Volume 12 Chapter 6 - Bazaar

Part 1

Eighth day.

We got down from the ledge and headed towards the bazaar.

Looking from above, the bazaar was like a donut.

The tents surrounding the lake were like frosting.

And surrounding those were bits of green.


I haven't eaten such a pastry in a long time.

"We finally arrived."

"You're right, even though it's only been ten days, it felt like such a long time."

"Probably because of all the monsters."

The ground was not a desert.

The earth was reddish-brown, with fist-sized rocks spread about.


The ground may be similar to that of the Magic Continent.

Thanks to that, it was fairly easy to walk.

The temperature also dropped considerably.

From the ledge to here, there was a great difference.

By the time we reached the bazaar it was evening.

Bats were flying around over the reddish earth.

Thinking there was a succubus, I put myself on guard.

But, the bats did nothing but fly.

They neither dove for an attack, nor was there a succubus in their midst.

These were just bats.

However, even though we're close to the bazaar, there may be monsters.

We moved while being alert.


When we got close to the bazaar, a cry of a griffon could be heard.

We became even more wary.

"What was that?"

"They must be fighting."

Elinalize said that while looking ahead.

I still couldn't see where.



I got a blunt reply when I asked that.

We got closer to the bazaar.

Then, we saw several people and griffons.

Four humans.

Five griffons.

No, to be exact, it wasn't four people.

It was six.

people were on the ground.

In addition, 1 person was crouching while holding his head.

The rest were in the middle of battle with the griffons.

vs. 5.

The remaining three were coordinating well with swinging their broadswords.

However, I could grasp that they were quite fatigued.

"Shall we assist?"

When I asked Elinalize, she shrugged her shoulders.

So which is it?

"I'll leave that to you."

Leaving them to die would make me feel guilty.

Why not help them out?

"Let's save them."

"Understood. Cover me!"


Elinalize broke into a run.

At the same time, I shot out magic at the griffon that was in the air.


It probably wasn't paying attention to me.

However, it seems it took evasive action at the last minute.

It avoided instant death.

With its feathers scattered, the griffon fell.

There, as if Elinalize was dancing, she stabbed it in the neck.

I continued to fire off rock bullets one after another.

I took down the second one with a single blow.

The third one avoided it.

The griffons noticed my presence.

However, in front of them were armed men.

And there was also Elinalize who is skilled in defense beside me.

That being the case, I could shoot out magic all I want.

We won't be losing now.

We steadily beat them down.


The last remaining one was trying to run away.

I shot out a rock bullet at its back and finished it off.

I can't afford to let a wounded beast get away.

The battle was over.

I went together with Elinalize towards the group.

"Is, is it finished!?"

The man who was crouched while holding his head looked up.

He looked around restlessly, then let out a sigh of relief.

The group of warriors fighting the griffons approached us.

"What are you doing! Hurry up and look!"

Amongst the men, a warrior was giving out instructions.

The person who received them ran off somewhere at full speed.

"Seriously… what a disaster, why are griffons here…"

The man giving out orders carried the remaining two, and looked at us.

"You've saved us. I'm grateful."

The man giving out orders wore something like a yellow gown on top of a red robe.

He had a red dot marked on his forehead.

He really looks the part of a merchant of the desert.

He had a long and skinny moustache.

However it wasn't majestic.

It gave off a feeling like its an accessory.

I felt a bit relieved.

"Not at all, it's times like these that we have to help each other."

"Normally you'd just abandon us."

Since he thanked me in Fighting God language, I replied back in the same.

It looks like they can understand, and it got through to them.

Seems like we'll be fine.

"May you be graced with the blessing of the winds."

Saying only that, he turned back.

And walked towards the place where the comrades had fallen.


The remaining two were clad in red armor.

Their bottom half had something like a skirt with thick loincoth hanging down.

They were more heavily armed compared to warriors on the Central Continent.

Hanging from their waist was a big curved sword.

It was thick and wide.

It easily surpassed the length of a meter.

I often saw swords like this when I was on the Magic Continent.

They were probably effective against large monsters.

