Chapter 133

Hao Xiangxiang had gotten inside information long ago and was cleverly waiting at the entrance of Leisure Residence, just so she could get closer to Zheng Ruqian.

Although she didn't actually like this poor little boy very much, her father praised his shrewdness and moderation, her mother commended his honesty and uprightness, and said he had the makings of a businessman, and was also simple and would treat her well.

After taking a look at Leisure Residence, she also felt he was graceful and refined, so she settled down to cultivate a relationship.

Even calling him "Brother Zheng" was something she had practiced over and over at home, carefully modulating her voice into a gentle, charming tone.

But to Zheng Ruqian's ears, it was no less shocking than a thunderclap.

The thirteen-year old boy timidly raised his head, looking at Hao Xiangxiang who was about the same height but twice as wide as him, and his teeth chattered as he stammered, "Miss, Miss Hao..."


"Just call me Xiangxiang," said the fifteen-year-old girl, whose face was as round as the moon but whose expression was full of shyness. "My father said you were waiting here specially at Leisure Residence just to see me, and now that I'm here, will you take me shopping on East Street?"

East Street was a street in the eastern part of the city where inexpensive trinkets were sold, highly popular with young women.

That was where Wang Mingyu had bought her jade pendant.

No, that wasn't the point. The point was, who was it who had specially waited here just to see her? And who only wanted to meet her?

Zheng Ruqian was aggrieved and furious. He had known that old fox Hao would not agree to the sausage deal so readily. It turned out he had been waiting here to trap him.

But now that the deal was sealed with their handprints, he had no way to back out, and certainly couldn't offend Hao Xiangxiang outright.


Zheng Ruqian racked his brains, searching desperately for the right words, and said evasively, "I still have young siblings at home. I'm afraid I can't go strolling idly on East Street."

"You have younger brothers and sisters?" Xiangxiang looked artless. "Don't worry, Xiangxiang will be a capable sister-in-law in the future, and help you take care of your siblings."

Zheng Ruqian stiffened again.

Why wasn't Hao Xiangxiang as annoying as Niu Xianxian, so he could dismiss her unceremoniously instead of having to consider everyone's feelings and avoid hurting the heart of an innocent girl.

"It's like this, Miss Hao," he stammered. "I'm still young. I'm not considering marriage yet, at least not until I'm fifteen."

Hao Xiangxiang nodded thoughtfully. "I understand. I'll wait until you're seventeen."

Zheng Ruqian was floored.

Behind him, the usually reticent Wang Xiaosong couldn't help but cover his face, sympathizing deeply with his young master. Zheng Ruqian finally collected himself and said solemnly, "Miss Hao has misunderstood. Ruqian cannot delay the young lady's future. I only hope that in the future Miss Hao will find a husband who is perfectly suited for her."

Having said this, he didn't wait for Hao Xiangxiang's reply, but hurriedly cupped his fists and fled precipitously.

Wang Xiaosong followed close behind, as if escaping some calamity.

Even after getting some distance away, they could still hear Hao Xiangxiang calling out, "My father and mother say you are my perfect husband."

Luckily the shoes Zhang auntie had thoughtfully reinforced with non-slip soles today, otherwise Zheng Ruqian would have surely slipped and knocked out his front teeth.

The swaggering Young Master Zheng who had set out so confidently earlier returned home looking utterly wretched.

Chang Yan and Wen Zhiyun had been discussing something, and were shocked when they saw him like this and stood up together. "Second brother, were you chased by a wild dog?"

Zheng Ruqian spat on the ground. "Nonsense."

Although Hao Xiangxiang's looks were nothing special, just the kindness she showed in wanting to care for his siblings meant he shouldn't insult her like that.

"The young master has caught the eye of a young lady," Wang Xiaosong offered uncharacteristically.

Chang Yan gaped, and he and Wen Zhiyun exchanged a look and tactfully kept silent.

