Chapter 261

He didn't distrust his wife's medical skills, but Fourth Brother's condition was very special. Now that he was still alive after being found, it was already a blessing.

Mo Jiuye had even thought ahead that as long as he could bring Fourth Brother back home, he would be willing to support him for life as long as he was alive.

It was no surprise that He Zhiran was questioned. If she didn't master advanced medical technology from the future, and have those advanced medical equipment in her space, she would never dare to say such things.

"Trust me, I will find a way to cure Fourth Brother."

The conversation between the two was heard clearly by Mo Xiuyan. In order not to make the young couple feel bad, he did not refute.

After all, they were in someone else's territory. To be safe, Mo Jiuye did not dare to stay here any longer.


He Zhiran had the same idea, so she took out silver needles from her space.

"Fourth Brother, let me first apply acupuncture to make you feel more comfortable."

As soon as she finished speaking, without waiting for Mo Xiuyan to respond, He Zhiran had already quickly inserted silver needles at several acupoints on his head.

Soon, Mo Xiuyan lost consciousness.

He Zhiran also injected him with a small amount of tranquilizers before settling the man on the operating table bed in the space.

After examining the room once more and making sure nothing was amiss, the two returned to the entrance of the secret chamber.


Coming to Simeng Mountain Villa and finding Mo Xiuyan was already the biggest gain for them.

Moreover, from the interrogation of Huang Xu's situation, these people may not necessarily know more than him.

In order to leave here sooner to treat Mo Xiuyan, Mo Jiuye directly beheaded those three men and leapt out of the well with He Zhiran.

It was already midnight now. With poor visibility going down the mountain, He Zhiran decided to enter the space on the spot to first check on Mo Xiuyan's condition.

Back in the space, they saw Dough trying hard to climb onto the operating table. It was understandable that the little guy was curious about the strangers.

Seeing this, He Zhiran hurriedly took the little guy to the side and coaxed him with a small apple to go play by himself.

Mo Xiuyan was still in a deep sleep.

Mo Jiuye first fetched a basin of clear water and simply cleaned Fourth Brother's body, then changed him into clothes that He Zhiran had temporarily purchased for him in Taobao Mall.

With everything settled, He Zhiran came to the operating room.

She first touched Mo Xiuyan's legs, and instantly frowned.

Seeing her expression, Mo Jiuye nervously asked, "Ranran, how are Fourth Brother's legs?"

"The condition of Fourth Brother's legs is not very optimistic. This is not just a simple bone fracture."

He Zhiran thought for a while and told her initial judgment.

"All the bones in Fourth Brother's lower legs are shattered. Compared to that, helping Fourth Brother reconnect the crushed bones is a small problem. The most important thing is that the muscles in his legs have all died, and those dead muscles must be removed and regenerated. Only then will Fourth Brother have a chance to stand up again in the future."

This was only He Zhiran's initial judgment. As for the condition of other parts of Fourth Brother's body, further examination was still needed to make a diagnosis.

After simply explaining to Mo Jiuye, He Zhiran then used her consciousness to control various examinations of Fourth Brother.

The results of the examination were not very optimistic.

Seeing his wife's solemn expression, Mo Jiuye felt uneasy in his heart again.

"Ranran, how is Fourth Brother's body?"

"Fourth Brother has a serious deficiency of qi and blood."

In other words, he was malnourished. In order for Mo Jiuye to understand, she chose to express it in the language of traditional Chinese medicine.

"And many of Fourth Brother's internal organs are damaged, especially the test indicators of his heart, which currently do not meet the conditions for surgery." He Zhiran tried to explain to Mo Jiuye in words he could understand.

Hearing this, Mo Jiuye became even more anxious.

Now that they had finally found Fourth Brother, he could not have anything happen to him.

"Ranran, is there any good way for Fourth Brother's condition?"

He Zhiran also felt that Fourth Brother's condition was tricky.

In her previous life, even if her patients had very poor physical condition, none of them had as many problems as Fourth Brother. "The injuries to Fourth Brother's legs and hands can be treated a little later. The most important thing now is to adjust his body to a state that can undergo surgery."

Mo Jiuye didn't understand medicine, but he believed his wife could surely cure Fourth Brother.

"Alright, I'll leave it to you, Ranran."

There was no time to lose. Currently Fourth Brother's condition was very poor. If it weren't for him and He Zhiran rescuing him today, I'm afraid if they found him a few days later, it would be Fourth Brother's corpse.

This kind of treatment would take at least half a month to show results. Fourth Brother was only in a temporary coma and could not stay in the space for a long time.

But for now, He Zhiran was still confident. The amount of drugs Fourth Brother used would make him sleep soundly until noon tomorrow.

So He Zhiran hung plasma bags on both of Fourth Brother's hands, one was a bag of dark red plasma, and the other was a nutritional solution to help him quickly regain his strength.

After getting busy with these, the two did not rest at all and immediately left the space.

By now, it was almost dawn outside. Mo Jiuye hugged He Zhiran using qinggong (lightness skill) to swiftly rush down the mountain.

Inside the city, they found a local dental clinic and rented a yard to temporarily house Fourth Brother for recuperation. After all, they still didn’t know how long they would stay in the South. Living in a private house was much more convenient than an inn.

In addition to renting the yard, the two also bought a sixteen or seventeen year old boy from the dental clinic. According to the tooth dealer, his name was Shun Zi and he was born deaf and mute. Such a person would be most suitable to take care of Fourth Brother. This way, they would not have to worry about Fourth Brother having no one to look after him when they went out to do things.

First Mo Jiuye sent Shun Zi out to buy some household items. He and He Zhiran rushed to the rented yard first. It was almost noon. After Mo Jiuye simply tidied up the bedding in the room, He Zhiran moved Fourth Brother onto the bed with a thought.

Fourth Brother was still not awake, but after some treatment, his complexion looked a little better than last night.

He Zhiran entered the space again and prepared some warming food for Fourth Brother. She had just finished when Fourth Brother woke up.

Seeing Fourth Brother awake, Mo Jiuye was in no hurry to ask about his ordeal. Instead, he brought over sea cucumber rice porridge and some small dishes that He Zhiran had prepared.

"Fourth Brother, you're awake. Eat something first to fill your stomach."

With Fourth Brother unable to move his limbs, Mo Jiuye had to personally feed him, while also clearly seeing the appearances of the two people before him.

Originally in the dark secret chamber, he couldn't see very clearly and could only determine by voice that this person was Ninth Junior Brother.

Now in a room with decent light, he got a thorough look at both people. The voice was clearly Ninth Junior Brother's, but why did his appearance become like this?

Mo Xiuyan asked in puzzlement, "Ninth Junior Brother, how did you become like this?"

Only then did Mo Jiuye realize that he was still in disguise.

He tore off the fake beard and hat covering his whole forehead with his hand, "Fourth Brother, in order to move around easily in the South, I simply disguised myself."

Now Mo Xiuyan finally found a trace of familiarity. No matter the makeup, Ninth Junior Brother's brows and eyes still had their original shadow.