Their swords were big, and their armor was thick.

I wonder if that was why they couldn't match up against the quick and nimble griffons.

"A magician, huh, that's unusual."

A big man murmured.

A large tattoo on his face.

An eyepatch on his left eye.

His height was close to 2 meters.

He seems to be about 40.

His behavior seemed as if he had tons of experience.

"Bro. This person, maybe she's a succubus?"

There was a girl on their side.

She said that while staring at Elinalize.

Dark skinned, wearing chest armor and loincloth-like skirt.

While I couldn't see underneath her clothes, she seems like she has a lot of muscle.

She seems to be in her early twenties.

<What are you saying?>

Elinalize didn't understand their words, and looked puzzled.

She doesn't understand Fighting God language.

<<'Is she a succubus', you say?>>

<<Well, it's not uncommon that she would get mistaken for one.>>

<<Shall I confirm it?>>

<<But, she isn't giving off a stinky smell.>>

<<Well, to men, it's a smell of pleasure.>>

The big man hit the girl on the head.

"Fool! Like there's a succubus that'll accompany a man! For someone that saved you, what's with that way of speaking!"

"But, bro, when the bats were flying, when you saw her, you said you thought she's a succubus!"

The girl being hit was crying out in a pathetic voice.

It was hard to understand her words.

Maybe she's got a strong accent.

While I could pick up a few words here and there, I felt a bit uneasy.

"Geez, that's why you get called a blockhead!"

The tone of the man facing her was normal.

'Clear'…not sure if that's a good way to describe it, but for me, I could easily listen to his Fighting God language.


The big man sighed.

Then he looked down at Elinalize and apologized.

"I'm sorry, please don't take offense. This person…she's Karumerita, but she's a moron."

Elinalize looked at me with a troubled face.

She couldn't understand what he was saying.

<…What did he say? Is he courting me or something?>

<The girl beside him called you a succubus, and he's apologizing.>

<Ah, I see. I forgive him.>

With a smile that could charm a man, Elinalize smiled at the big man.

I could tell that face of the big man turned red.

"It seems she's not worried about it."

"I, I see. Does that woman not understand our words?"

"Yes. I'm an interpreter."

The big man looks at Elinalize bluntly.

I could more or less get what he was thinking.

Probably something like, 'that's a nice girl.'

Or perhaps, 'She's got no breasts.'

Elinalize probably didn't mind this at all, as she's used to being gazed like that.

She even had a boastful atmosphere.

The man broke off his gaze from Elinalize, and looked at me.

"…I'm Baribadom. Let me thank you again."

"I'm Rudeus Greyrat. This is Elinalize."

"I see, if anything happens…"

"Hey, what are you guys standing about for!"

Someone was shouting at Baribadom.

It was the man from before.

"Hurry up and look for the cargo!"

"Pardon me. I'll thank you later for sure."

Baribadom and Karumerita went to the side of the man.

Those three were discussing things briefly,

But they quickly split into two groups and went off.

All in the blink of an eye.

"Oh, how frank. Even though they could at least say thanks."

Elinalize was grumbling.

It's not like she wanted a reward or anything.

"The wounded are left here, huh…"

I looked at the people who were on the ground.

If they need treatment, I could use healing magic if necessary.

When I was thinking of that,

"Are they dead?"

To begin with, they didn't even show the attitude of wanting to be treated.

Was it that obvious?

"These people are quite young."

One was a young girl.

She must be about eighteen years old.

Her head must have been smashed by the griffon's beak.

There was a large hole on her forehead.

It was instant death.

"On this continent, I wonder if it's a custom to leave the dead behind."

"That doesn't seem to be the attitude of adventurers."

"They didn't look like adventurers, though."

While conversing, I burnt them with magic and buried them.

To not give their comrades a burial, how heartless.

The warrior from before, I think he was named Baribadom.

He said he would thank us later.

But, we hadn't even asked the name of that moustached master.

Without telling us his contact info, how is he supposed to thank us?

Don't tell me, is he going to look for us?

Is he going to track us down, then tell us to come get our reward?

