Chapter 271

Lan Er had already changed her mind about committing suicide, especially since she would be staying with the Mo Family in the future and naturally had to behave herself well.

"No, no, no, the two of us can do all kinds of rough work. When we go to the Mo Family, the Ninth Lady can order us around like lowly maids if she wants."

Lan Er didn't have any great skills. No matter who she followed, she could be loyal. "Please don't look down on me, Ninth Lady."

Yu Er also promised: "Ninth Lady, I can also work. I guarantee I won't make things difficult for you."

After finishing reprimanding them, He Zhiran spoke again: "As long as you don't have ulterior motives, I won't mistreat you either."

With the two maids' matters temporarily settled, He Zhiran went to the bedside to check on the Fourth and Seventh Brothers.


Mo Jiuye guessed his wife might use some special methods to wake the two brothers, so he waved his hands at Lan Er and Yu Er to let them leave first.

Since the Seventh Brother had been unconscious when he was rescued, He Zhiran carefully inserted silver needles at several acupoints on his body.

After about five minutes, the Seventh Brother first showed signs of reaction, with his eyelids twitching slightly, followed by a slight pained expression on his face.

Mo Jiuye anxiously went forward and shouted: "Seventh brother, Seventh brother, wake up!"

Mo Yuance felt dizzy. He thought he was dead, yet strangely heard the Ninth Brother's voice.

He didn't open his eyes voluntarily, but mumbled: "Ninth brother? Ninth brother, tell Mother that her unfilial son couldn't fulfill his filial duty by her side as she sends off her black-haired son.


"Seventh brother, it's me Jiuye. Mother is very well. If she knew you were still alive, she would definitely be very happy," Mo Jiuye said.

"You said I'm still alive?" Mo Yuance clearly didn't believe it was true.

"Seventh brother, you really are still alive," Mo Jiuye affirmed.

Hearing this definite statement, Mo Yuance struggled to open his eyes. He didn't recognize the person in front of him at all. He subconsciously thought this must be the Southern Borderlands people playing tricks, wanting to get something out of him by finding someone with the same voice as his Ninth Brother to trick him.

"Heh... You Southern Borderlands people really stoop to any means," Mo Yuance sneered.

Only then did Mo Jiuye realize his face was disguised by his wife's makeup and he was wearing Southern Borderlands clothing, no wonder the Seventh Brother didn't recognize him.

He hurriedly tore off his fake beard. He Zhiran also timely handed over a wet wipe. Mo Jiuye swiftly wiped off the makeup on his face, then moved closer to Mo Yuance.

"Seventh brother, look closely at me. I'm Jiuye."

To let the Seventh Brother see clearly, He Zhiran even held up the room's only oil lamp next to Mo Jiuye's face, trying to make it clearer for him to see.

Now Mo Yuance could thoroughly see Mo Jiuye's appearance.

"Ninth brother, it really is you?"

Seeing his brother recognize him, Mo Jiuye's eyes instantly moistened.

He pulled He Zhiran to his side and introduced: "Seventh brother, this is my wife, the daughter of Chancellor He's family, He Zhiran."

Hearing this, Mo Yuance felt confused.

On the eve of the war against the Southern Borderlands, he and Sixth Brother had also advised Mo Jiuye. They told him he was quite old already, and his marriage had been set for many years. When the war ended and they returned to the capital, he should hurry up and get married to bring some joy to the family.

This had clearly just happened recently. How did the Ninth Brother get married so quickly?

Could it be that the Ninth Sister chased him to the border to marry the Ninth Brother?

The more Mo Yuance thought about it, the more muddled he felt. He simply asked outright: "Ninth brother, how did you get married so fast?"

Hearing his question, Mo Jiuye naturally understood the Seventh Brother must have lost his own consciousness due to the Gu worms’ control and didn’t remember what had happened recently.

"Seventh brother, it’s already been over three years since your accident on the battlefield."

"Over three years?" Mo Yuance didn't believe it at all.

Mo Jiuye roughly told him about what had happened these past few years, and informed him that his missing memories were caused by the puppet Gu worm.

In order to get the Seventh Brother to accept this fact, Mo Jiuye also specially let him take a look at the Fourth Brother lying next to him.

"Seventh brother, if you don't believe me, take a look. Fourth brother was rescued a day before you."

In Mo Yuance’s knowledge, the Fourth Brother had already died on the battlefield before he himself was captured. Now seeing the person lying beside him, those eyebrows, if not Fourth Brother, then who? Now Mo Yuance thoroughly believed Mo Jiuye’s words.

"I didn't expect I was actually muddled for over three years." Mo Yuance laughed at himself. In these three years, he also failed his duty to serve his aged mother. Abandoning his young wife to live as a widow, and now requiring his Ninth Brother and Sister-in-Law to risk danger to come rescue him in the Southern Borderlands.

He felt he was a burden dragging down his family.

Especially just now when he wanted to sit up but couldn't move at all.

For a time, Mo Yuance fell into bewilderment.

At the same time, he also wondered aloud:

"I remember I inhaled poison powder with Sixth Brother thrown by the enemy, then was taken to a dark place. Why has my body become so weak?"

It seemed the Seventh Brother didn't remember what had happened at all.

Mo Jiuye could only tell him what he knew.

"Seventh brother, you were caught and implanted with a puppet Gu worm. At first we all thought you were dead. We found you in the Southern Borderlands Prince's manor. At that time you were locked in the dungeon..."

Mo Jiuye recounted it very clearly, even telling about the Fourth Princess.

Mo Yuance didn't expect that his current utterly feeble state was caused by the Southern Borderlands Prince's jealousy.

He tried his utmost to clench his fist and say: "I, Mo Yuance, will take revenge on this grudge in my lifetime."

Thinking about his own condition, Mo Yuance gritted his teeth in hatred.

Mo Jiuye also hated the Southern Borderlands Prince, it’s just that when they were at the Prince's manor earlier, they were anxious to save the Seventh Brother, plus the chaotic situation on site, thus letting that Prince slip away temporarily.

But he didn’t dare show too extreme an attitude in front of the Seventh Brother.

The Seventh Brother was fairly hot-tempered. Mo Jiuye worried he would damage his already tattered body from anger, so he urgently persuaded: "Seventh brother, we will take revenge sooner or later, but you need to recover first."

Hearing his Ninth Brother's words, Mo Yuance only just realized that currently he couldn't even get up, so what ability did he have to seek revenge?

He strived to calm himself down and become more sensible.

This sensibility, instead, roused in Mo Yuance a feeling of utter hopeless despair.

He first lifted his bony, scarred hands as thin as firewood to look, then said sarcastically: "I was really overestimating myself. With this kind of body, what revenge is there to speak of?"

Seeing the Seventh Brother's despondent mood, Mo Jiuye hurriedly comforted: "Seventh brother, Rangrang is very skilled in medicine. She will surely cure you."

To make Mo Yuance believe his words, Mo Jiuye briefly described the situation the Eighth Brother was in back then, and how Rangrang had cured him and others.
