『Master.』 Nike, who had returned to Yeon-woo's shadow like all of Yeon-woo's other familiars, spoke up.

Now that he had almost assimilated into his flame attribute and had matured greatly, Nike had greatly matured. Its voice had become much firmer and more serious.

Wondering why this usually reticent being was suddenly speaking up like this now, Yeon-woo simply replied, 'What?'

『Do you possess a moral conscience?』

'…' Momentarily, Yeon-woo was at a loss for words.

『It's nice to hear our Nike asking the right questions.』 Nemesis spoke up right after Nike. They seemed to find the conversation funny as they started chuckling out loud.

A deep crease formed on Yeon-woo's forehead. He could not understand what was so funny. Although he knew they did not like their given names, Yeon-woo wondered why Nike and Nemesis disliked their names so much. Maybe they just had different tastes. With that thought, Yeon-woo decided not to pay any more attention to the two.


『…It's just like our master not to listen to anyone else's opinions.』

Still hearing Nike's snide comments, Yeon-woo turned to Nameless Mist. No, to be precise, Yeon-woo looked towards the fragments that made up the Nameless Mist.


[A part of 'Nameless Mist' screams.]


[Part of 'Nameless Mist' screeches for Yeon-woo to hurry and end the process.]



[Part of 'Nameless Mist' asks you to bring an end to this if you are the father.]

[Part of 'Nameless Mist' begs to become complete!]

All these fragments from past 'dreams' did not become part of a proper world and disappeared into the background. They should have disappeared long ago, but since they were incomplete, they had not been able to disappear 'completely'.

Screams continued to wail from the direction of the Nameless Mist. The screams were filled with a sense of pain and sickness. The compilation of these individual fragments of resentment made up the Nameless Mist.

"…" Yeon-woo took a step towards the fragments. The Nameless Mist flinched for a moment, not knowing what Yeon-woo would do, but Yeon-woo just ignored the reaction and entered the misty fog.

『Please, end, this, please…!』The first thing Yeon-woo saw was a man with limbs bent in bizarrely awkward angles. The man looked straight at Yeon-woo. In a world that looked like it was made of useless, thrown-away fabric scraps, the man complained of his pain and could not even finish his sentences properly. It seemed like he was asking for an end to the never-ending hellish bondage he was suffering under.

In front of the man, Yeon-woo knelt on one knee. Then, meeting the man's eyes, Yeon-woo stretched out his hand.

The man also held out his hand and grabbed onto Yeon-woo's hand, thinking that Yeon-woo was extending a helping hand. And then… Boom! The man's body popped and exploded like a balloon.

Sss. In addition, the black and red flames emanating from Yeon-woo ignited the world where the man was previously standing. In the middle of the Nameless Mist, a hole appeared, which sucked in its surroundings and created a suction of wind. Burnt, black ash started flying everywhere.

「Wow… As expected of our master's temper. Blasting away such a poor and helpless sentient who was just asking for help.」

While Shanon commented, the Nameless Mist's screams erupted.


[The 'Nameless Mist' protests wildly, asking why Yeon-woo took such violent measures!]

A Nameless Mist squirmed about. It tried to stop Yeon-woo from attacking it without giving it a name, but Yeon-woo had already raised his magic powers.

[Sky Wings]

Dark red flames started whirling around Yeon-woo. All the screams, screeches, and yelling fragments of past worlds started burning. The fragments that did not become proper 'dreams' and continued their existence as mere mirages were thoroughly shattered and incinerated at once.

['Nameless Mist' writhes in pain!]

['Nameless Mist' wants to reveal its true power.]

[It fails.]

['Nameless Mist' wants to resist the Black King's ego.]

[It fails.]

[All the beings of Night are greatly surprised by the sudden attack.]

[The members of the Eight Gods of Disorder are stupefied.]

[The 'Source of Uncleanliness' is hostile towards the Black King's ego!]

[The 'Harbinger' wants to release its power to save the 'Nameless Mist'!]

[The 'Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young' suggests that the gods do not intervene!]

[Green Flame warns the beings of the Night (Nox) who are bearing their hostility and arrogance to reign in their emotions!]['Night (Nox)' is descending into confusion!]