Is it that kind of culture?

…Well, it's fine.

He probably didn't want to give us thanks from the beginning.

I'm just a good-hearted person.

"Well then, let's go."


Thus, we arrived at the bazaar.

Part 2

We entered the bazaar.

By that time night had fallen.

But our surroundings were quite bright.

Like a temple festival, there were bonfires lit here and there.

Around these bonfires were rug-like cloths being spread out.

On top of them, were men and women eating and having a good time.

It felt like some kind of flower viewing.

Everybody was wearing turbans.

While their clothing colors and patterns vary, the colors of each race was well defined.

Me and Elinalize felt out of place.

Although this sense of being out of place is nothing new to us.

"I'm getting hungry."

"Yeah, me too."

Seeing people eating made me hungry.

That doesn't change no matter which world you're in.

That being said, we need to find a place to sleep first.

When I was thinking that, a man called out to us.

"Hey, you two, wanna eat? I'll treat you to a meal for just 3 Shinsa!"

It seems that he was selling leftover food.

Whether or not he was calling to one or both of us, we accepted his invitation.

We can't think of a good plan when we're hungry, after all.

When we sat on the rug, the advertiser held out his hand with his palms up.

"Please pay in advance, I'll get some food for you."

I took out 3 copper coins from my pocket and gave it to him.

When he took them, he made a puzzled expression.

"What is this?"

"They're copper coins from the country of Ranoa."

"What country is that? I can't use these."

As expected, in these parts, money from the country of Ranoa can't be used.

It was obvious.

We were planning on going somewhere to exchange currency, so we don't have any on hand right now.

"Is this fine?"

When I was thinking of what to do, Elinalize slipped something in the advertiser's hand.

It was a metal ring.

The advertiser took it, then brought his face close to it and took a good, long look at it.

Afterwards, being satisfied, he said 'Thanks', then went to seek other customers.

"In times like these, bartering things is better."

Yeah. This must be the wisdom of the elders.

Her judgement was quick.

"Elinalize, you are really quite reliable."

"Nothing will come from flattering me."

I sat on the rug.

For some reason, there was a strange nostalgic feeling.

I wonder if it's because I haven't sat on floors for some time now?

It felt like sitting on carpets in Japanese households.

"Here ya go!"

We didn't order anything, but food came out.

It was white mushy soup, which seemed to have beans, meat, and potatoes cooked together.

And the steaming meat was giving off a spicy smell.

There was also some kind of sour fruit from the southern countries that had sweet sauce on top of it.

Sweet soup, spicy meat, and sweet and spicy fruit.

It's a combination that makes one yearn for carbohydrates.

Or, so I thought, but it was unexpectedly pretty good.

The soup was especially good.

At first glance it seemed like white meat and potato stew, but the dripping part was actually cooked rice.

In other words, it was some kind of porridge.

I didn't think I would be eating rice here.

Since there were no paddy fields, I wonder if it would be decent.

I had heard that you could harvest rice even in the tropical regions.

Yeah. This rice is good.

I finished it in the blink of an eye.

I felt that even if I didn't want to eat the rice by itself I'd end up just finishing it regardless.

I was in really good spirits.

I wonder if it's possible to cultivate this type of rice in the north also.

If Aisha can study this type of agriculture, it might be possible.

No, I shouldn't raise her to become a farmer just for my own convenience.

"Oh, for someone who complains about the taste, you sure are quiet today, Rudeus."

"That's because this is much more delicious than I thought."

I even ordered seconds.

I don't mean to find fault with Sylphy's cooking.

But, this is different.

Rice is another story.

If there were eggs and soy sauce, even better.

I see.

Perhaps there may be soy sauce on this continent.

For eggs, I can use something other than Garuda.

A bird will produce eggs.

There is rice, and there are eggs.

In that case, there's only one thing left.

Soy sauce.

"Alright then, let's find an inn."

However, we're not here to sightsee.

Once we rescue Paul, I can spend time to find it.

I'll postpone looking for now.

I'm not here to play around.

