The active retreat of the U.S. Army allowed the German 1st Army to cross the Canso Strait without any worries. By December 16, the German 1st Army had all crossed the Canso Strait and landed on the Nova Scotia Peninsula.

   Moreover, the German 10th Army also began to land. This made the U.S. military dare not act rashly even if it began to increase its troops to the Nova Scotia Peninsula. After all, if the German army is in a defensive position, its firepower advantage will be very obvious. If they launch an attack without being fully prepared, they will only suffer greater losses.

   In the early morning of December 17, a fleet of the German Navy entered the Northumberland Strait covering a large fleet. This strait is located between the Nova Scotia Peninsula and Prince Edward Island.

  Although the British army still deployed some troops on Prince Edward Island, the British army also began to withdraw its troops from Prince Edward Island as the war on the Nova Scotia peninsula became more and more unfavorable. Now, there are not many troops left on the island. Many military facilities were also destroyed in previous German bombings. This made the German Navy not worry about being threatened after entering the Northumberland Strait.

  At the same time, because a large number of sea search radars were destroyed, the US and British coalition forces failed to discover the fleet in time.

  It was 7 o'clock in the morning, and the sky was still gray. Thousands of landing craft suddenly appeared on the sea. These landing craft are densely packed, almost covering the entire sea area. The landing craft accelerated towards the beach.

   In the sky above these landing craft, there are hundreds of helicopters. These helicopters are all armed helicopters with rocket launchers attached. They will be responsible for providing fire support to the landing Marines.


  At the same time, the main guns of the German Navy's warships on the sea have also raised their barrels, ready to launch shelling on the coast at any time.

  At the airfield of the German Air Force in Newfoundland and the aircraft carrier of the German Navy, fighter jets and bombers have already begun to take off. They would provide air cover and support for the Germans' capture of Port Elgin.

  According to the intelligence previously obtained by the German army, the US and British coalition forces did not leave many troops in Port Elgin. In other words, because of the intensification of the fighting on the Nova Scotia peninsula, the attention of the US and British coalition forces has been attracted, so that they did not care about this port.

  On the other hand, it is probably that this port is located in the Northumberland Strait, which can be regarded as completely under their control. The US and British allied forces did not expect that the German army would be so bold that they would directly enter the strait and launch an attack on this port.

  When the defenders of the US-British coalition forces stationed in Port Elgin discovered that a large number of landing craft were about to rush onto the beach, and a large number of helicopters appeared in the sky, it was already too late.

  Although they issued an alarm immediately, the American and British coalition forces stationed here were ready to fight. But it was only an infantry brigade of the British Army who stayed here. With more than 3,000 people in the brigade, how could it be possible to deal with a marine division of the German army? Especially the Marine Division with strong fire support.



  Hundreds of armed helicopters flew to the beach first and rained bullets on the British positions.

   Rockets roared past one after another, and the position of the British army was completely covered by a sea of ​​flames. A large number of fortifications were destroyed in the explosion.

  Some British troops tried to fight back, but to no avail, they were killed by German armed helicopters with powerful firepower.

  When more and more landing craft washed up on the beach, the heavily armed German marines began to join the battle. This landing battle can already come to an end with the victory of the German army.


  A heavy aerial bomb weighing 500 kilograms hit a stubbornly resisting position of the British army. A violent explosion sounded, leaving a huge crater on the ground. Many British soldiers were torn to pieces, and the firepower points were also blown up. More British soldiers were so frightened that they turned around and fled the position.

  The German Marine Corps' attack on Port Elgin went very smoothly. In just half an hour, an infantry brigade of the British army stationed here was defeated. Even, they didn't even have time to blow up the port.

  At 8 o'clock in the morning, before the sun jumped out of the horizon, Port Elgin had already fallen into the hands of the German army. The heavy equipment of the 3rd Division of the German Marine Corps began to disembark quickly using the facilities in the port. The entire 3rd Division of the Marine Corps needs to improve the defense here as soon as possible to prevent the counterattack of the US and British coalition forces.

  At the same time, the 4th Armored Division, 31st Mechanized Infantry Division, 32nd Mechanized Infantry Division, and a large number of follow-up infantrymen of the German Army's 4th Army, which had been waiting at sea, also began to disembark one after another.

  The German army must not only occupy Port Elgin, but also advance 20 kilometers south to occupy Sackville. Only in this way can they completely encircle the American and British coalition forces on the Nova Scotia peninsula.

  In fact, the 3rd Division of the German Marine Corps has already begun to attack. After their amphibious tank battalion landed, they led a regiment to advance south along the road.

  The U.S. and British coalition forces also did not deploy any troops on the front line from Sackville to Port Elgin. This made the German attack almost like entering no man's land.

  At 9 o'clock in the morning, the German army had already launched an attack on Sackville. The troops stationed here are only an infantry battalion of the British Army. Also, they lack heavy weapons, especially anti-tank weapons.

   Even if the performance of the German amphibious tanks is not very good. But dealing with these British troops without anti-tank weapons is still easy.

   After a large number of British soldiers saw the German tanks charging, they were frightened.

  Some British soldiers decisively put down their weapons and surrendered to the Germans. Many British soldiers left their positions and fled to New Brunswick. No one fled to Nova Scotia. Perhaps they also knew that after Sackville also fell into the hands of the German army, the Nova Scotia peninsula had fallen into the siege of the German army. The hundreds of thousands of American and British coalition forces on the peninsula have become the pinnacles of the Germans. The end result will be obvious. If they fled there, they would be waiting to die.

  After the German army captured Port Elgin and Sackville, a large number of troops landed from Port Elgin. Then start to build the defense line and prepare to complete the encirclement. Completely surround the US and British coalition forces on the Nova Scotia Peninsula, and then annihilate them. In order to gain an advantage on the battlefield in the northeast of the North American continent, prepare for the next battle.
