
When Mirajane left the forest and walked away, she finally broke down and cursed in irritation:

- Fool! - with an angry face, she went home. She so wanted to beat someone ...

"He always hangs around with this Kana, but okay she, so he also spends time with this arrogant!"

Stop, the girl turned around and sadly lowered her eyes:

"But ... Still, such a strange feeling ... Sometimes I want to punch him! And sometimes ... "- bursting with a blush, Mira snorted:

"Just think ... Just a kiss, with this fool he does know what he's doing! How can I like such a lustful fool? "


- Oooh ... - drooping her head, Mira was depressed: - What's wrong with me ... Okay, these two, but how did I get into this? Eh ...

After their little skirmish in the guild when they first met, Mira only wanted to surpass him and how to remember that incident. But each time meeting with him, it seemed to her as if his calmness and mystery was only getting deeper, as if an emptiness dragging on everything in its path. The exam showed huge differences in strength, and Aidan grew non-stop. Now it is not even clear how strong he is. He became completely incomprehensible, and after that assignment, even more so ... After that incident by the river, when she noticed his sadness, she suddenly felt uncomfortable. That day, for the first time, she could not resist, plunging into these mysterious depths ... After Wendy's constant stories about him, Mirajane's thoughts were completely confused. She just decided to kiss him ... and then he did it himself!

"Womanizer! You filthy womanizer! " - all she could was to constantly swear at him and blush in embarrassment. He made a promise, and then went to have fun with others! It made her more and more angry!


Already in the evening, relaxing in a cafe on the outskirts of Magnolia, Aidan looked at the tired Kana with a grin. The girl eagerly devoured all the food. Wendy and Charlie were eating ice cream nearby.

"I'll go on a mission tomorrow, practice alone.


- Wow, I'll rest at last! - Kana muttered rather, immediately meeting the guy's frown. Giggling, the girl waved her spoon.

- Just kidding! I'm just kidding! And I myself know why this is ... not small.

- Brother, and you for a long time?

- Most likely not, Mira is not the Senior Wizard yet, so her tasks are definitely not too long.

Charlie flicked her tail and the little red bow quivered playfully. The kitty took a sip of tea and said:

- I think this year Mirajane will definitely pass the exam.

Cana sighed in displeasure and nodded.- Most likely.

"Don't think too much about it," Aidan smiled encouragingly. "You have a lot of time ahead, you better take care of your strength.

- I'm trying ...

During a short conversation, the time flew by. In the evening, Aidan returned home with Wendy, while Cana persistently returned home thinking about something. In her top and short shorts, the girl looked amazing. Therefore, it is not surprising that attention is often paid to her.

"So Mira goes there too? Hmm, yeah ... Erza will definitely appreciate it! Although, I like her, I rather do not like the way she acts insolently! Even I didn't allow myself ... "- blushing a little embarrassedly, the girl smiled:

"Hmm, I'm with him anyway.

While Cana was smiling contentedly and walking along the pavement, a passing guy suddenly approached her:

- Hey, girl, would you like to ...

- Mm? - Cana stopped and narrowed her eyes: - What do you need?

- Uh, - the guy adjusted his glasses and chuckling replied: - I saw you and it seemed to me ... Well, would you like to have some coffee?

"Is he suicidal?" Cana exhaled and shook her head.

- I have a boyfriend, bye. - With a wave of her hand, she stopped paying attention to him and walked on.

- Ah ... Um, ha-ha ... - remaining ignored, the guy scratched his head laughing:

`` I-I'm sorry ...

Cana paid no attention to him anymore:

"How long have I been reacting this way? Boy ... Ha, I have a boyfriend now! Here she is female pride! Hmm, that's just, he's not really my boyfriend ... "- With a grin, Cana shook her head.

"Well, if it's only Erza or Mira, then I don't mind ... Erza is head over heels in love with him. As for me..."

Stopping abruptly, the sorceress turned her pensive gaze to the stars:

"If you think so, every time I see him, everything trembles in me ... In childhood, when we first met, he seemed funny to me ... So thin and weak, and those eyes ... Wow, such a cutie!" - Smiling charmingly, Cana nodded.

"I liked him, but he behaved so strange ... I remember how he made fun of my breasts! Ha and who is laughing now! " - a suspension of their voluminous forms, the girl smiled playfully:"But I never remembered it for him! What a sly man, made me embarrassed and doubtful, and then fell in love with himself! What a creepy guy! And now she generally torments in training ... I definitely need to do something ... "- the beautiful silhouette of Erza immediately surfaced in the girl's thoughts and Kana smiled slyly:

"I think she won't mind!"

Continuing to build her cunning plan, Cana finally returned to Fairy Hills.


The next morning, Aidan had breakfast with Wendy and, cheered up by a nice hug from his cute sister, headed to the guild. As he approached the building, he immediately spotted Mirajane. The girls were serious about something with her brother and behaved like a formidable older sister. Such a scene even amused and caused an involuntary smile.

As soon as Elfman spotted Aidan, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and waved at him, clearly trying to defuse the situation. Mira immediately drew attention to this and as soon as she noticed the guy in the distance, she muttered with displeasure:

- Where are you going, I really thought you would not come.

- Are you kidding? Six in the morning, did you sleep at all? - getting closer to Elfman, Aidan smiled:

- Your sister will bring me to the grave.

The big guy chuckled wryly. He certainly could not argue with this.

- Hey! I'm actually standing here! - Mira was indignant: - Elfie, look after Lisanna, if someone touches her, break their legs!

- Uh ... Okay sister, I understand ... - the wizard nodded slightly nervously. Aidan patted him on the shoulder and smiled.

"Don't worry about me, your sister won't let me be offended.

Elfman laughed and nodded.

- My sister is a real man! - slightly bending down, he added: - Don't let her rage, the Master sometimes asked us to restrain her.

"Don't worry," Aidan nodded with understanding, when suddenly Mira from the side shouted:

- Are you going there ?!

- Yes, I'm coming, don't shout!

Having caught up with the girl, the guy waved to Elfman, and then asked irritably:

- Have you even bought tickets?

- I? Why, aren't you the senior wizard here?

"Until you stop being mean, I won't buy you anything."

Mira snorted contemptuously.

- It hurts ...