"It seems it'll be good to find a guide tomorrow morning."

Looking around, the surrounding shops were starting to close up.

With lights being extinguished, it seems that was also a concept of bedtime here.

It seems to be pretty early to sleep.

Now doesn't seem to be the time to hire someone.

Since the advertiser from earlier was still here, I decided to ask.

"Excuse me. Is there an inn around here?"

"Inn? We've got no such thing here, just sleep wherever you like."

We got that answer in reply.

There were no such thing as an inn at the bazaar.

It seems that it's natural for travellers without a roof to just sleep outdoors.

In our case, I could just make a shelter.

"How will we be sleeping?"

"It seems it's popular to sleep near the waterside."

"Then, let's go somewhere further away."

We consulted then decided on a spot.

We decided to set up a place to sleep between two tents.

If the tents are big, there must also be many guards.

There won't be many people that want to steal from a place near here.

This is what you call 'looking for a big tree when you want shelter.'

I made a big bedroom.

While it took some time to make it, it was wider than a shelter.

It was a good size enough to spend at least one night.

Then again, it'd be very hot inside when the sun is up.

This is only useful at night.

"Phew, anyway, thanks for everything so far."

"Yes, same to you."

We placed down our luggage, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's at least be on half alert."

"We'll do stuff tomorrow. We'll prepare what we need, and then look for a guide."

We easily confirm what needs to be done tomorrow.

Resupplying of food.

Securing our money.

Confirming our road to Lapan.

Searching for a guide.

That should be all for now.

We conducted maintenance on our equipment.

We polished our sword and shield, then confirmed there were no scratches on our armor and robes.

This has already become our everyday routine.

Our equipment inspection ended.

We made a bed using a blanket.

All that's left is to sleep.

At this point, Elinalize got up.

"Now then, time to head off."

To the convenience store?

As if to say that, I turned my head at her in puzzlement.

"Where to?"

Elinalize answered with a bitter smile.

"Searching for men."

She said something bold, but to put it simply, it's to fulfill her curse.

"You should be fine still during this period, yeah?"

Elinalize's curse typically requires sex once every two weeks.

With the magic tool, that's extended to 2-3 times.

So she can hold it in for at least a month.

The last time she did it with Cliff was nearly two weeks ago.

Seems like a good time to 'replenish'.

"Yeah. But, I want to do it at least once here."

"I see…"

This is a round-trip that will take about 3 months.

And to account for unknown factors, it may possibly be 4 months.

Even if the curse can be suppressed for 3 months at the most, she must do it at least once.

Either way, it's something we cannot avoid.

"I understand, please take care."

"Yes, see you later. I don't mind if you go to sleep first."

"Then I'll take you up on that offer…Ah, would you know what they are saying?"

"Won't be necessary. Things like this are pretty much the same anywhere."

Elinalize said that as she headed out of the shelter.

Part 3

The next morning.

I was crying "Ants!" as I woke up.

It was an attack of phalanx ants!

…Though nothing like that happened.

I was able to get a full night's sleep for the first time in a long while.

The dreams were good.

I dreamt of Aisha and Norn insistently asking for a ride on my shoulders.

When Norn got on my shoulders, Aisha pouted.

When Aisha got on my shoulders, Norn cried.

Finally, Sylphy came along, and like a bully got on my shoulders.

When I chided with 'hey now, take turns on the swing',

Sylphy would go 'No no, this is mine!' and such, and made Norn and Aisha cry.

When she appeared, Sylphy was fully grown, but when she rode on my shoulders she was as small as when she was seven.

It was a good dream.

When I woke up, I unconsciously broke into a grin.

Thanks to that, I felt quite refreshed.

When I looked beside me, Elinalize was unusually bright, sleeping with a satisfied face.

It seems she enjoyed a lot last night.

I felt sorry for Cliff.

Part 4

When it was morning, the bazaar completely changed.

The quiet atmosphere at night went away, and a lively scenery appeared.

Goods were lined up in front of tents, and people were raising their voices.

"Big melons here! Will be disposed of tomorrow!"

