Chapter 87: Funny?  


Chapter 87: Funny?  


A large room, a large octagonal and well-made oak table, several chairs of the same type though only two are underuse.

Sitting on the head seat is a corpulent man with prominent wrinkles in his cheeks, small eyebrows, and a tuft of fair hair sticking out at the top of his head.

Two long, parallel scars run horizontally across his forehead. A frown could be seen clearly on his face signifying his mood while looking in a certain direction, this is Onior Longbao the boss of the Xi-Yu family.


On the seat on his right sat a lean man with long, fair hair, straight except for the locks on his forehead. The locks curl to the left which is almost parallel to his forehead and next to his ears, which are wavy.

He has thin, long eyebrows that curve upwards and round eyes with clear-colored irises and remarkably small pupils. He wears black makeup that circles each eye and extends a tip towards his nose.

He was wearing a white suit designed with pink spots all over it, he is wearing the suit over a dark pink shirt, this is Hinrigh Biganduffno the Underboss of the Xi-Yu Family.

They're both looking in the same direction at the laptop place on the table with a man appearing on its screen, a bald man with squarish eyes and bags under them. His appearance resembles that of a Chinese monk.

He appears to have no eyebrows, with lines departing from the bridge of his nose arching over his eyes.

Above each of them are three dark dots in a column, with the biggest at the base.


He has a dark pencil mustache, a very square chin, and elongated earlobes, this is Zhang Lei Hui Guo Rou, the Third Prince of the Kakin Empire and the son of his father's third wife, Tang Zhao Li. He is also the benefactor of the Xi-Yu family which explains the current situation.

"I already know the general situation so just tell me your solution," Zhang directly stated without any change in his expression.

Onior stroked his chain as he told what he thinks is the best plan or plans, "There are two plausible plans I see, one much riskier than the other~ Well, one is not risky at all.

First, we can use all our forces and attack forcefully getting rid of the family once and for all but There are too many unknown factors for such a plan and that makes the chance for us to get exterminated much higher and quite likely considering their past achievement, this plan is extremely risky." To which Hinrigh the underboss nodded and started saying on his own accord, "We definitely won't use this method no matter what."

Zhang frowned but nodded nonetheless knowing there is another method, "The other method, what is it?"

Onior answered simply, "The Zoldycks, a family of assassins and the best in the world. The problem is how much is needed to hire them depending on the danger of the target and well, the Heil-Ly family is quite dangerous.

I'm sure the Zoldycks will investigate the family and come to the same conclusion then they'll decide the price and this is where we need you.

I'm sure we won't have enough money to fulfill whatever price they'll request."

This time, Zhang's face couldn't help but twitch but still thought about it for a while before saying:

"It'll depend on how much they ask... If I agree you should know that the contract between us will have to change since this is on you."

He was about to hang up directly before hearing something that brightened his eyes.

"There is something else about the family that we can perhaps take advantage of.

One of them accepts a different kind of payment, the payment is owing him a favor if we choose him then we will owe him and we can't refuse whatever request he asks unless it leads to our death or has similar results or if he asks for money.

So in this case, we won't have to pay anything but one can argue that we will pay more.

You should also know that if we go with this option we will have to fulfill the favor since if we refuse, the possibility of our death will be quite high, certain even." Explained Orion thoroughly with a serious air around him.

Zhang frowned thinking about the implication of such a thing before saying, "Absolutely not, that's too dangerous. Anyway, I will contact you later."

And only then did he hang up the phone leaving the two in an air of silence and solemnity.


"Hahahaha.... this is quite funny." That is the sound of Yasuo letting out a small laugh looking at his phone, not his normal one but the special Zoldyck transmitter.

"What's so funny?" Lazily wondered Morena who is clinging to Yasuo as always, clinging to him seems to be a usual occurrence across the past few days since she let out her feelings.

Amusement is apparent in Yasuo's eyes as he explained, "Well, apparently the Xi-Yu family are trying to hire the Zoldyck family to exterminate the Heil-Ly family and father just let me know,"

While saying that, he sent a message back telling them to refuse the job and since they already meet Morena and know what he is up to here. Still lazily clinging to him, Morena suggested, "Perhaps I can use that if you accept the job, I can think of a trap in which they will definitely fall to since I'm sure they'll trust the Zoldycks reputation, what do you think?"

Yasuo shook his head, "It's not needed and I won't be responsible for hurting my family's reputation nor will they agree to such a thing.

If the situation required it, I will just use brute force to get the job done so you have me as a backup plan. Just think of plans and gain experience as you lead the family,"

"Is this a test? observing how far I can go without you helping too much." Again wondered Morena.

"Not really, you said you want to find a hobby and I want to help you find one. And being good at your hobby is necessary especially considering what kind of interest you have,"

Hearing that made her let out a small giggle as she hid her face on his chest.

They stayed in silence for a while before Morena remembered something saying, "About the two prisoners, I already used my ability on the underboss Ken'i and I'm planning on taking his ability or Aura but I don't know about the other one called Sun-bin.

In the fight, he was able to tell I'm saying the truth which leads me to believe he is a specialist or a conjurer and I didn't see anything conjured making it more likely he is a specialist and this is the weakness of my ability so what do you think I should do?"

Yasuo started stroking his earring thinking about it for a bit, "Perhaps you can recruit him else just use your ability on him. I will make you a specialist as well in the future but it will take a while for that to happen, it's up to you."

Morena's eyes couldn't help but widen hearing such a thing, "You actually can?" To which he nodded.

"Then I'll use my ability on them, it's safer this way." Stated Morena while Yasuo closed his eyes as a strange eye opened on the dark purple crow, a vertical eye appeared spreading on most of the crow's head.

The dark purple crow that rarely leaves Yasuo's shoulder, the branch on which he stands, the only difference is on the type of eye or eyes it has, normal eyes or the pitch-black vertical eye or as he calls it the Vision Eye... The eye blinked.

He opened his eyes again as a portal formed in front of them, Yasuo stood up and said, "I'll come back in a bit."

Then he disappeared into the portal and appeared in a traditional Chinese bedroom.

A bedcover colored in orange with yellow patterns on them as specks of sunlight shining through the well-designed window build with some kind of light-colored wood.

Flower vases all around giving a life-like color to the room and the whole room looked alive with all the exquisite patterns everywhere but well designed giving the room a sense of balance and warm air enveloping everyone within.

The peacefulness changed not when he appeared nor did it change when the two people in the room narrowed their eyes looking at the uninvited guest.

Yasuo elegantly nodded with a serene smile on his face introducing himself in a strange way, "Nasubi Hui Guo Rou the ruler of the Kakin empire... I'm Yasuo Zoldyck It's nice to meet you again."

A calm composed look never left Natsubi's face fitting of a ruler as he simply observed Yasuo with a weird smile on his face.

He seemed to be harmless not putting his guard up at all and instead of going by formalities introducing himself, he however asked, "We have met before?"
