Chapter 65

Someone hanged themselves at Lai Fu Inn.

When the Song County Magistrate received the report, he took it very seriously. This was the first homicide case since he took office, so he could not be careless. However, when he saw the appearance of the corpse, it was not what he had expected at all.

"How could it be him?"

"Sir," Zhang County Captain quickly asked, "Do you know this person?"

"I wouldn't say I know him," the Song County Magistrate said, "This person is Counselor He, the master of Prefect Hu."



Zhang County Captain was stunned.

The master of Prefect Hu, how could he come to Baichuan County and hang himself dead in an inn?

Although the scene did not reveal anything suspicious and he even left a suicide note, this was still quite bizarre.

Could this master really have committed suicide out of righteousness, unwilling to get involved in shameful affairs?

Of course the Song County Magistrate did not think so. In fact, he had a very bold guess.

"He did not hang himself, he must have been murdered," the Song County Magistrate said. "And the murderer could be none other than..."


Zhang County Captain swallowed hard, very nervously asking: "Who?"


Zhang County Captain: ......

"I know you are very loyal to me and want to protect Ms. Li from He Wan Village," the Song County Magistrate said. "Yesterday you saw someone trying to secretly harm Ms. Li. Then you inadvertently learned that Counselor He wanted to harm me, so in a hurry you killed him to keep him silent. Zhang Yi, although I understand your good intentions, there are many ways to resolve this matter. Why did you have to take the law into your own hands? Guards, arrest this official!"

The people at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay.

Could this person really have been killed by Zhang County Captain?

Facing the guards who did not know whether to pin him to the ground, Zhang County Captain was sweating profusely on his forehead and quickly defended himself: "Sir, last night I was on duty in the county office. My brothers can testify for me..." "Is that true?"

"This lowly one would not dare deceive you!"

"Sir," a guard also said, "Zhang County Captain is telling the truth."

"If it wasn't you, and no one else had a motive to kill him..." The Song County Magistrate frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, then said, "It appears to have been a suicide after all. Close the case, and be sure to inform Prefect Hu."


Zhang County Captain heaved a long sigh of relief. Why did he feel like the Song County Magistrate was a little off today?

The Song County Magistrate also did not stay long. He turned and left the scene.

Of course he knew that Zhang County Captain was on duty in the county office last night. His deliberate "framing" of him just now was only for show to others.

As for how Counselor He actually died, he knew very well.

After being demoted, although his elderly father at home was extremely disappointed in him and didn't even want to see him, he knew that his family had still sent some people to secretly protect him.

But this time, they went too far. This was also one of the reasons why he disliked his father's methods.

They were too sinister.


Li Yao took the familiar route and went down to the bottom of the valley.

Last time due to the urgency, she had only explored a few miles. This time she planned to spend two to three days and go to the end of the gorge.

The humidity in the valley was heavier, so the vegetation was more lush than outside. Because almost no one came here, there was a rich abundance of wild delicacies.

After walking only three miles, Li Yao had already caught two plump wild chickens, taking care of lunch and dinner.

Continuing forward, after passing through a very long narrow section as the evening approached, what suddenly came into view was a very open flat land.

The flat ground was very large, at least two thousand acres. It was surrounded by steep cliffs, and there was no way forward. This appeared to be the end of the valley.

Looking around, the entire flat ground only had some trees less than a hundred years old at the edges against the cliffs, still sparse. The closer it got to the middle, there were only some low bushes and weeds left.

She had thought she could still find some fresh things in the valley, but it looked like this wish would come to nothing.

Li Yao found a shallow rock crevice on the cliff and cleared it out. This would be her campsite tonight.

Putting down her backpack, she took out a cleaver and collected firewood to slowly roast the chickens.

But when she pushed aside a clump of weeds, a string of heart-shaped leaves made her heart suddenly beat wildly.

Were these leaves and vines sweet potato?

She immediately put down the firewood and followed the vines. After some digging, she did indeed dig up a string of sweet potatoes! And there was more than just one.

Everywhere in the surrounding grass, there were sweet potato vines hidden in the weeds.

This was a big surprise to her.

Sweet potatoes originated from the Americas. She had thought it would be at least many more years before she would see them.

Of course, this world was not the ancient times of her memories, so anything was possible.

If there were sweet potatoes, what else might there be?

With this thought, Li Yao could not wait until the sky was completely dark. She searched around, and with perseverance, just 300 meters away she found a small patch of potatoes.

In an instant, Li Yao's mind was filled with all kinds of delicious dishes.

Potato shreds, cold potato slices, wolf tooth potatoes, potato pancakes, cumin potatoes, braised potato with beef...

Li Yao decided that tonight she would have roasted potatoes.

After digging up some potatoes and sweet potatoes, Li Yao returned to her campsite and lit a fire. She first put the cleaned wild chickens on low heat to roast slowly. Then she dug a shallow pit in the ground and put in the sweet potatoes and potatoes, moving some embers on top.

After eating the roast chicken, the sweet potatoes and potatoes were also nearly done roasting.

She would eat the sweet potatoes first.

Peeling off the charred skins, the unique sweet aroma of roasted sweet potatoes wafted up. After blowing on them to cool, they were soft and sweet with one bite. That feeling of dessert after a meal gave her the satisfaction she hadn't felt since first coming to this world.

After a few sweet potatoes, she was still reluctant to stop. She reached into the ashes and took out the roasted potatoes.

Without even peeling off the skins, she could already smell the familiar aroma.

Compared to the sweet potatoes, the smell of roasted potatoes was slightly lighter, but that was no problem. Li Yao was prepared.

She had saved the oil from the chicken belly, and used the small pot she carried to fry it. Cutting the roasted potatoes into small pieces and frying the skins golden in the chicken oil, then sprinkling on spice powder and salt, it was perfect.

A delicious plate of cumin potatoes was ready.

After absorbing the chicken oil, the potato aroma had elevated at least several levels. Especially the crispy skins, they were so fragrant with each bite.

With the first piece, Li Yao felt her soul leave her body.

If she wasn't already so full, Li Yao would have wanted to make another plate.

After eating her fill, Li Yao lay satisfied on the hay, looking at the starry night sky.

Although conditions were harsh after coming to this world, now she felt that heaven was still treating her pretty well.

With these sweet potatoes and potatoes, she could do a lot of things now.
