The German army's attack on St. John's won in less than half a day, which greatly exceeded the expectations of the German generals. After all, St. John's is the largest city on Newfoundland. Among other things, the port and various facilities here are very much needed by the German army.

"General, the British are really vulnerable. We took St. John's easily. Now, the British can only hold on to the western part of the island. At least, now the entire Avalon Peninsula has fallen into our I have it." Rear Admiral Pals, commander of the 3rd Marine Division, reported excitedly.

   Ernst von Busch Admiral nodded, he was very satisfied with the victory of the 3rd Marine Division. Of course, this was completely within his expectations.

   After all, the combat effectiveness of the German Marine Corps was already higher than that of the British Army. In addition, they also received strong fire support. Among other things, the fire support provided by the navy's naval guns and carrier-based aircraft, as well as a large number of armed helicopters, is enough to crush the British. If the Marine Corps cannot easily defeat the British under such circumstances, it will really be a failure.

"Let the 4th Division launch an attack on the west of Newfoundland. The 5th Division has also begun to land. Starting tomorrow, the 6th and 7th Divisions will also start to land. This time, we must take Newfoundland within a week. Finland!" Admiral Ernst von Busch ordered.

"Yes, general. However, general, I don't think it is necessary for the 6th and 7th divisions to land in St. John's. Their heavy equipment can be landed in St. John's. But other troops can directly land in the western city of Newfoundland. .With the support of our powerful fleet firepower and carrier-based aircraft firepower, the British can't resist our attack at all. Instead of letting the troops advance along the rough road, it is better to launch a landing operation directly from the sea. In this case, the speed It will also be faster and easier," Major General Pars suggested.

   Admiral Ernst von Busch thought about it, this is indeed a very good way.


   Now there are not many British troops on Newfoundland. One infantry division and one infantry brigade were wiped out by the Germans successively. Even if the British took the risk of sending reinforcements to Newfoundland, there were not many of them. In addition, the German Marine Corps has an absolute advantage in firepower. This allowed the German troops to easily defeat the British troops stationed on the island no matter where they landed.

  And, as the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet rushed to Newfoundland, the German Marine Corps was able to obtain stronger fire support. In addition, in the previous battles, the performance of the British Army was so bad that it was simply vulnerable. This also made General Ernst von Busch determined to adopt this suggestion.

  Beginning on November 25, the 6th and 7th Divisions of the German Marine Corps landed in the north and south of Newfoundland successively. These forces landed with the assistance of powerful fleet fire and carrier aircraft. The British army on Newfoundland couldn't resist at all, and was easily defeated by the German army.

  The current British development of Newfoundland is very low, and only the coastal areas are inhabited. The hinterland deep in the island is almost no man's land. This also made the German army occupy the entire Newfoundland Island after capturing the coastal area.

  The British troops stationed in Newfoundland were either wiped out by the Germans, or they chose to flee back to Canada at night.

  On November 27, the entire island of Newfoundland fell into the hands of the German army. Two days faster than the expected speed of the German army.


  That night, Marshal Manstein, Minister of War and Chief of the General Staff of Germany, together with Marshal Raeder, Minister of the Navy, and Marshal Albert Kesselring, Minister of the Air Force, reported the good news to Emperor Qin Tian.

  After learning that the German marines had occupied Newfoundland, Qin Tian also seemed very happy.

   "It seems that even though it was completely defeated in the last world war, the combat effectiveness of the British Army has not improved much, and it is still so weak!" Qin Tian sighed.

   "Your Majesty, the combat effectiveness of the British Army may not be strong, but the main reason is that our Marine Corps is too powerful. This makes the British vulnerable." Marshal Manstein said.

  Hearing such words, Qin Tian couldn't help laughing.

   "So, gentlemen, now we have occupied Newfoundland. The first phase of the battle can be regarded as a victory. So, what do you plan to do next?" Qin Tian asked.

"Your Majesty, the Air Force's engineering force has landed on Newfoundland and has begun to expand the two airfields on the island. And, we are starting to build more airfields. We have already planned to send two fighter jets from China to Newfoundland. Finland, take on the air defense of Newfoundland. In this way, the navy's aircraft carrier formation can be liberated." Marshal Albert Kesselring said.

  Qin Tian nodded, now Newfoundland's air defense and air support are heavily dependent on the aircraft carrier formation. This also restricted the German Navy's aircraft carrier formation to the waters near Newfoundland. If the Air Force can take over the air defense of Newfoundland, it will undoubtedly free up the aircraft carrier formation.

"The progress of the Air Force's airport construction on Newfoundland really needs to be accelerated. Although we caught the British and Americans by surprise this time, they have already reacted. Next, I am afraid there will be a big battle to be fought. So , Our strategic bombing of the United States must also be launched as soon as possible." Qin Tian said.

   "Yes, Your Majesty." Marshal Albert Kesselring replied.

"Your Majesty, the commander of the Marine Corps, Admiral Busch, has proposed a new plan. He believes that the combat effectiveness of the British Army is vulnerable. Although the US military has begun to send reinforcements northward. However, due to the weather, it has not yet been able to reach the front line. Therefore, Admiral Busch believes that we, the United Kingdom, seize this opportunity and launch another landing operation. Starting from Newfoundland, we will capture Cape Breton Island and Prince Edward Island. Even, if the conditions are ripe, we can further capture In the northern part of the Nova Scotia peninsula, build a bridgehead on the mainland of Canada. In this way, after our army arrives, we can use this as a base to quickly advance to the mainland of Canada." Marshal Manstein said.

  Qin Tian's eyes fell on the map hanging on the wall. After the German army launched its attack on North America, the map on the wall was replaced by a detailed map of North America.

   "Are you sure of success?" Qin Tian asked.

   "Your Majesty, I am sure." Marshal Manstein replied.

   "Then go do it!" Qin Tian chose to support.
