"Your Majesty, the strategic bombing of the United States by the Imperial Air Force and Navy has achieved initial results. Many states in the northeastern United States have suffered heavy losses. Not only the airport and a large number of military facilities have been destroyed, but many factories have also been bombed The heavy industry in the United States has suffered great losses. This will inevitably affect the industrial strength and military potential of the United States. Now, our strategic bombing is still going on. It is estimated that by the end of March, the American industry, Especially the heavy industry will suffer a devastating blow." Marshal Albert Kesselring, Minister of the Imperial Air Force, said to Qin Tian with a smile on his face.

  Qin Tian nodded, it is worthwhile for him to spend so much resources and energy building a strategic air force. You know, those heavy bombers are very expensive. To be able to maintain the current huge scale, Germany has invested heavily. Now, it's finally time to see the results. If it is said that the strategic bombing of Russia was a small test of the strategic air force. Then, this time the strategic bombing of the United States can be regarded as full firepower. It also really let the world see the power of the strategic air force.

"The strategic bombing of the United States will continue. After destroying their industries, the bombing can be continued. The target of the bombing will be extended to civilian facilities. This war is about the survival of the empire. It is a life-and-death war. So , we don’t need to be kind to the Americans at all. The empire must do everything possible to win the final victory of this war.” Qin Tian said.

   "Yes, Your Majesty." Marshal Albert Kesselring nodded.

  Of course, the bombing of civilian facilities will cause a lot of casualties. But those were American casualties, so what did they have to do with Germany? As long as Germany can win the final victory of this war, then everything is worth it. Even if it bears some infamy, what does it matter? History will be written by the victors.

   "How long will it take for Army Group B and Army Group C to be deployed?" Qin Tian asked.

"Your Majesty, Army Group B has arrived in the North American continent. Army Group C is heading to the North American continent. It is expected to arrive around mid-March. The rest of the servants have also begun transportation. It is estimated that in early April , we will be able to make all the preparations," Marshal Manstein said.


  For this attack on the United States, the German army assembled 3 army groups, 15 army groups, and more than 3 million people. Although, compared with the US Army, it is still at a disadvantage in terms of strength. However, even if the U.S. Army has more troops, there are not many elites. Except for a small number of elites, most of the rest are newly formed troops, and it is conceivable how much combat power they can have.

  In addition, in addition to the three million elite German troops, there are also troops from many slave countries of Germany who launched an attack on the United States this time. The last time it fought against Russia, it was mainly the slave countries in eastern Germany that sent troops. This time, it was mainly the slave states in the west who participated. The kingdoms of England and Wales alone sent an additional two million troops to help. With the addition of other slave countries, Germany can use as many as five million servants on the North American continent. This makes the forces available to the German army no less than that of the US military.

  Although the combat effectiveness of these servants may not be as good as the elite troops in the US Army. But compared with the second-line troops of the U.S. Army, it is still able to not fall behind. In this case, the German army will have enough troops to confront the US army. As long as there are no accidents, it is entirely possible to defeat the United States.

"So, when is the general attack on the United States scheduled? I hope that we can defeat the United States in one fell swoop through a large-scale attack. In this attack, it will really have the effect of one battle to determine the world." Qin Tian Said.

  Although the United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world, it is even second only to Germany. However, under the continuous weakening of Germany, the war strength of the United States has been greatly reduced. If the German Army can achieve a large-scale victory on the North American continent and defeat the United States in one fell swoop, it is not impossible.

"Your Majesty, we have already formulated an offensive plan. If the plan is successful, it will be enough to wipe out millions of US troops. It can even occupy Washington in one fell swoop. At that time, the Americans should not have much strength to fight us any longer. .Even if they choose to fight stubbornly, the strength of the empire is enough to destroy the United States soon." Marshal Manstein said.


  Qin Tian nodded. In order to fight against the increasingly powerful German army, the U.S. Army is also desperately gathering troops to the northeast.

  Although, the current total strength of the U.S. Army has reached more than 8 million. But the number of elite troops with strong combat effectiveness is probably less than five million. Among them, hundreds of thousands have been wiped out by the Germans on the Canadian battlefield. The remaining U.S. troops can at most act as second-line troops protecting the rear.

  As long as the German army can win this battle, the main force of the US Army can be wiped out. The remaining US troops are naturally nothing to worry about.

   Even, if the U.S. military suffers heavy losses, whether the U.S. government still has the confidence to continue confronting Germany is a question. If they fail, they will choose to surrender to Germany like Canada. In that case, Germany will be able to destroy the United States at the smallest cost. Of course, even if the Americans are a little more stubborn, they will continue to resist. But after the main force is eliminated, can the Americans still withstand the attack of the elite German army?

   Besides, even heavy industry will no longer exist in the United States by then. What else would they use to arm the army, and what would they use to confront the German army? Germany even only needs to send those servants, which is enough to kill all the stubborn Americans.

"Your Majesty, this time we choose to put our hope on a big war. Will it be risky? The Americans will definitely not sit still, they will choose to fight us desperately. If we are not so eager and attack step by step, we will still We can win. It’s just that it will take a little more time.” Marshal Raeder, Minister of the Navy, was a little worried.

  The United States, after all, is not a weak one. Especially now that the country is at a critical moment of life and death, the Americans will definitely do their best.

"It's not impossible to adopt a more secure method. However, this war has been going on for too long. If it continues to be delayed, it will be very detrimental to us. If the United States can be defeated in one war, it is naturally the best It couldn't be better!" Qin Tian said.
