Chapter 72: Vision  


Chapter 72: Vision  


If she knows how the bird's body works exactly, the bird will be even more real and perhaps she can push the ability much further...

Alluka suddenly opened her eyes saying, "Fly around the room!" and the bird did just that, it started flying around the room by itself though its movement seemed kind of stiff.

This is the result of the ability Yasuo wrote on the paper and it's quite a simple one yet it's broken to a certain extent.


Anything Alluka paint can turn into reality as long as she wills it, how real it depends on her visualization and imagination during the painting process.

She pictured a bird that can fly and can chirp so that is what she got, and the bird's interior is filled with the blue energy because she didn't picture it.

She can control whatever she painted manually by closing her eyes, in which case she will know how to naturally make it move or how it functions.

Though what the construct can do is limited by how she visualized it during the painting process and she can see through the construct if the latter has eyes.

How many constructs she controls at the same time and the accuracy of the control depends on her abilities.

The bird can fly but can't breathe fire since she didn't picture it doing so and well, she will need a lot of training to actually picture a bird that can breathe fire.


But if she observed a dragon breathing fire then it will be much easier to paint it with the construct having the same ability than painting a bird with a fire breathing ability unless there is such a bird and she observes it, in which case it will be easier...

There is another limitation, the resulting construct will be as big as it was painted so she might need to paint on extremely large paper if she wants to paint something with the result being larger.

She can also give commands to the resulting constructs and they'll perform the command if their ability allows them to do so, if she created a cat without the ability to fly and ordered it to fly then it won't respond. Their performance in doing the commands will depend on how Alluka visualized the construct doing the command and how she perceives what the command means.

Also, The resulting constructs don't have a life of their own and they can't act independently unless they received the command, in wish case, they will stop moving once they performed the command unless it's an indefinite command just like the one Alluka just made 'Fly around the room'.

Alluka can also dissolve the constructs whenever she wants.

The previous limitation is Yasuo being cautious of the constructs ever going out of control among other important limitations he added.

Alluka can never make a construct of Yasuo, herself, Nanika and she can't make any construct have their power or memories especially Yasuo's.

He placed this limitation just in case because he doesn't know if she will be able to make the constructs have memories of other things in the future though it's unlikely.

Alluka played around with the bird for a while before running towards Yasuo and kissed his cheek, "I love you sooo much!!, I'll definitely use it well!"

Yasuo just smiled then said, "I'll be away for a while so take this time to train your proficiency in the ability, stay back home until you feel like you can teleport to me again or if you need anything then just contact me, ok?"

He stood up after saying that as Alluka nodded and asked, "Can we make video calls if you take too long?"

Yasuo nodded, "It shouldn't take too long but ok..." Then she disappeared taking all her stuff with her in anticipation of playing around with her new ability, while Yasuo put his backpack on then left the hotel.

Yasuo flew to the sky using his control domain then closed his eyes while concentrating his Aura on his upper back.

He created the usual triangle threads from his upper back with countless threads branching out from them until they formed the six-armed construct with the long hair but this construct's size is only a little bit bigger than his size in contrast to the one he made against Netero that rivaled the latter's Guanyin statue.

There is another difference, two extremely large wings spurted from the construct's back.

The biggest difference though is on its face, A large vertical eye and the only thing on its face, the eye looked completely black with darkness completely engulfing it, it looked like it can absorb anyone looking at it into the dark abyss within.

Yasuo started manipulating the wing to fly with the coast of the Anrika continent as his destination, he used his control domain as support making him fly faster with the Vision construct using one of the six hands as a platform for him to stand on.

As the construct flew high in the sky, a few irregularities started appearing on some of its arms, black lines spreading all over them for about a second then disappearing though the lines never appear on the hand Yasuo is standing on.

This is Yasuo using his ability 'Violet Rose' though strangely the lines don't appear on his arms, instead, they appear on the Vision six-armed construct's arms and only on some of them and the lines become black if applied on the Vision arms.

Yasuo is training his ability to consciously choose which of the arms the lines will appear on when he activates the ability, because the arms become intangible when that happens and if all the six arms become intangible then that'll basically leave him defenseless especially with the limitation he put on the Vision ability. This way, he can attack with the arms the ability is applied on and defended with the remaining tangible arms.

'The ability is really quite broken... well, I'm proud of myself... this is due to my vision after all...'

Noted Yasuo feeling the power in the vision construct and how high the damage it deals on the target he set with the latter being the 'Air'.

The damage is not significant relative to how massive of a target Air is but its many times higher than using his real arms and if we consider that there are six of such arms and that their speed is much faster than his real arm's speed then there is no comparison...

Yasuo's face looks expressionless with no movement whatsoever as he continued his training, and his eyes look completely white as if blind.

He looks blank as if he has no control of his body at all, this is another limitation on the ability and the main reason why the six-armed Vision construct can use the ability 'Violet Rose' on its arms.

Hatsu -Vision- (Specialty- enhancement-transmutation-manipulation)

-Yasuo transmutes his Aura into Aeronen threads that twist together into a Vision construct with a pitch-black vertical eye appearing on it.

-Yasuo has to create three threads from his upper back and the three threads have to form a triangle and he can branch more threads from the three threads, only then can he activate the ability.

-Yasuo can form the construct into anything and can make it as big as he wants with his Aura pool as a limitation but that comes at a cost, because the power spread equally all over the construct, making it bigger will lower its defensive and offensive abilities while also lowering its speed, but that lowers only the added power from the ability while leaving the basic Aeronen endurance without any effect on the latter's properties.

-The invisibility property won't be useable on any of the Vision forms but Yasuo can use it if he uses only pure Nen threads.

-When Yasuo uses Vision, he will lose control over his body and his heart will stop functioning though he will only lose his normal control over his body except his brain, soul, and Nen or any other energy within his control and the vision construct will be considered his real body.

-Because of the risk above and Since the construct is considered his real body then the latter's overall strength will be added to the construct and be spread equally all over it, this is the added power mentioned above.

And Yasuo will be able to output his Aura through the construct.

-Yasuo can choose one construct form which will be called Zero Vision. That particular form will ignore the limitation 'The bigger the construct the lower the added power will be,', but the small the overall size of Zero Vision relative to Yasuo's overall size, the more powerful the Vision Eye will be.

The increase in Vision Eye's power isn't infinite as the increase in power will stop when the form is ten times smaller than Yasuo's size. Yasuo can change Zero Vision's form only once a month.

-Vision Eye: The ability to see the future that will happen depending on Yasuo's intention at that moment with the ability to see the future or the past of other things other than himself.

The thing that plays the most important role in how far he can see is Yasuo's overall power and the latter's Nen pool.

-If he wishes to select anything other than himself, that thing needs to be within Zero form's vision or close to the form.