"Claw of a griffon! Right now only 30 Shinsa!"

"Is there anybody selling Naniia cloth? I wish to trade them with fruit from Tokotsu!"

The merchants were shouting their goods and prices in a loud voice, and those who were buying raised their voices more.

One could exchange with currency, or conduct bartering.

This scenery of crowds of people full of commotion was stretched out.

"Here's a glass bottle from Vega! It can't be found any further east! Is there anybody who wants it?"

What attracted me was the glass.

It seems that glass bottles are a specialty product in this region.

Pretty square patterns were neatly lined up on the glass bottle.

With regards to glass, the people of Begaritto had a high aptitude for handling it.

The Central Continent also had glass.

But the glass was thin and rough, and was low in transparency.

Of course, even Begaritto was at a level far from modern day Japan.

But, there were many interesting shapes that gave off a hand-made feel.

Maybe I should buy one as a souvenir before heading back.

"Rudeus, we're not here to sightsee."

"I know."

In the midst of this scenery overflowing with liveliness, we began to set out to do what we planned before.

First is money.

This region's currency is called Shinsa.

Ever since coming to this world, this is the first time I heard of this currency.

It felt like a fresh reminder.

In the Central Continent there were things like gold and silver coins.

Though, the shape doesn't change.

It was just a round metal plate that had a clumsy pattern engraved on it.

When I was with Eris and the others at East Port, I remembered seeing those at least once.

Selling a little of what I had, I obtained a bit of this currency.

Although bartering seems mainstream here, having money gives for a peace of mind.

I sold things from the northern part of the Central Continent at a high price.

To my surprise, I sold them with the price three times that of cheap dried meat.

If I tried harder, I could have sold it even higher.

If I brought this glass over to Ranoa, I could probably make a killing off of it.

Though it seems like it'll attract attention, so I probably won't do it.

For the time being, I presently have about 5000 Shinsa on hand.

While I am not sure how much we will need to suffice, yesterday's meal was 3 Shinsa.

If I have 5000, this should be plenty.

After getting enough money, I gathered information about the labyrinth city Lapan.

I easily gathered information about Lapan, apparently it's a big city.

It seems that Lapan is about a month's trip north from here.

It's exactly what Nanahoshi's info said.

Once, I tried listening in on the path to get there.

"While it's a popular route to take a detour around the desert by going through the way of Ngotsu, there have been many robbers recently so it's dangerous. If you're a smart merchant, you'd cross the Ucho desert. From a landmark in the east, you'll arrive at an oasis if you head north, then from there head west along that path, then when you see the Kara mountain range, head north while facing the left mountain side and you'll reach another oasis. Once you cross that, then once you come out from the east, if you head northwest from there, you'll intersect with the original route."

It's all gibberish to me.

There were many proper nouns, with landmarks, mountains, and deserts everywhere.

For now, I understand there are 2 routes, but unless you're accustomed to travelling on the Begaritto Continent, you can easily get lost.

"You don't sell maps here?"

Once, I tried asking that.

With a map, it'll be reliable.

It's reassuring to at least get a rough position of where I am.

However, the answer I got was bad.

"Map? Who would make something like that?"

As I was told.

There wasn't an Inou Tadaka around here.

Thus, like our original plan, I decided to hire a guide.

"Then, is there a place where people gather that would guide us as far as Lapan?"

I asked that, just like a shot in the dark.

However, that too proved to bear no result.

"While there are people that know the roads, I doubt you'll find one looking for someone to go to a place like that."

"Is that so?"

"Well, normally you'd look for places for trade, right?"

"I see."

It's obvious once you think about it.

I wonder why I didn't realize this while we were coming here?

Elinalize casually said to hire a guide.

As a rule of thumb for her, if you don't know the land you're travelling in, you'd hire a guide at the starting town.

Using a teleportation circle, the idea of starting the journey at the midpoint never crossed my mind.

There may have been some warped logic there.

It wasn't going as planned.

However, one should not be impatient.

Things don't go according to plan all the time.

It hasn't even been two weeks since we started on our trip.