['Night (Nox)' is in a chaotic uproar!]

Night quickly fell into chaos. The Nameless Mist writhed in pain while still engulfed in Yeon-woo's black flames. There were those of the Night who wanted to try and save Nameless Mist. There were also beings of the Night who prevented anyone from attacking Yeon-woo recklessly. The situation turned into an unstable powder keg with both sides ready to explode at any moment. The atmosphere became tense as childish taunts and jeers were tossed towards each side countless times.

However, the reason why no conflict arose was because Yeon-woo, the Black King's ego, was still a burdensome, overbearing existence. Moreover, the Residents of the Border had not given any reaction.

Because of this, the beings of the Day and Yeon-woo's familiars, who were between Yeon-woo and the Night, were put in an awkward position. The Day and Yeon-woo's familiars did not know what Yeon-woo was thinking, but they did know that Yeon-woo was attempting to win over Night onto his side. For some unknown reason, it seemed that Yeon-woo had already won over some of the Night.

「What the hell is going on? How come our master only knows how to make situations more explosive?」

「Stop bickering so much and hold your line. A sword strike might come from anywhere at anytime.」

「Ugh. Don't worry.」

Shanon and Hanryeong stood in front and behind Yeon-woo respectively. Rebecca hovered above Yeon-woo's head. Further behind, Boo was commanding an army of Ghosts Giants while ferociously burning Inferno Sight.

Roar! Rumble! The Ghost Giants gave off wild shouts, threatening the beings of the Night. Moreover, the two dragons of death widened their eyes menacingly.

All Yeon-woo's familiars surrounded him. They focused on protecting Yeon-woo so that no one could approach him.

[The Resident of the Border looks at Night (Nox).]

[The Resident of the Border carefully observes the Black King's ego's actions.]

[The Resident of the Border quietly closes his eyes.]

[The Resident of the Border issues a decree to Night (Nox) stating that no one should approach the Black King's ego!]

The Resident of the Border had closed his eyes tightly and immersed himself in thought. When he reopened his eyes, the confusion and anger stemming from the Night's side instantly stopped.

[The Resident of the Border says this is a test to evaluate the Dull-Witted Father. The Resident of the Border states that everyone must continue observing.]

lightsΝοvel [The Source of Uncleanliness is dissatisfied with the Resident of the Border's decision, but is unable to express its thoughts.]

[The Harbinger glares menacingly at the Black King's ego.]

[Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young remains silent.]

[Green Flame burns its flames more brilliantly.]


[All beings of Night (Nox) fall into silence!]

While all the beings of Night, including the Eight Gods of Disorder, continued to watch Yeon-woo's actions…

[Many of the broken 'dreams' that made up the Nameless Mist have been incinerated.]

[Nameless Mist gasps with its last breaths.]

The Nameless Mist, which boasted a huge size, was now left with only a scrap of its original fragments. The last remaining fragments were being incinerated. Naturally, its thoughts were filled with anger towards Yeon-woo, who suddenly attacked it without warning.

The Nameless Mist also resented its colleagues for not coming to its assistance in the end. Nameless Mist wanted to resist Yeon-woo, but the difference in their power levels had grown too wide. It had lived a life almost as long as the Black King, so it had been relatively strong. However, in the end, the Nameless Mist was the shadow of the Black King, so it could not resist the Black King's ego, Yeon-woo.

Sss. When Yeon-woo reached out with his hand, the ashes that floated in the air were immediately sucked into Yeon-woo's hand. The pieces of ash piled up, one after another, and were recompressed. The recompressed ash soon formed into round, marble-shaped beads. The marbles shone gray like Nameless Mist's previous form. Each marble was very clear and transparent, yet one could not see what was inside. This was likely the remains of the Nameless Mist.

[Nameless Mist glares at you.]

"You told me to give you a name, right?"

[The Nameless Mist is furious and wondering what nonsense you're going to spew this time.]

"This is my answer." While saying this, Yeon-woo poured the marbles into his mouth.

[The power, 'Hades' Spirit Eating Sword' devours a huge amount of vestige thoughts!]

