An hour later, a couple of wizards were already sitting in the train carriage and moving towards their intended goal. Aidan calmly read the book while snacking on an apple, while Mirajane stared at him in displeasure. When he forced her to buy tickets at his own expense, her patience was almost exhausted!

Glaring at him for about a minute and not getting the proper reaction, she snorted, then sank into her seats and grumbled:

"It's more boring with you than I thought.

Aidan dropped the book and tossed it to his backpack.

- You know, if you want so much fun, we could go somewhere ... But first, tell me what the task is?

"Hmm, nothing special," Mira closed her eyes and pretended to be sleepy. Aidan narrowed his eyes.

- Yah? From what I hear, Mirajane decided to choose something "not special", and even took me with her. Don't you think this is strange?


Bending down a little, the guy approached the girl's pretty face and asked with a smile:

- You either decided to spend my time on yourself, or ... The task is still special.

From his gaze and such hinting words, the girl's eyelashes trembled and she sharply opened her eyes:

- Okay! Yes, I knitted a more difficult task ... Just think? You're strong, you can handle it!

- Have you decided to take your job on me? What kind of task is there in general?

Mira snorted in displeasure, straightened her skirt, and then reached into her top. Aidan raised an eyebrow in surprise as he watched as she slipped her thin fingers between her two sparkling mounds. Suddenly, she pulled out a small leaflet and holding it between two fingers, she thought about it, after all handing it out to the guy. Playful lights flashed in the eyes of the sorceress, and her lips parted in a sly grin.


Aidan accepted it, examined it, and then squinted at Mirajane's face.

"Who do you take me for?" - grinning also maliciously, he sharply bringing the piece of paper to his nose and inhaled the female aroma with all his might.

- You! - Mira gritted her teeth and blushed: - What are you doing !?

Fortunately, the carriage was almost empty, no one paid much attention to the girl's cries.

Aidan laughed at her sweet reaction and licked his lips.- You smell good, I could not resist. If you want to embarrass me with such nonsense, you should try better ... It is your own fault, you will make me less nervous!

- N-nervous ?! Yes, I ... - she did not have time to finish, as the guy waved his hand and began to seriously read the leaflet. At first he smiled carelessly, and then a shadow of discontent crept over his face, quickly covering his bright face with its gloom.

- Your Fairy ... What is this ?! - Aidan indignantly unfurled the flyer and pointed at the red "S" stamp with his finger.

- Okay, the rank of the assignment, I didn't expect anything else from you. But, did you see it ?! Jabbing his finger at the text over the three hundred million award, Aidan grumbled.

- Skull Dynasty ... Even if we know their location from this leaflet, I will have to fight. Do you understand that?

- What ?! Why would you have to fight ?! It's just a guild of three idiots, an easy target for the two of us! Three hundred lyamas for some fools unable to put together a normal guild. These weaklings killed some rich man, I successfully ripped off the leaflet.

Aidan let out a long breath and shook his head.

"You didn't even tell the old man about it, did you?"

- Hmm, I'm not a fool, now only Erza does such tasks, I'm not going to sit on the sidelines.

"You know, I think even Erza won't be able to withstand this trio. Do you even know who these guys are? They are not simple fools for you, they are quite strong. Aren't you surprised why they give three hundred lamas for them?

Mira shrugged her shoulders carelessly.

- Who cares, I have become much stronger and together we can beat them. I was wrong?

- Well, - Aidan sighed and still nodded: - Since this is so, you will listen to me, understand?

- What?! Why would ?! - Mira snorted and turned away: - If you do not want and are afraid to fight, I can handle it myself.

"Damn, she's so problematic ... I'm not sure how strong these three are, and whether there are three of them at all ... But, obviously, three hundred lyams are not given for simple fools. In the future, some of these three will be able to resist Erza. Eh ... But the reward still needs to be taken from the old man than she even thinks ... "

Sighing, Aidan shook his head.

- As you wish, if there are three of them, then a hundred for each. The one who finishes the most and gets everything.

- Hey, it's not fair! - Mira was indignant: - You will take and beat everyone! We did not agree so much.- Hmm, are you really afraid? I thought you were sure of yourself, since you chose such a task ...

The girl gritted her teeth furiously, and then straightened her skirt and sat down in her place:

- Okay. As you wish, if I beat everyone, then don't complain.

"Yes, yes, of course ..." - Aidan mentally grumbled: "Would you have called me then, if everything were so simple ..."

The wizard returned to his book and calmly said:

"When we're done, we'll go to Akane, the merchant there must give me something from Bosco. We'll have fun at the casino at the same time, they say it's fun.

- Akane? - Mira was surprised: - This is a resort town, have you already been there?

- I haven't. I met a merchant named Derek, he told me that his family has a shop in Akana. There they sell various magic trinkets for visiting wizards. He promised to bring me rare things.

- What kind of things? - Mira became interested and crossed her legs. Aidan followed her slender charms out of the corner of his eye and returned to the book, adjusting his glasses.

"I didn't have time to explore the Trade Province and buy something worthwhile, but Derek promised to help. He is originally from Bosco, but told me that his family has great connections in many countries. Regarding various magical trinkets, he also has something. I myself do not know what he has in store there, but he promised to help me with this.

- Hmm, - Mira narrowed her eyes suspiciously: - Since you are calling me, are you ready to share? It looks like you have interesting connections ...

- It's just an accident. Derek seems to be rich, but I don't know how much, so I'm not counting on anything particularly valuable. But, in Magnolia and Hargeon, I could hardly find anything interesting. All books are kept in libraries, artifacts are often not sold, and if they are sold, then in the capital. I am completely out of the way, affairs, and so full.

Looking out the window, Aidan smiled a little and asked:

- Would you like to have a snack? It's already lunchtime.

"Hmm," Mirajane smiled. "You're lucky, Elfi is a great cook for kuzumochi.

- Oh, for the first time I hear that it is ...

For a little snack, Mira started talking about his family, brother and sister first. If this wicked person did not vent her anger and did not try to provoke them, then only Lisanna and Elfman. For her, they are the most dear people and there was no need to doubt, her every word was saturated with affection. Aidan listened with a slight smile without distraction. He did not know what it was like to have a sister and even more so a brother. Stories like these evoked longing, but at the same time made him remember important goals.

Admiring the views outside the window, the guy smiled sadly:

"I wonder how Ultear is there ... Am I doing the right thing, waiting ..."

Mirajane dozed, but sometimes she opened her big blue eyes and secretly looked at Aidan's face, as if trying to find something in him. Noticing his sadness, she frowned, then sighed and closed her eyelids again, trying to drive away unnecessary thoughts.

"I wonder what he's thinking ..."