Once you think about how it normally takes about 1 year to get to this point, we've progressed far too well.

"In times like these, what would you do, Elinalize?"

"I'd just break through with my own strength. But, to be honest, I'd rather not go through another desert."

"Of course."

"So, what are you going to do?"

"…Let's see. How about looking for someone that is planning on heading towards Lapan?"

"That seems good, let's do that."

Aisha clung onto caravans and was able to travel really quickly.

I'll follow her example.

Then again, it's not like we're traveling quickly, more like getting directions from place to place.

"Do you have an idea of where merchants heading towards Lapan would be?"

Just like guides, there wasn't anybody recruiting for guards either.

But, Elinalize is an S-class adventurer, and I am a Saint-class water magician.

Thinking that, I continued investigating.

It seems not many merchants here want to go to Lapan from here.

They seem to normally head towards the city in the east named Kinkara.

However, it's not like there wasn't anybody.

Lapan was called a labyrinth city, and there are countless maze dungeons surrounding it.

It's a place full of magical items.

People stock up on magical items there, then head to another city to sell them at a high price.

There were merchants that did that type of trade.

Those merchants carry a magic stone or magic crystal from the southwest, passing by here, then heading towards Lapan.

"But, I don't know how long it'll be to get there.

I mean, I'll definitely pass by there within a few months or so…"

Hearing that, I felt a little uneasy.

If that's the case, it'd be better to stick with other merchants heading east.

If it's a trade hub, we can hire a guide there.

Thinking that, we continued to look around.

While there were many merchants heading to Kinkara, not a single one was going to Lapan.

Maybe it's best to go out of our way to Kinkara after all.

When I was starting to think that, we got a result.

"If you want to go there, you should seek out master Garuban. If I remember, he should be around the tents on the west side of the lake. Go look for him."

We searched for this man called Garuban.

The merchant named Garuban was a person that made his fortune peddling from Lapan to Tenorio.

He carries magic stones to Lapan, then from there he carries away magical items.

Possessing six camels, he seems to have made quite a living from this.

Once we knew the name, we found him immediately.

It wasn't as big of a tent as was described.

Six camels were tied up outside.

Just like the info had said.

When we got close to the tent, a dark-skinned girl came out.

She was wearing chest armor and a loincloth-like skirt.

While I couldn't tell from underneath her clothes, she seems to have a lot of physical strength.

Wait a sec, it's the face I saw yesterday.

It was the female warrior Karumerita.

"Hey, you were from yesterday!"

She was surprised as she pointed at me.

It seems like she remembered me.

It seems the man with a small group that we saved yesterday was Garuban.

Saving people creates good opportunities.

Part 5

Garuban gladly welcomed us.

"When we returned yesterday, we didn't see you guys around, so we were surprised."

We were told they went looking for their cargo, their fleeing camel.

When they returned after recovering the camel,

We had already disappeared.

Seeing that his comrades were properly cremated and buried,

He couldn't find us even though he wanted to say thank you.

It seems he went around for a while looking for us.

I really wanted to ask for an explanation.

But, it could be perhaps that's the common sense of how things are around here.

First priority is cargo.

Everything else comes after.

"This must be fate, would you become my guards?"

Garuban wanted to replenish his guards.

Well, two of them did die yesterday.

"How about 600 Shinsa including meals until we reach Lapan? Hmm?"

It seems like something he had thought of before.

Using flattering words, that we did a great job at defeating those griffons, or something like that.

Even though you were crouching in fear and didn't see it at all.

However, this is what we had wished for.

"We'll go ahead and take on escorting you to Lapan."

"Ooh, is that so! I appreciate it!

If that's so, I don't mind hiring you with an exclusive contract.

I haven't seen any magician quite like you. Let's give you a bonus.

One year is 10000 Shinsa…well, Baribadom would complain. How does 8000 Shinsa sound?"

"We also have our own objectives, so let's leave that for another time."

Since it seems the talk of this was getting bigger and bigger, I stopped it then and there.

And so, we got ourselves a guide to Lapan.

Just a little more now.
