Chapter 89: The Monster  


Chapter 89: The Monster  


Adapting... Changing... Evolving, these are all part of life. There are other pieces of the puzzle that affects and control them, psychology, environment, body.

Those parts could be something as small as adapting to a new neighborhood or a new culture or certain circumstances and depending on their degree, the adaptation process can turn into a changing process.

The mind will force one to change as it experienced something that gave the most important of the body the need to change but we humans have something that can bypass needing such an experience.


Our will... If we will something enough, we can do it. The question is how long will it take? will we be able to live to see our hard work bear fruit?

If we will a change then we can make a change, we can change ourselves. The circumstances around just help to make the change easier but it's not always to our benefit.

Our mind will turn us to the monster if the need arise and this isn't something rare, monsters walk within us and most of us are unable to tell monster from humans.

The monster is in all of us, the question is did one face the situation needed for it to be set free stretching its claws to the world.

Monsters truly exist, most faced a certain event in their early livelihood that changed their life upside down, the death of someone closed to them or a certain trauma they can't get over, too many thins can create monsters.

This doesn't apply to just humans, this applied to everything that has emotions, that has desires, that has free will and all it takes is an event to take place triggering what's hidden in us.


But what is the one who willingly and forcefully made the change to be called? The one who looks down on needing such an event to change, to leave the visible spectrum of colors becoming something else entirely going as far as touching on the evolution process... An anomaly perhaps?

No, we can already see an anomaly, and it's still a long way from becoming like such... So what can such an existence be called? The Unknown?

A monster's shoe just touched the ground with his other feet's shoe doing the same, dark brown shoes, perfectly tailored brown pants with a few lighter-colored straps, and a jacket of similar style with a black shirt underneath it and finally to complete the suit is a bright yellow striped tie. He has dark brown hair flowing down to his neck level and brown Iris complimenting his choice of attire.

The person has a black hand case in his hand holding tightly to it. Following closely behind him is a man pushing a luggage cart with some travel cases on it, he is wearing the airships uniform as he asked.

"Sir, where would you like me to put these?"

The person didn't reply getting the employee to try to ask again only to be interrupted hearing the following, "Mr. Pariston, I'm Lynch Fullbokko I was sent to welcome you to the Kakin empire by the family boss, If you can please follow me this way."

The one who welcomed him is a young woman with shoulder-length fair hair styled so as to spiral into a tube-like shape on the back of her head, with a few locks from her forehead falling on her shoulders and two shorter ones framing her face.

She has big eyes and short, thin eyebrows. Her attire consists of a sleeveless dress with a high collar, black kitten hill shoes in contrast to the white dress. This is Lynch Fullbokko a high-ranking member of the Xi-Yu family.

As she welcomed him, several other people in suits walked towards the luggage cart and carried all of the travel cases to a limousine close by while Pariston cheerfully smiled and requested as per formalities, "Lead the way please,"

She nodded and led him to the car though he still kept the briefcase he had with him close to him not letting go of it at all, the car drove through the bustling city with the two having a small conversation though it's mostly Pariston inquiring for information.

Pariston hill exited the vehicle while ordering the driver and the rest of the family's henchman insulating to the travel cases he brought with him, "Take my stuff to the Norial Hotel, I already booked a room there and let the employees know about your arrival so just deliver them to the room,"

Lynch and Pariston walked through the metallic building as the cheerful smile never left his face nor did the black briefcase leave his hand.

Lynch opened the door for him but didn't enter leaving only three people in the room, Orion the family's boss, and the underboss of the family Hinrigh.

Pariston casually took a seat at the other end of the table facing Onior with the latter wondering, "Why is a 3-Star hunter among other things someone of your stature is here to hel..."

Sparkles seem to surround Pariston as he interrupted Onior making the latter's face twitch hearing what he had to say.

"I'm sorry for my rudeness not introducing myself the moment I entered the door. I'm a Pariston Hill a 3-Star hunter, I'm extremely honored to meet you!" His brown eyes seem to shine golden while saying that.

Onio nodded not losing his composure and continued what he was trying to say, "Why are you here? Why are you interested in hel..."

Pariston brought his hand to his chest performing a soldier's salute as his face turned serious yet his tone remained as cheerful as ever.

"I've heard about the hideous crimes a certain mafia family is doing and my good heart couldn't help but force me to give my hand out for the people in need!!"

His tone becomes more passionate as his speech went on and at this point, even Hinrigh's face couldn't help but twitch.

Onio took a deep breath and asked again ready to cancel the meeting less he loses his composure, "What do you want?"

Though surprisingly Pariston answered seriously... As seriously as he can get not allowing anyone to see his intentions. "We have a common enemy. I'm sure by now you figured out that there is someone helping the Heil-Ly family and you should already know who he is considering he didn't try to hide it and this is why your request for the Zolyck family was rejected!"

Onior frowned hearing that and looked at Hinrigh who shook his head, then he questioned.

"How do you know? how do you know that we made a request to the Zoldyck family? only three people know on our side and I don't think the Zoldyck family would let such a thing out."

A bright smile surfaced on Pariston's face getting the vital information he needed, "I didn't, you just told me."

At this point, their faces started spasming with Onior being on losing his composure seeing the audacity he has to play them in their home turf only to hear the following.

"And this tells us something about him, he cares about his family and its reputation so perhaps we can use that."

Hinrigh narrowed his eyes hearing that, "We can use that how exactly? by going after a family of assassins? and the best in the world at that."

A creepy smile painted the monster's face, a smile that weirded out even the two mafia bosses in the room, "No No... it's easier than you think... What I want to do is to break his mind and I found that he has several weaknesses which we can make use of."

He stayed silent for a second letting them comprehend what he is saying before adding, "I know one of his abilities, and it's a close-ranged one but he is a 3-star hunter so it's likely he has another ability or more.

For now, we'll work with what we know by making a request to the Zoldyck family and setting the target as someone in the capital right next to him increasing the likeless of him accepting."

Hinrigh questioned not convinced, "The plan seems too fragile and simple and how are we going to benefit from such a thing? It sounds more like gaining a dangerous enemy."

"You mean an enemy you already have? It's only a matter of time before he exterminates your family so why not take the chance no matter how small it is and the plan is only for getting information,"

His eyes sparkled as he stated, "I'm your only chance... Let me know what you think once you've thought it through..." Then he picked up his briefcase and left heading to his Hotel room.

He placed the briefcase carefully on top of a glass table not opening it instead he started opening all the travel cases he had the Xi-Yu family's henchmen deliver.

And he noticed something, the cases have been searched and while they did a good job hiding the traces of their actions, someone as thorough as him will notice even the smallest changes.

Pariston picked up one of his jacket suits carefully looking at every cranny of it noticing a small clump.

Strangely that brought a bright smile to his face as he cheerfully talked to himself, "That's just rude, now isn't it?"

This is a monster. He was born due to a certain event in his childhood which affected his mentality and shaped what he is to today.

Someone who loves to love because he also loves to destroy what he loves. The desperation on his victims' faces is something he enjoys, it's the fuel that keeps him going...
