New Glasgow, the joint command of the US and British forces on the Nova Scotia peninsula. Throughout the Nova Scotia peninsula, the US and British coalition forces totaled 400,000 people, including the 1st Army of the US Army, 10 infantry divisions and two armored divisions of the British Army.

  In addition, the 2nd Army of the U.S. Army has arrived in New Brunswick, and can enter the Nova Scotia Peninsula for reinforcements at any time. The British Army also has 10 infantry divisions and two armored divisions in New Brunswick. These units could all enter the Nova Scotia peninsula to fight if necessary.

Perhaps because of the need to rely on the U.S. Army to withstand the German attack, the British Army voluntarily gave up the position of the commander of the coalition forces, and Lieutenant General Omar Bradley, the commander of the U.S. Army’s 1st Army, served as the commander. Lieutenant General Harold Alexander will serve as deputy commander. The two jointly commanded the American and British forces on the Nova Scotia peninsula.

"General, according to the information we have obtained, the Germans are massively increasing their troops on Cape Breton Island. In addition to the German 1st Army that entered Cape Breton Island earlier, the German 4th Army has also entered Cape Breton Island." Major General Thomas, chief of staff of the US First Army, said.

"General Thomas, you haven't counted the German Marine Corps. The number of the German Marine Corps that appears here already has five. This means that their Marine Corps has 100,000 people. At the same time It also means that we have to face as many as half a million Germans." Lieutenant General Harold Alexander said.

   Lieutenant General Omar Bradley nodded: "The German Marine Corps is very powerful and cannot be underestimated."

"Yes, their Marine Corps is very strong, not weaker than their Army at all. It may even be stronger. Whether it is in the landing operations on Newfoundland or Cape Breton Island, our army is in their In front of them, they are simply vulnerable." Lieutenant General Harold Alexander continued.


   Lieutenant General Omar Bradley and Major General Thomas did not echo this view. Perhaps, in their view, the main reason why the German Marine Corps won easily was that the British were too weak. If it were the U.S. Army, I am afraid it would not let the Germans succeed so easily. However, in order to avoid hurting the feelings of allies, they did not say so clearly.

  However, Lieutenant General Harold Alexander is not an idiot, and one can see their thoughts from the expressions of the two. This made Harold Alexander lieutenant general ashamed and angry. If it weren't for the fact that this war was about the life and death of Britain, he would have shut up. However, for the sake of his own country, even though he felt insulted, Lieutenant General Harold Alexander patiently expressed his views.

"When the German marines landed, in addition to receiving powerful naval gun support and air support, they would also dispatch a large number of helicopters. These helicopters not only have extremely powerful firepower, but can also Carrying infantry, directly landing infantry on the battlefield, so as to cooperate with the marines assaulting from the sea. Our defenders were easily broken through by the Germans under this tactical attack. This time, we also We have to prevent the Germans from using such tactics." Lieutenant General Hadro Alexander continued.

"General Alexander, thank you for your suggestion. We have noticed that the Germans used a large number of helicopters in their landing operations. However, we have already prepared ourselves. We have deployed a large number of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns on the front line, and also There are bazookas. If the German helicopters dare to come, we can easily beat them down." Lieutenant General Omar Bradley said.

   "Well, Your Excellency Commander, I hope we can resist the German attack." Lieutenant General Harold Alexander said.

  Anyway, this time the Americans are at the top, not the British. Perhaps it is the reason why Americans doubt the combat effectiveness of the British Army. The 200,000 troops of the 1st Army of the U.S. Army were deployed on the front line of the Canso Strait. The British Army's more than 200,000 people are responsible for defending the rear and supporting the front. This arrangement made the British very satisfied. Anyway, they have already suffered heavy losses under the German attack. Now it is even more happy to let the Americans fight against the Germans.


  Harold? Alexander Lieutenant General only the Americans did not take his warning to heart. Therefore, he also wanted to see what the Americans would do to resist the German attack once the battle started.

  If the Americans can really resist the German attack, that would be great. If the Americans did not resist, it just verified his fears.

   "General Thomas, are we ready for the front line?" Lieutenant General Omar Bradley asked.

   "General, all troops have entered the predetermined combat area." Major General Thomas replied.

  The U.S. Army in this time and space is highly modeled after the German Army. Perhaps it is because the German Army is strong enough to sweep the world. The Americans know that the army is their weakness, so they use the German army as their division.

  The 1st Army of the U.S. Army has one armored division, two mechanized infantry divisions, and 8 infantry divisions. In addition to the heavy artillery brigade directly under the army, the entire 1st Army has more than 200,000 people. In terms of numbers, it is equivalent to a group army of the German Army. In terms of weapons and equipment, it is no worse than the German Army. At least, that's how it looks on the surface. The number of tanks, artillery, machine guns, rocket launchers and anti-tank guns equipped by the US military is no less than that of the German army. But in terms of performance, it is slightly inferior. This makes the U.S. military think that even if their army is inferior to the German army, the gap will not be very big. Even if it is hard to resist the German army, it can be done.

   "General, according to our judgment, the Germans are likely to land in Alders Bay and Margrave. Therefore, these two places are also the focus of our defense." Major General Thomas said.

"In addition, we use the 1st Armored Division, 1st Mechanized Infantry Division and 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division as mobile units. Once the Germans attack, we are ready to support the front line. This time, the Germans will never have a chance Landed on the Nova Scotia peninsula," Major General Thomas continued.

   Lieutenant General Omar Bradley is very satisfied with this arrangement.

   "Then, let us see how powerful the Germans are!" Lieutenant General Omar Bradley's eyes were full of enthusiasm.
