She had often come to the Chunlai Hotel's restaurant back when she was still a child, so she was well aware that no such rules existed. This man was lying.

"You're lying. Call your manager, I want to speak to him. Let's see if this rule truly does exist. If it doesn't, you'd best believe I'll file a complaint against you!"

Qin Jing's tone was sharp, and her eyes flashed coldly at the waiter.

A new wave of fear washed over him after hearing that. If this was called to the manager's attention, he might get punished.

He definitely couldn't get a superior involved in this matter.

Meanwhile, Yao Tangturned to look atQin Hao beside her.

He was quietly observing the people around them, his thoughts unfathomable behind his narrowed gaze.


"Didn't you come to deliver something? Are you still not leaving?"

Qin Hao stiffened. He forced a dry laugh. "There's no need to rush. Brother Cheng hasn't told me which room to deliver it to yet. He must be occupied at the moment. I'll wait for him to notify me."

The truth, though, was that he had been sent here to check on the situation. He couldn't afford to go back without anything to report.

Despite that, Qin Hao wasn't expecting something like this to happen shortly after they parted ways withYao Tang.

For now, his task was to protect her. If she was harmed in any way under his watch, he knew that there would be hell to pay.

There were many other terrible fates Qin Hao would rather suffer other thanCheng Yan's wrath.


Besides, he had to admit that this show was quite interesting to watch.

Cheng Yan had sent two more bodyguards with him, so he didn't really need to do anything. If the situation became too difficult to handle, he could just give the Young Master a call.

Qin Jing scowled. She knew she was the one in the right, and she hated the fact that these people were using their social position to bully others.

But if this mother and daughter were really from one of the three major families, the Qin family might find itself in a pickle.

They might be rich and powerful in Beijing, but they were still lacking compared to the three great families.

The Qin family didn't even come close to matching them in terms of power.

Perhaps Qin Hao could be of use here.

After all, he was backed by the Cheng family, and theCheng familywas the leading figure among the three great families. Their influence was as immeasurable as their wealth.

"Sister Tang, just let him stay and help us out," Qin Jingsuggested. "I have a feeling that this matter is only going to get worse by the minute."

If the mother and daughter were as powerful as they make themselves out to be, Qin Jing might have to suffer this insult in silence.But she wouldn't have to endure that if the Cheng familystepped in.

Madam Meng was outraged at their insolence. How could they chat idly, as if no one else was around?

She was still standing there, and her party hadn't even been seated yet! It seemed that these kids had no proper upbringing.

They couldn't even show her some basic respect!

Madam Meng leaned close to the waiter and whispered, "Get someone to take them outside first. I understand that you can't do anything to them here since this is your workplace. I'll have someone deal with them once they're out of the premises."

The waiter instantly brightened at that. He squared his shoulders again and assumed his earlier arrogance as he glared at Qin Jing.

"Security! Security, someone is causing trouble here!" His voice was louder this time, alerting the other guards outside the restaurant.

His eyes were wild, as if he would not be appeased until Qin Jingand her companions were dragged out.

Yao Ran bristled where she stood. If the guards tookYao Tangand the others away, then there would be no more show to enjoy.

She needed to make them stay.

"We're all acquainted anyway, so why don't we settle this peacefully?" she spoke up. "It wouldn't be good if things got out of hand. Let's just eat together, okay? The more, the merrier, as the saying goes."

Then, as if anticipating another round of protests, she plastered a wide smile on her face and added, "This meal will be on me. Please indulge me this one time."

Madam Meng was rather impressed byYao Ran's manner, and she shot the girl an appreciative look.

"Madam Yao raised her daughter well. Ranranis a sensible child, unlike some people her age."

She was clearly alluding to Qin Jingand her friends.

Qin Man beamed atMadam Meng's words.Yao Ranwas indeed a sensible girl who even earnedQin Mansome praise.

She was a far cry from Yao Tang, who did nothing but embarrass her in the short time they had known each other.