It was Fang Heng, swinging his staff, who joked, "Our second brother is impressive. He's getting a second sister-in-law before the rest of us even have a first."

Little Jiang Sheng, clutching a sausage, overheard the last bit and came skipping over excitedly. "Second sister-in-law? What's this about a second sister-in-law? Our second brother is so amazing?"

Everyone laughed.

Only Zheng Ruqian glared resentfully at Fang Heng, too aggrieved to speak.

With steady and gentle eldest brother above him, and a dashing third brother below, why was it he, the ordinary middle brother, who got targeted? It must be because Hao Xiangxiang hadn't met the eldest and third brothers yet. Otherwise she would definitely have transferred her affections.


Zheng second brother watched Fang Heng intently, with calculating eyes. Fang Heng shivered all over.

"Second brother, what are you doing?" Fang covered his chest. "We're brothers!"

"We are brothers," Zheng Ruqian said with an odd smile. "Good brothers help each other in times of trouble, don't they?"

Fang Heng frowned.

Zheng Ruqian put an arm around his shoulders and pulled him into a corner, whispering furtively.

Soon Fang Heng lifted his head in shock. "That won't do, I can't do something so deceitful."

Upright young men should not commit such unscrupulous acts. Zheng Ruqian was unruffled, and leisurely adjusted his lapels. "I heard you're hoping to get some bladed weapons to replace your staff? After all, real battles use real blades and spears, it's hard to show your skill with just a staff."

Fang Heng's expression instantly froze.

This was indeed the dilemma he had been worrying over recently. The Great Yu dynasty, unlike other dynasties, kept tight control over blades, spears, swords and halberds. Ordinary people had no right to own them, let alone mythic treasure swords, which couldn't be bought at all.

He had seized a blade when tricking the clerk, but had to turn it over as evidence.

Up until now, Fang Heng and his eight servants could only practice with staffs.

Though awe-inspiring, they still lacked the sharp effectiveness of bladed weapons.

"Second brother, you know of a way?" Although excited, Fang Heng didn't forget to remind him, "We can't violate the laws of the kingdom. It has to be through proper channels."

"Don't worry," Zheng Ruqian thumped his chest. "Could your second brother do anything unlawful or irregular? Hurry, let's resolve the matter at hand first."

Although Fang Heng still looked doubtful, he nodded in agreement.

The two whispered together as they walked away.

Wen Zhiyun and Chang Yan whispered together, "What's second brother asking third brother to do?"

After thinking for a while, Chang Yan whispered back, "Diverting disaster eastward, I guess."

East Street of the city.

Unable to go with Zheng Ruqian, Hao Xiangxiang took her maids shopping on her own, looking at embroidered kerchiefs and bamboo purses, and lingering by a booth engraving name seals and jade pendants.

In the end she bought a little candy figurine.

Just as she was happily popping it into her mouth, someone rushed by in a hurry, knocking into the maid behind her.

The maid shrieked and fell against her young mistress' back.

Hao Xiangxiang was startled, but luckily her ample back cushioned the impact of the maid. Her elbow slipped though, and the candy figure tumbled from her hand.

She watched helplessly as the pristine candy, not yet tasted, fell towards the ground where it would smash to pieces.

In a flash, a figure raced over, hands nimbly vaulting over obstacles, somersaulting gracefully through the air to catch the falling candy figurine. The graceful, agile movement was like a dragon in flight.

Still in shock, Hao Xiangxiang looked up along the slender, fair hand to see a dashing, rosy-cheeked young face.

The youth had strongly arched brows that lent him a heroic air. His aquiline nose was proud and lofty, and his pink lips were full and pursed, combining with his well-defined features for a slightly unruly look.

Add to that his tall, lithe figure and nimble movements in catching the candy so adroitly...

Hao Xiangxiang's face flushed uncontrollably.

"Miss, your candy figurine," Fang Heng forced out in a deep, sexy voice.
