The capital of the island country, Tokyo, the Prime Minister's Office.

  A car with a license plate of the Ministry of War, under the protection of several jeeps and trucks, drove into the Prime Minister's Office.

   The one who got out of the car was General Gen Sugiyama, Chief of Staff of the Japanese Army.

   "Your Excellency Chief of Staff, Your Excellency the Prime Minister is waiting for you in the office." The secretary of the Prime Minister Hideki Tojo said.

  General Gen. Sugiyama nodded, and went directly to the office of Prime Minister Hideki Tojo.

   "Your Excellency, Prime Minister!" Gen. Sugiyama saluted Prime Minister Hideki Tojo respectfully.

   "Sit down, Your Excellency the Chief of Staff." Prime Minister Hideki Tojo nodded.


   "Hi, Your Excellency the Prime Minister." General Sugiyama Moto took the seat next to him.

   "Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, is the domestic conscription going well?" Prime Minister Hideki Tojo asked.

  After Germany rejected the island country’s request for peace talks, and massively increased its troops in Southeast Asia and Australia, assuming a posture of destroying the island country, the island country government was indeed frightened. On the one hand, they made a strong statement that they would fight to the end, and on the other hand, they frantically recruited troops in the country.

  Although, the total population of the island country is less than 80 million. However, the island government led by Prime Minister Hideki Tojo put forward a crazy slogan of recruiting another five million troops. You know, the island country army now has more than six million troops. If another five million were recruited, that would mean that 15% of the people would join the army. This is equivalent to recruiting young and middle-aged men from all over the country into the army. Even the elderly and children were not spared.

  Of course, the island government also knows that this is a very crazy behavior. But they hoped to scare the German army through such a move, so that the German army would not dare to attack the mainland of the island country. Or accept the island country's summation. In this way, the island country can end the war at a relatively small cost, and even obtain a relatively decent peace.

"Your Excellency, the recruitment of troops has gone very smoothly. A large number of people have joined the army enthusiastically. It is estimated that in about a month, five million troops will be recruited. However, it may be very difficult to arm these troops. We are already seriously short of It’s a heavy weapon. It can’t even be done with one rifle per person.” General Sugiyama Moto said.


   Prime Minister Hideki Tojo nodded, this is indeed a real problem.

  The island country lacks resources, although it has plundered a lot of resources from the Indonesian and Philippine archipelagos before. However, it is also consumed very quickly. Both the army and the navy are big consumers of these resources. So much so that it is now impossible for the island government to arm the newly recruited troops.

   "Let's find a way to equip rifles as much as possible first! The bullets can be a little less. If it is really impossible, one person can fire two grenades." Prime Minister Hideki Tojo said.

   "Hi, Your Excellency Prime Minister." General Sugiyama Moto nodded.

"In addition, the ordinary people of the empire must also be mobilized. Once the Germans attack our homeland, we must let them know that all islanders will bravely resist their attack. In this way, the Germans will retreat in spite of difficulties. A flicker of madness flashed in the eyes of Prime Minister Hideki Tojo.

  Although, if you surrender to the German army, you may be able to save a lot of people from dying. For island countries, it is also the best choice. However, Hideki Tojo and the soldiers of many island countries would rather die than surrender. They are willing to take more than 70 million people in the entire island country to hell, and they are unwilling to surrender in humiliation.

   "Hi, Your Excellency Prime Minister." General Sugiyama Moto replied.

   "By the way, Your Excellency the Chief of Staff, what is the matter with you this time?" Prime Minister Hideki Tojo asked.

   "Your Excellency, the commander of the Southern Army, General Hisashi Terauchi, has sent a telegram requesting support." General Sugiyama Moto said.

   Prime Minister Hideki Tojo's brows immediately frowned: "The German offensive has just begun, and the Southern Army can't hold it?"

"Your Excellency, the German offensive is very fierce. Moreover, the German army has received a large number of naval artillery fire support and air support from the sea. The Southern Army fought very hard. All units were lost under the strong firepower of the Germans. It is terrible. Now, all the Southern Army units are retreating steadily. With more and more main German troops landing, the Southern Army is in a very dangerous situation. If it is not good, they will not last long in Nanyang." General Sugiyama Moto Said.

   Prime Minister Hideki Tojo's face suddenly became very ugly. The strength of the German army seemed to exceed their expectations once again! And this is obviously not what the island country wants to see.

   "The Southern Army has no way to resist the German attack, is it?" Prime Minister Hideki Tojo asked.

  General Gen. Sugiyama nodded: "Judging from the current situation, this possibility is very low."

   "What if we provide support to the Confederate Army?" Prime Minister Hideki Tojo asked.

  If the German army can be dragged in Southeast Asia, and then continue to consume the vitality of the German army, this is undoubtedly what the island government wants to see. In this case, at least the war will not burn to their homeland, and they can avoid too much loss.

   "Your Excellency Prime Minister, if we support the Southern Army, we can persist in Nanyang for a longer period of time. However, it is still very difficult to completely hold the German army back." General Sugiyama Moto said.

   Prime Minister Hideki Tojo nodded, he already had a decision in his heart.

   "Okay, what support would Terauchi-kun want?" Prime Minister Hideki Tojo asked.

   "Terauchi-kun hopes to get the support of the air force to weaken the air superiority of the Germans. In this way, their pressure will be less." General Sugiyama Moto said.

   "This is no problem, the Army Air Force can dispatch two air forces to reinforce them!" Prime Minister Hideki Tojo said. He was the commander of the Air Force and had a great influence on the Air Force.

"In addition, Terauchi-kun hopes that the navy can be dispatched to defeat the German navy. In this case, the Germans will lose the support of the navy and their air superiority will be weakened. The possibility of the Southern Army's persistence is much greater." Admiral Sugiyama Moto Then he said.

  Prime Minister Hideki Tojo frowned again: "I'm afraid it's not easy to get the navy to fight!"

   "However, Your Excellency, Prime Minister. If the navy can win, the situation in Nanyang may change. In order to win, we must let the navy go to war." Admiral Sugiyama Moto said.

   Prime Minister Hideki Tojo nodded: "Okay, let Shimada Shintaro, Nagano Shoshin, and Yamamoto Fifty-Six call immediately. Put pressure on the Navy and let them send a joint fleet to fight."

  General Sugiyama Moto nodded in agreement.

  In the current island country, the army has an advantage. Therefore, if they put pressure on the navy, the possibility of the navy's rejection is very small.
