In the northwest of Sumatra, the nearly 300-kilometer coast from Banda Aceh to Medan is the area where German troops landed. The seven capital ships of the capital ship formation of the German Navy's Indian Ocean Fleet, a large number of cruisers and destroyers, opened fire on the beach frantically within ten kilometers from the coast.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The large-caliber heavy artillery shells fell one after another, causing a devastating blow to the positions built by the island army on the coast. Continuous fortifications were destroyed under heavy German shelling. Many soldiers who poured in were killed directly under the heavy shelling of the German army.


  Accompanied by a sharp and piercing whistling sound, the German Air Force's dive bomber dropped a heavy aerial bomb on the island army's position.

  The bomb made a violent explosion, leaving a huge crater on the Japanese army's position. Almost all the army of the island nation in this area was torn apart.

  A formation of twelve H-11 medium-sized bombers flew over the sky at a height of 2,000 meters. The magazines were opened, and bombs fell like raindrops one after another, directly blowing up a section of the island army's position into a sea of ​​flames. The island army stationed in this position suffered heavy casualties.


  Under the joint attack of the German navy and air force, the troops of the island country army stationed on this line of defense suffered very heavy losses.

   It is the 14th Front Army of the Japanese Army that is defending the front from the German attack. The army in this area is very strong. In addition, the defense zone of the 7th Front was next to the 14th Front. Once the 14th Front cannot withstand the German attack, the 7th Front will immediately reinforce it. The 2nd Army and the 18th Army of the Japanese Army serve as reserves.

  Medan, Commander of the 14th Front Army of the Island Army, Commander General Tomofumi Yamashita has already woken up. The sudden attack of the German army forced him to leave the bed.

"Your Excellency, the German offensive is very fierce. They are attacking our defense line with warships and aircraft. The defensive offensive built on the front line is being rapidly destroyed. The losses of various units are also very large." Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Akira Muto reported road.

  General Yamashita Fengwen has a serious expression on his face. He knows that his 14th Front Army is about to face the biggest test.

"Order the frontline departments to preserve their strength as much as possible before the Germans launch a landing. But once the Germans launch a landing, they must fight to the death and try their best to resist the German attack." General Yamashita ordered. .


  Under the heavy shelling of the German Navy and the bombing of the Luftwaffe, continuing to stick to the line of defense is no different from dying. The naval artillery firepower of the navy is not so easy to resist. Even the destroyer's 105mm naval gun is much more powerful than the army's 105mm howitzer. To fight hard without commanding the sea is simply courting death. As for the fortifications, there is no other way if they are destroyed. Compared with those fortifications, people are the most important.

   "Yes, Your Excellency, Commander." Lieutenant General Akira Muto nodded. He also believed that General Yamashita Fengwen's decision was extremely correct.

"In addition, report to the Southern Army Command that we have been attacked by the Germans. The big war has already begun. At the same time, send a telegram to the 7th Front Army, the 2nd Army and the 18th Army, asking them to prepare and reinforce us at any time !” General Yamashita Fengwen said.

  Although the 14th Front Army has a strong force, it is almost impossible to resist the German attack alone. The support of other forces will be essential.

   "Yes, Your Excellency, Commander." Admiral Akira Muto immediately went to make arrangements.

   "Hope, we can withstand the German attack this time!" General Yamashita Fufumi's eyes could not hide his worry.

  Actually, without Yamashita’s report, General Hisashi Terauchi, the commander of the Southern Army of the island country, also knew that the German army was attacking them. Because Java Island was also attacked.

  Four "Bavaria-class" battleships of the German Navy's Pacific Fleet, leading a group of cruisers and destroyers, forcibly crossed the Sunda Strait. With the main force of the island nation's navy withdrawing from Southeast Asia, the German navy can be described as rampant.

  Of course, the German Navy also pays great attention to anti-submarine and air defense. Sonar and air search radar are always on.

  Because the southern part of Java Island is mountainous, the terrain is not suitable for landing. Therefore, the German Navy is preparing to land directly in the northern part of Java Island. The terrain here is flat and there are many ports, making it more suitable for landing operations.

  The island army may not have expected that the German navy would directly forcibly break into the Sunda Strait and launch an attack from the northern part of Java Island.

  From Cilegon in the west of Java Island to Semarang, the 300-kilometer coastline has become the landing point of the German army. Of course, it is impossible for the German army to be scattered on such a long coastline. Batavia, Cirebon, Pekalongan and Semarang, these four places will be the main landing points of the German army. Of course, the German army is also very clear that the island army's defense in Batavia is very tight, and it will be very difficult to land directly from here to open up the situation. Therefore, in Batavia it was nothing more than a feint. The other three cities are the main landing points.

  The commander of the Southern Army, General Hisashi Terauchi, jumped out of bed the moment Batavia was shelled, and rushed to the underground headquarters immediately.

  Compared to the command post on the ground, although the underground command post is not comfortable enough, it is undoubtedly safer. General Toshiichi Terauchi didn't want to be killed under the heavy shelling and bombing of the Germans. In that case, it would be too worthless.

"Your Excellency, the Germans have launched heavy shelling and bombing on Batavia, Cirebon, Pekalongan, and Semarang. At the same time, there are also a large number of German transport ships on the Java Sea. Obviously, they want to It is time to launch a landing operation on Java Island." Lieutenant General Tsukada Ko reported.

"Baga! The Germans dared to enter the Java Sea. Don't they think that the Imperial Navy has withdrawn and we have nothing to do with them? Call the Air Force and ask them to take off fighter planes and bomb the German warships and warships in the Java Sea. Transport ship, send all those Germans to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish!" General Toshiichi Terauchi ordered.

   "Yes, Your Excellency, Commander." Lieutenant General Tsukada immediately went to give the order.

   However, he returned after a few minutes. Moreover, his complexion is very ugly.

   "General, the Germans took the lead and dispatched a large number of bombers to bomb our airport. The airports on Java Island, Borneo, and Sumatra were all violently bombed by the Germans, and the air force suffered heavy losses."
