The attack of the German Marine Corps is still the cooperation of helicopters and landing craft. Trying to use such a three-dimensional offensive method to tear through the defense of the British army in one fell swoop and occupy the beachhead. Even took New Waterford, Port Morion and Lewisburg.

  Port Morion, this is the main port in the northern part of Cape Breton Island and the largest port except Sydney. Originally, Sydney should have been the first choice for the German army to land. Unfortunately, Sydney is located at the mouth of the Sydney River on the island, in the fjords. The British army has deployed heavy troops here, and if they attack rashly, they may suffer heavy losses. Therefore, the German army hopes to capture Port Morion during this landing operation. In this way, a large number of heavy equipment of the German Army can go ashore more easily.

  Thirty-six armed helicopters skimmed the sea and rushed towards Port Morion.

   In the sky, besides these armed helicopters, there are dozens of carrier-based aircraft that have already launched an attack first.

  On the sea surface, hundreds of landing craft rushed towards the beach like arrows leaving the string, drawing obvious water marks on the sea surface.


  A dive bomber dropped a heavy aerial bomb weighing 500 kilograms onto the British army's position, and the bomb exploded with a loud noise. At the same time, a huge crater was left on the beach.


   "God! The Germans are attacking, open fire and kill them all!" The British commander on the front line issued an order.

  Defending Port Morion is the 14th Infantry Division of the British Army. They were on the beach, deploying a brigade of infantry. The artillery brigade is located in the rear, ready to provide artillery support to the front after the battle begins.

   It's just that, unfortunately, the position of this artillery brigade was discovered by the German reconnaissance plane before the battle started. Therefore, when the warships of the German Navy opened fire, they focused on this place. The 36 155mm howitzers and 36 105mm howitzers of this artillery brigade were almost destroyed, and there were not many left at all.

   It can be seen that the firepower of the entire British Army's 14th Infantry Division has undoubtedly been greatly weakened.

   You must know that although the infantry divisions of the British Army are not large, they only have about 13,600 people. But the equipment is not weak. The artillery brigade is equipped with 36 155mm heavy howitzers and 36 105mm light howitzers. There is also a cavalry regiment equipped with 28 light tanks. In terms of weapons and equipment alone, it is not even much worse than the German Army.

  Of course, the combat effectiveness of the two sides is not the same.


   "Da da da! Boom boom boom!"

  The surviving British machine guns and mortars on the position began to fire.

  The shell exploded on the sea, and some unlucky landing craft got shelled. Even mortar shells are a deadly threat to the landing craft of the German Marine Corps. Once hit, the marines on the entire landing craft will hardly have a way out.

   Fortunately, the British army's counterattack was suppressed by the German army as soon as it started. Several dive bombers launched an attack, directly blowing up the British counterattack firepower with heavy aerial bombs.

  The armed helicopters that followed immediately used rockets to burn the British army's position into a sea of ​​flames. The British army, which was lucky enough to survive the heavy German shelling, once again suffered heavy losses under the heavy firepower of the German army.

   "Asshole, report to the division headquarters, we need reinforcements!" A Brigadier General ordered.

  The commander of the 14th Infantry Division of the British Army responded correctly as early as the battle had just begun. Immediately ordered another infantry brigade to rush for reinforcements. However, on the way to the beach, they were attacked by German air forces. 12 carrier-based FW-190 fighter jets, 12 dive bombers and 12 torpedo attack planes carrying aerial bombs bombed and strafed them. This infantry brigade with a strength of only more than 3,000 suffered heavy losses under the German air strikes. Crashed before reaching the beach. A large number of British soldiers fled in embarrassment. Not to mention continuing to perform missions and rushing to reinforce the front line.

  This also left the British army defending the beach in isolation.

  When the German army's general-purpose helicopters and transport helicopters performed the airborne landing under the cover of armed helicopters and carrier-based aircraft, the British army's defense line began to fall.

  Although the British army deployed troops to encircle and suppress these marines. However, with the support of aerial firepower, the British army could not eliminate the German troops who landed on the position, and instead made their own losses continue to increase.

  At the same time, the marines in the landing craft also rushed to the beach, and began to flank the British army with the airborne troops.

  When more and more marines went ashore, the strength of the British troops stationed on the beach was constantly weakening. Even, large areas of positions have been lost.

   Not only the 14th Infantry Division of the British Army stationed in Port Morin was unable to parry under the attack of the German Marine Corps. The British troops stationed at New Waterford and Lewisburg were also unable to withstand the attack of the German marines.

   This three-dimensional landing method of the German army has once again achieved success.

   "General, the 14th Infantry Division, the 15th Infantry Division and the 16th Infantry Division have all sent telegrams for help. Their troops have suffered heavy losses from the German attack and are about to lose their hold."

   Admiral Wavell's face suddenly became very ugly. He looked at his watch. It was only half an hour since the Germans landed. The troops on the front line couldn't hold on any longer. If this continues, how long can the British troops on Cape Breton Island last under the fierce German attack?

   "Order the troops on the front line to stick to their positions. Without an order, they are absolutely not allowed to retreat without authorization!" Admiral Wavell ordered.

"Yes, General. However, the German air superiority is too great. They dispatched a large number of carrier-based aircraft to attack our positions, and there are also a large number of helicopters to assist the landing force. Under the attack of superior firepower, the loss was very large."

  Admiral Wavell nodded: "Telegram to Toronto again, telling them that if we cannot seize air supremacy, we will soon be defeated by the Germans."

   "Yes, General."

   In fact, the Royal Air Force has already acted. Under the order of Prime Minister Churchill, the Royal Air Force can be regarded as taking out all its assets. More than four hundred P-51 fighter jets and P-47 fighter jets are ready to take off. Under the order of the Minister of the Air Force, all these fighter planes took off and headed to Cape Breton Island to face the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft group and seize air supremacy.
