Chapter 95: Favor  


Chapter 95: Favor  


Silva evaded the spear without much trouble and instantly leaned to the side with his sharp hand slicing Bonolenov leaving a deep wound. One of the many all over his body as blood flowed down his mouth.

He was barely able to see anything as his vision turned blurry barely able to feel his body anymore.

And Silva looked at this emotionlessly as he starting striking ready to deliver the final blow vanishing another soul from the lands of the living... Only for a pale hand to appear from a portal holding his hand and stopping the attack...


Everything seems to freeze as Chrollo's hand was less than a millimeter away from touching Yasuo but this is just his perception, how Yasuo sees the world when he wants to.

Almost instantly, a portal appeared between Yasuo's skin and Chrollo's hand as it went through it with Chrollo not having enough time to react.

His hand appeared through the destination portal as he felt a faint push making his hand go faster and... The bloody hand ended up touching Chrollo's face as the latter's eyes widened having no time to react since the destination portal appeared with almost no space from his skin.

Through all of this Yasuo made no movement whatsoever, even as all the bullets almost reached him until the sound of them hitting an invisible barrier, the sound of the bullets falling to the ground resounded through the room.

Yasuo started outputting his Aura slightly into the portal noticing it's not closing, this is due to something being in the middle of the portal and that is an extremely small part of Chrollo's hand... well, its more like an extremely small part of the forefront of his hand skin.

And this is a limitation of the portals ability, if there is something in the middle of the portal, Yasuo will need to feed the portal a certain portion of his Aura relative to the object in the middle specifically relative to its density and resistance and If Yasuo is able to provide enough of his Aura, the same scene happening right now will happen.


As he focused more of his Aura on the portal, it seemed to ignore the barrier that is his skin as it closed almost instantly with the pieces of his skin falling to the ground though the cuts are so small he barely bled.

But the problem with using this as a weapon and something Yasuo found after several tests are its consumption.

It's just too big and considering how much he spent doing this feat especially since Chrollo seems to enter the state of Zetsu after the bloody hand touched him. Yasuo casually said not making any movement even though Chrollo is frozen in the same position in from of him in the state of Zetsu basically defenseless.

"Your ability is... quite interesting, the ability to steal abilities I guess... and the last one is quite dangerous, forcing Nen users to enter Zetsu depending on how much damage you cause to yourself huh.

Well, I rarely meet people with abilities such as yours so I want to try something... an interesting experiment."

The instant Yasuo said that purple lines appeared all over his right arm as it disappeared for a split second before the purple lines disappeared though there is something that changed.

Purple lines appeared all over the conjured book on Chrollo's right hand before they disappeared as well yet not damage could be noticed on the book.

Chrollo just looked at the scene helplessly not being able to move at all and couldn't react fast enough to dissolve the book before Yasuo hit it and the moment about 3 seconds passed since he touched himself.

He disappeared from his place retreating at a fast pace with a confused look on his face as he asked, "What did you do?"

Yasuo looked thoughtful while stroking his earring then asked back, "I don't know, can you check the book?"

The phantom leader frowned as even with his personality he still found himself stressed knowing Bonolenov doesn't have much time especially with how weird the situation he is in right now.

But he knows he needs to calm down and think clearly, and that's exactly what he did as he started turning the pages of the book before dissolving the book without a change in his expression.

Yasuo raised his brows and asked wondering with a smile of amusement on his face, "Did an ability or more disappear? Well, that's certainly interesting."

Chrollo didn't answer, instead, he took a deep breath as he closed his eyes remaining defenseless for a few seconds before taking one last deep breath and opening his grey eyes looking at Yasuo emotionlessly saying, "I want to hire you. Are you interested?"

Yasuo's expression didn't change instead he simply said with his casual expression, "Sure, please go on."

"I simply want you to get me and Bono out of this alive and I'll owe you one or if you don't trust I'll deliver I'll pay money... As much as you want.

Of course, know that if you want me to owe you I won't do anything that will endanger the lives of anyone in my group... If it's not too dangerous I can accept of course."

Explained Chrollo patiently even though time is of the essence for him but he knows he needs to be patient as he waited for the Zoldyck's answer.

Yasuo raised his brows at this as he wondered, "Me accepting mostly favors is that known huh? I haven't really been keeping up with the news."

Chrollo frowned asking again, "He doesn't have enough time, do you accept?" The pale man gently stroked his earring thinking about the proposition for a bit before saying, "At some point in the future, I will find you and ask for the favor, and well... I'm not really worried that you won't deliver, you'll lose more than you win doing that."

After saying that, he started walking towards Chrollo who looked extremely pale due to the bleeding, he started concentrating Aura over his hand as Chrollo asked looking at this with caution, "What do you want to do?"

"I could've killed you a while ago so you don't have to be so cautious, I just want to fulfill the job you just requested... Getting you out alive as well."

Yasuo reached within an arms distance from Chrollo after he finished saying that as purple lines appeared all over his arm and strikes towards the phantom leader.

Chrollo didn't offer any resistance after hearing as he looked at the attack coming towards him with a speed not that fast making it possible for him to evade.

Yet he didn't because... because he came to a few conclusions seeing all of the previous events play out so he knows there is a high chance he won't kill him, in fact, he is almost 100% sure he won't.

He just watched as the hand went through his heart as if intangible leaving a purple mark once he retracted his arm with purple lines spreading all over his body and shined brightly as he felt his body in pain... pain more than before, much more than what he felt from the wound beside his heart.

The deep wound that started closing rapidly as the purple light seems to surround it creating what could be considered a miracle.

An unscientific miracle that modern-day science can't possibly explain, something that seems more like a reality-warping power than the use of the laws of the universe.

Chrollo's face remained devoid of emotions, the pain not even fazing him one bit as he looked at the wound completely closing with the purple lines disappearing as well.

Yasuo paid no further attention after doing that as he saw something with his domain and knew he needs to intervene so focused his Aura on his right arm then it went through the portal he just created and.

Held the assassin's hand before it went through Bonolenov's heart ending his life, the sharp hand that can even go through metal as if its butter yet he held it ignoring the incoming momentum, the force that would've shredded anyone was negated perfectly.

Silva narrowed his eyes knowing exactly who it's is then retracted his hand once Yasuo let go.

A large portal was formed after which with Yasuo appearing through it and Chrollo following closely behind him.

"Explain." Demanded Silva without any change in his expression as he just looked at Yasuo with his cat-like eyes.

"Give me a minute." Yasuo walked towards Bonolenov whose consciousness is barely hanging almost on the brink of passing out.

'Violet Rose: M=-1, T=1'

The moment he activated the ability is the moment his hand went through Bonolenov leaving the same purple mark with the same miraculous scene playing out.

Silva didn't interrupt just watching until he heard Yasuo saying, "See you later."

The Spiders didn't respond instead they just left jumping through buildings leaving the Zoldycks alone. "Explain..."
