Yours ... I ran away. - The guy swore in displeasure and shook his head:

- It's unpleasant. In pursuit, teleportation is useless, and I'm still a beginner. So speed is my next weakness ... - unfortunately he could not do anything. Now he probably would have lost to Laxus in speed. Had he been on this building with him, it would probably have been possible to catch up with the old man. But, there's nothing you can do about it ...

"Eh, well, it doesn't matter." Turning around, Aidan quickly walked back to Mirajane. Ikaruga is a dangerous foe, leaving them together for long is not a good idea.
