Chapter 177

When the opportunity arises, she can go there again. The money she gets in exchange can be used to buy all kinds of delicious things for Rice Ball on Taobao.

Of course, there is no rush for this matter. Cui County Cheng's mansion is still there and won't run away with legs.

The most important thing now is to solve the poison in Mo Chongyuan first, as well as the housing problem for the family.

The Mo family made quite a stir here, although the Fang and Xie families didn't know exactly what had happened, they could tell from the situation that something must have happened here.

Out of concern, Xie Tianhai and Fang Chuanzhou came over to take a look.

Old Lady Mo thought that her fifth son’s return from death was a good thing. He would also need to appear in front of people frequently in the future, so there was no need to conceal it.


So, the old lady briefly told the two men about finding Mo Chongyuan.

When Xie Tianhai and Fang Chuanzhou heard the news, they were truly happy for the Mo family.

After learning that Mo Chongyuan had lost his memory, the two comforted Old Lady Mo before returning to their own camps.

Old Lady Mo looked at the sky. It was already past midnight. If they didn’t rest now, they would have no energy to face more things tomorrow. So she urged her family members to go to rest.

Now Liang Hao and the others belonged to the newly added people, as did Mo Chongyuan. The number of tents was limited and could not accommodate them.

He Zhiran suggested letting Old Lady Mo and Mo Hanyue stay in the mule cart together, the fifth brother and sister-in-law could stay in their tent, while Liang Hao and the others could be settled temporarily in the room on the east side.


Everyone agreed with this arrangement and returned to rest separately.

He Zhiran had just turned around when Rice Ball hugged her calf.

Mo Jiuye also saw it. The little guy was sticking to his wife. Helplessly, he could only bend down to pick it up.

Unexpectedly, Rice Ball did not reject his embrace.

Mo Jiuye held He Zhiran's hand with one hand and carried Rice Ball with the other, and returned to the tent.

As soon as they entered the tent, He Zhiran pulled Mo Jiuye and Rice Ball into the space eagerly.

Seeing the lush greenery in the farm space, Rice Ball immediately forgot to cling to the new owner. It ran towards the mountain with its little short legs.

He Zhiran had prepared tender bamboo shoots, carrots and milk for it to enjoy when it got tired of running on the open space of the farm. At this moment, what she needed to do was to formulate an antidote as soon as possible to solve the poison in Mo Chongyuan’s body.

After a night of research and experimentation, He Zhiran finally made the antidote before dawn.

At this time, Rice Ball seemed to have run out of energy and walked slowly back to the two.

He Zhiran checked the food she had fed it, which had been completely eaten up by Rice Ball.

She bought some more bamboo and bamboo shoots for it on Taobao.

Rice Ball was a complete foodie. When it saw delicious food, it would forget to cling to its owner.

Taking this opportunity, He Zhiran and Mo Jiuye washed up before taking the well-fed Rice Ball out of the space.

Outside, the sky was still gray and gloomy.

The sisters-in-law had gotten up and set up bonfires in the center of several tents to keep everyone warm.

Perhaps because he had his family's company, Mo Chongyuan looked much more spirited this morning.

After a simple breakfast, Xie Tianhai and Fang Chuanzhou came over.

They had the same idea as He Zhiran, planning to go to Zhao and Zhou families in the village to see if they could rent suitable houses to live in temporarily.

The antidote made by He Zhiran was ready. Their trip into the city to buy medicine was just an excuse to give a reason for the antidote to see the light of day.

For now, the antidote was kept in the space, so they were in no hurry to go to the city.

Therefore, He Zhiran and Mo Jiuye decided to go to the village to look for a house first before going to the city later.

After making the decision, the two intended to follow Fang Chuanzhou and Xie Tianhai into the village. However, as He Zhiran and Mo Jiuye were about to leave, their feet were tripped by a meaty object.

He Zhiran bent down affectionately to pick up Rice Ball and said gently, "Rice Ball, I have something to do. You be good and stay here waiting for me."

Rice Ball blinked its black eyes staring at her, refusing to leave.

Seeing this, Mo Hanyue tentatively reached out her hand to Rice Ball, "Rice Ball, be good, let me hug you, okay?"

Rice Ball looked at He Zhiran, then at Mo Hanyue, seemingly aware that its owner had something to do. It reluctantly went into Mo Hanyue's arms, though its heart was unwilling.

After settling Rice Ball, Mo Jiuye and He Zhiran called Fang Chuanzhou and Xie Tianhai to go to the village together.

The living areas of the three families in Xi Ling Village were very concentrated. The Zhao Family and Zhou Family were located on opposite sides of the village road.

The Cui Family occupied a large area of land and was located in the center of the village. As a result, the housing clusters of the three families formed a triangular shape.

Through yesterday's events, they did not intend to have any more dealings with the Cui Family unless necessary. Therefore, the goal was to rent houses from the Zhao Family and Zhou Family. When the group arrived at the boundary between the Zhao and Zhou families, they looked left and right.

Xie Tianhai asked, "Niece, which side should we go first?"

Instead of answering immediately, He Zhiran wanted to understand the situations of the Zhao and Zhou families first.

At this moment, a woman holding a child walked out from the Zhao Family side.

He Zhiran strode forward to politely greet the woman.

"Hello sister-in-law, I am one who was assigned here by the government yesterday."

The woman looked nervously at He Zhiran and hurried away without turning her head.

It was hard to meet someone who could ask for information so early in the morning. He Zhiran did not want to give up this opportunity.

So she quickly caught up.

"Sister-in-law, I'm not a bad person, I just want to ask you about some things."

The woman continued walking towards the Zhou Family side, showing no signs of stopping at all.

"Go ask Village Chief Li for anything you want to ask about. I don't know anything."

From the woman’s words, it could be heard that she was very wary of Cui Li Zheng.

However, He Zhiran was not willing to give up so easily.

Using her sleeve to hide the view, she took out a small string of copper coins from her space, caught up with the woman's pace and stuffed them into her hand.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I just want to ask some questions."

Feeling the heavy copper coins in her hand, the woman immediately stopped.

Her expression was tangled, unable to resist the temptation of money while worrying about being discovered having dealings with these people.

At this moment, the little baby in her arms began to cry.

Only then did He Zhiran notice that the child's face was flushed red with snot dripping from his nose.

The child must have caught a cold.

"Sister-in-law, the child has a cold. I happen to know some medical skills and I have medicinal materials with me. Let me take a look and try to help."

Actually, He Zhiran didn't know that the reason this woman came out from Zhao’s place was that her child was sick but she didn’t have money to seek treatment, so she was on her way to her natal family on the Jiang side to think of solutions.

The bunch of copper coins He Zhiran had just given out was indeed very tempting to her.

There was no less than 100 wen, enough money to get medical treatment for the child.
