Chapter 254

He Zhiran was dressed more simply, with her long hair braided into countless little braids and wearing a special floral hat. After thinking for a moment, He Zhiran purchased two sets of clothing based on the characteristics of South Xinjiang attire from the Taobao Mall.

She and Mo Jiuye each put on the newly purchased outfits. This time He Zhiran did not continue to dress as a man, but made herself up as a South Xinjiang woman instead.

After Mo Jiuye had finished dressing up, he also did not look like his original self, and was a typical South Xinjiang man from head to toe.

The two checked each other and made sure there were no flaws before leaving the space.

Now they did not have to evade anyone, but could swagger down the street.

Indeed, as He Zhiran had expected, there were South Xinjiang soldiers everywhere on the street.


The military dogs that had been commanded around by the steamed bun were also gradually being called back.

The soldiers were in squads of ten or so, each walking a military dog, searching everywhere on the big streets.

In order not to attract the attention of the soldiers, Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran deliberately kept their heads low and walked as if very afraid.

Even so, the soldiers did not let them off. A soldier leading a military dog blocked their way.

"Have you seen two Da Shun people?"

Mo Jiuye held He Zhiran’s hand tightly, answering nervously, "No...didn’t see them.”


He often dealt with South Xinjiang people and could respond completely in their dialect.

The dissatisfied soldier glared at them angrily before letting them leave.

Mo Jiuye pulled He Zhiran straight towards the next city in South Xinjiang.

On the way, they passed the place where their barracks were located, which was already on high alert.

They were not worried about this. Now that they were dressed as South Xinjiang people, they would be questioned at most, just like earlier.

As expected, when they reached the checkpoint, someone intercepted them. "What do you do?"

Mo Jiuye quickly stepped forward and explained, "We came to see an old friend on the border, and now we plan to return to Lian City."

Lian City was the city closest to the South Xinjiang border. As long as they passed through here, it was a two hour walk.

In addition, Mo Jiuye knew that South Xinjiang's management was not as meticulous as Da Shun's, and the city gates would not be closed at night except during wartime.

Therefore, saying they were going to Lian City now would not seem too abrupt.

The soldiers checked them and let them leave.

From time to time Mo Jiuye used some qinggong with He Zhiran to hurry on their way. In less than an hour they entered Lian City.

Lian City was not their final destination. Brother San had heard that the Si Meng Mountain Villa was in the suburbs of the South Xinjiang capital, which was still more than 200 li from Lian City.

In order to arrive at their destination sooner, the couple took out the G-Wagen outside Lian City's official road.

There were not many people here, and it was dark and windy, perfect for driving down the road.

Mo Jiuye had been very silent all the way because he had discovered that his elders were still alive.

He Zhiran did not bother him either, sitting in the passenger seat and thinking about the next step of the plan.

After thinking for a long time, she spoke up.

"Where do you plan to go first?"

Although Mo Jiuye had not spoken, he had been weighing this problem in his heart all along. Seeing his wife ask, he told her his thoughts.

"I plan to go to Si Meng Mountain Villa first."

This proposal was consistent with He Zhiran's ideas.

At the beginning, although neither of them said the order in which to go, they had both tacitly agreed to go to the palace first.

Not only was there dendrobium that could help the sisters-in-law detoxify, but also the black South Pearl that she had promised little Xiaoxiao she would collect.

However, after digging up those tombs, their ideas had changed.

At this moment, nothing was more important to Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran than the news of the elders. Moreover, if they were really still alive, they didn’t know what kind of torment they were suffering now. Naturally, the sooner they were rescued, the better.

Therefore, Si Meng Mountain Villa was where the most important clue was at the moment.

He Zhiran said solemnly, "Well, we should go there first. In case we make too much noise at the palace first and attract the attention of people with ulterior motives, that would not be good."

Mr. Si Meng's whereabouts were so bizarre that he was obviously a very meticulous person. Once there was any wind or grass that aroused his alarm, it was very likely that the only clue to Si Meng Mountain Villa would be cut off.

The couple agreed, and Mo Jiuye arrived in the suburbs of the capital before dawn driving the G-Wagen. The two were dressed as villagers from the nearby area, each with a basket on their back. Following the route described by Brother San, they walked up the mountain trail.

Brother San said that there was an inconspicuous cave in the valley. As long as they entered from that cave entrance and walked to the end, they could see a valley where Si Meng Mountain Villa was located.

The couple went through a lot of trouble before finally finding the so-called inconspicuous cave.

It was truly fitting to call it inconspicuous. The cave entrance was very small to begin with, only allowing one person to stoop and walk in. Not only that, the weeds in front of the cave grew very tall. If it hadn’t been for Brother San’s description of the general appearance here, it would not have been easy for them to find it.

The two entered the cave one after the other, with Mo Jiuye in front, one hand holding a flashlight to illuminate the way and the other hand pulling He Zhiran.

After walking about a few hundred meters, light finally appeared ahead, and at the same time, Mo Jiuye turned off his flashlight and slowed down his pace.

He Zhiran suddenly felt cold all around her. She whispered to Mo Jiuye, "It's a bit strange here."

"Do you feel a little cold?" Mo Jiuye had the same feeling.

As they spoke, the two walked out another ten steps or so. This feeling of cold grew stronger and stronger.

He Zhiran held Mo Jiuye's hand tightly. If there was danger ahead, she would take Mo Jiuye into the space as soon as possible.

The two tiptoed forward hand in hand cautiously when Mo Jiuye suddenly stopped walking. He pricked up his ears to listen carefully to the sounds ahead.

He Zhiran also tried her best to capture the source of the sound.

She only felt a rustling sound ahead.

The two looked at each other and moved forward even more carefully.

After walking another ten meters or so, Mo Jiuye stopped again.

The sound became clearer and clearer, and He Zhiran felt a slight hissing sound like groups of snakes tangled together.

Mo Jiuye whispered, "There are probably snakes ahead, and a lot of them."

It was indisputable that there were many snakes, insects, rats and ants in South Xinjiang. However, the sound they heard was by no means that simple.

Except for someone deliberately breeding them, it was impossible for such a large group of snakes to appear at once.

"Let's go into the space to think of a way, and rest for a while at the same time."

After traveling overnight and climbing the mountain for so long after dawn, He Zhiran’s body was somewhat taxed.

With that said, the two immediately appeared inside the space.

What He Zhiran said about entering the space to think of a way was undoubtedly about using realgar.

According to her understanding, as long as realgar was sprinkled on the body, snakes would avoid it as soon as they smelled it.
