William II had a gratified smile on his face. Yes, although the enemies of the German Empire are very powerful, they have the most powerful army in the world and a navy that is undergoing rapid development. Even in the face of many powerful countries, future wars, they are not without chance of winning.

"Everyone can have confidence, that is naturally the best. I believe that God will bless the Germanic nation. In future wars, even if we face the siege of many powerful countries, we will be the ones who will win in the end. Yes!" said William II.

   Qin Tian looked at everyone's performance and nodded secretly. Because of his efforts, the German Navy has embarked on a completely different development path. The capital ship, which is more powerful than the capital ship of the British Navy, is being launched and built rapidly. This will give the German navy the chance to catch up and even overtake the British navy. Even in terms of numbers, it may not be the opponent of the British Navy. However, the performance of a single ship can definitely crush the British Navy. In this case, once a future war breaks out, the German Navy still has a good chance of winning.

  If the German Navy can defeat the British Navy and win the decisive battle at sea. So, will Germany be dragged to death by the Allied Powers like in history? I am afraid that such history will not repeat itself. As long as it can continuously obtain various materials needed for the war through overseas trade, Germany will be able to continue the war. Even if it ends up hurting both sides, it's better than losing. Besides, Qin Tian is working hard to save enough war materials for Germany before the outbreak of the war, so that Germany will not be in trouble in these aspects. Coupled with Qin Tian's plan to arm Germany with various new weapons to further enhance Germany's military strength, Germany will have a greater chance of winning in future wars.

"It would be great if Germany could defeat the British navy at the beginning of the war, while at the same time inflicting heavy losses on the French on land. In that case, Germany would be able to spend a lot of money on Britain and France in a short period of time, and the rest of Russia and France Italy is nothing to worry about." Qin Tian thought secretly.

  To change the fate of Germany's defeat in the First World War and win the war for Germany, this is Qin Tian's goal. He has been working hard for this all the time. Although, it is very difficult to achieve this goal. However, at least they are getting closer to this goal step by step. Qin Tian believed that as long as all his plans were successful before the war broke out, then Germany would definitely win the war in the future.

"Everyone, in the face of the alliance of Britain, France and Russia, the empire is powerless to stop it. The only thing we can do is to prepare for war and further strengthen our military power so that we can defeat our enemies with strong military power after the war breaks out. , to win the war. I believe that as long as we are united and work hard to achieve all this, future victories must belong to us." William II said confidently.


   "Victory belongs to the German Empire, and the Empire must win!" The ministers are full of confidence in the future.

  Deutsche Shipyard, although this shipyard has not been a large shipyard in the empire for a long time. However, it undertook the construction of most of the capital ships of the Imperial Navy. Four 'Nassau-class' battleships, the lead ship of the 'Helgoland-class' battleship 'Helgoland', and three 'Blücher-class' battlecruisers. Among them, four "Nassau-class" battleships and three "Blücher-class" battlecruisers have already begun to launch into the water for outfitting. The "Nassau-class" battleship with the fastest construction progress is expected to be completed by the end of this year and delivered to the German Navy. By then, the German Navy will also enter the era of dreadnoughts.

   And Qin Tian is also preparing to start the construction of the capital ship of the next level after these berths are vacated and the workers are free. After the "Blücher-class" battlecruiser, the German Navy needs to have a more powerful battlecruiser. And, a new class of capital ships after the "Helgoland class" battleships.

  These battleships, which are constantly under construction and launched into service, will become the backbone of the German Navy and a strong guarantee for the German Navy to defeat the British Navy.

  The British Navy is also very concerned about the German Navy's shipbuilding plan. As early as the pre-dreadnought era, the German Navy started building a large number of battleships, which put great pressure on the British Navy. Although, the number of capital ships of the British Navy still has an absolute advantage. But no one can guarantee that as the German Navy builds capital ships faster and faster, it will quickly surpass the British Navy.

   Fortunately, the service of the British Navy's "Dreadnought" made those old dreadnoughts all obsolete overnight. The advantage of the British navy, not only has not been reduced, but has begun to expand. It seems that the British Navy is once again ahead of the navies of all countries in the world, leading the development trend of the navy.


   Just when the British thought they could sit back and relax, the German navy was still catching up. Moreover, on the new capital ship, it will continue to compete with the British Navy. Although the German Navy has not yet completed a new battleship, there are quite a few battleships under construction. Once it is put into service in batches, it will inevitably pose a greater threat to the British Navy.

  In September 1907, a piece of intelligence was placed on the desk of Sir John Fisher, the Secretary of the Navy of the United Kingdom, with several photos attached to the intelligence. It can be clearly seen that there are several huge battleships undergoing outfitting, and even the main guns have been installed.

"God! Is this the new German battleship? The displacement is larger than that of the Imperial Navy's battleship. The caliber of the main gun is also 305mm. The three triple-mounted main guns are deployed along the central axis, which is undoubtedly A pioneering work, this layout seems to be better than the layout of the capital ships of the British Empire Navy. Could it be that they have solved the problem of the accuracy of the triple-mounted main guns? It is hard to imagine that such a design was actually made by the Germans .More importantly, it seems that their new capital ship will be completed and put into service soon." Sir John Fisher was shocked and sighed. As the head of the Royal Navy of the British Empire and the initiator of the dreadnought project, he is undoubtedly the person who leads the development of the world navy. But now, he is still shocked by the German Navy.

   "Come on, prepare the car, I'm going to the Prime Minister's Office immediately!" Sir John Fisher ordered.