[The Soulstone (Superbia·Gula·Luxuria) reacts violently!]

[Nameless Mist looks at the Black King's with its fading, dying eyes.]

Whoosh! Hades' Spirit Eating Sword, which had not been activated in a while, devoured the Nameless Mist's vestige thoughts greedily. The more it devoured, the greater Yeon-woo's shadow fluttered.

Yeon-woo, looking intently at the fading eyes of the Nameless Mist, spoke out. "Cha Yeon-woo."

[Nameless Mist's resistance suddenly stops.]

[All eyes of Night (Nox) are focused on the Black King's ego!]"Didn't you say that you lived as the shadow of the Black King all your life? You said your existence consisted of the dregs and scraps that were left behind. Since this is the case, you are also a part of the Black King… Aren't you, then, not a part of 'me'?"


"I will become the Black King. Furthermore, I'll give you my name, so live your life no longer as a shadow. Come back to your origin."

『…but, you…』 The vestige thoughts of the reunified, Nameless Mist shallowly spoke out.『…didn't you state that you will lose your name?』

"Do you know why the darkness is darkness?"


"It's because the darkness is always present."


"It's always present. Just because a name disappears doesn't mean its existence disappears, right? Just because there is no name for a father doesn't mean that the father doesn't exist, right?"


"Return. Back to your origins." Yeon-woo's eyes softened. "I am you, and you are me. And because I am 'me,' the darkness will soon become me." One corner of Yeon-woo's lips rose. "Or you can just think of it as returning to your father's embrace, no?"

『If…it's like that…then I guess it's fine…』

Sss. The last remaining vestige thoughts of the Nameless Mist were crushed and absorbed into Yeon-woo's shadow. Yeon-woo could feel something big dwelling in him before fully merging into his being.

The various imperfect fragments completely melted into the darkness. The fragments started filling in their missing gaps with darkness until they attained completeness and perfection. And little by little, they scattered and disappeared into several 'dreams'.

「Thank you…」

「Our father…」

「Our Dull-Witted Father…」

「Thank you…for embracing us.」

It was the same as absorbing Demonisms, albeit one that had existed outside the darkness.

Rumble. Rumble. With the sudden intake and increase of power, Yeon-woo was able to fill his law of causality reservoir. He opened his eyes and looked around.

[The beings of Night (Nox) look at you with eyes filled with shock!]

[The Resident of the Border silently looks at you.]

Yeon-woo was able to see the various beings of the Night, including the Resident of the Border. Yeon-woo's words stating that he would become their father and embrace them, kept running through their minds.

"Didn't I tell you? I will be your father. It is a father's job to relieve you of all your curses, resentments, and dire wishes." Yeon-woo looked back at the Source of Uncleanliness and Harbinger, who were now watching him with a quiet gaze. "Then who's next?" At those words…

[The Source of Uncleanliness bows its head.]

[The Harbinger prostrates itself before the Black King's ego.]

If. You. Are.

Willing. To Embrace. Us.

You. Must. Be.

Our. Father.

The two bowed their heads completely at Yeon-woo. Yeon-woo had embraced the Nameless Mist, who hated yet loved the Black King. The remaining beings of Night stood still at the unfolding scene.



[You have successfully completed Nameless Mist's quest.]

[The Source of Uncleanliness has acknowledged you.]

[The Harbinger has decided to call you its father.]

[Current progress: 7/8]

[All beings of Night (Nox) bow their heads to you!]

[Night (Nox) has become subservient to the Black King's ego!]

The sight of all the beings of Night, the seemingly untouchable existences from another world, all offering respect and worship toward Yeon-woo presented a magnificent spectacle.

「These guys went crazy as a group. They've ruined their lives… No, their new lives… They just walked in of their own accord…」Yeon-woo's familiars were stunned by the sight. Shanon clucked his tongue in disgust.

However, Yeon-woo looked at the Night as if their decision was natural and nodded. He then turned to the Resident of the Border, who had not yet decided. The Resident of the Border's eyes were still fixated on Yeon-woo, who said, "What is your answer?"

[The Resident of the Border is silent.]

[The Resident of the Border finally speaks.]

