Chapter 132

He Zhiran had been busy at the control panel for over an hour, finally completing the construction of this farm space.

All the necessary facilities such as fish ponds and warehouses were fully equipped. Moreover, she made an exciting discovery.

The seeds she had just planted in the soil had sprouted small green shoots.

At that moment, another dialog box appeared on the screen of the control panel.

The dialog box contained a lot of information, mainly introducing the features of the space.

[In the farm space, crops and vegetables mature in three days, fruit trees reach adulthood in ten days, and mature fruit trees yield a batch of fruit every ten days.


Various aquatic species in the fish pond take ten days to breed, poultry takes ten days to grow, and livestock takes half a month to mature.

The seeds produced in the space undergo genetic improvement and can be planted outside without being picky about the soil and climate.]

Seeing all this, He Zhiran was overjoyed. Not to mention the harvest time of living things, just the maturity time of crops alone was incredibly satisfying.

Furthermore, the seeds produced here were so amazing that she could completely disregard the climate and freely cultivate them when she arrived in the northwest.

He Zhiran began to yearn for a warm and prosperous life with her family in the northwest, living together as husband and wife, with the man tilling the land and the woman weaving.

Although it cost her hundreds of thousands to create this primitive space, seeing such a user-friendly environment, she felt it was all worth it.


He Zhiran hadn't felt so relaxed and content in a long time. She decided to wander around the newly arranged space.

She first went to the clear fish pond.

The newly purchased fish fry and small shrimps were swimming around, especially the plump-headed fish. She remembered that when she bought the fish fry, they were only the size of a little finger, but now they seemed to have grown a bit.

After inspecting the fish pond, she went to check the pasture and breeding area.

There were cows and sheep everywhere, and the breeding areas for various poultry and livestock in the breeding field were clearly marked.

The warehouse also appeared to be quite large. Just thinking about when Mo Jiuye took her to move the national treasury, having a warehouse like this would have been incredibly convenient.

With this in mind, He Zhiran used her mind to transfer all the medical supplies from the infirmary to the warehouse.

After casually touring around, considering that she had been lingering in the space for quite a while, she reluctantly left.

Seeing that she finally reacted, Mo Jiuye asked eagerly, "Why did you look at the space for so long?"

Mo Jiuye had just woken up and found her sitting there in a daze.

From this, it could be inferred that her consciousness must have entered the space to check on things, but today she had been in there for quite a long time, which made Mo Jiuye feel somewhat uneasy. He Zhiran was still in the midst of her excitement. Not knowing how to explain, she said, "Come, let me show you a surprise."

Before her words could fall, their figures appeared in the space.

They were still standing in the infirmary.

The first thing Mo Jiuye noticed was that all the wealth they had brought from the national treasury was gone.

Seeing his astonishment, He Zhiran didn't explain immediately but mysteriously pulled him along and pushed open the door of the infirmary.

Mo Jiuye was once again astonished. "Can this door open?"

Just as he was wondering, he was completely stunned by the scene before him.

He Zhiran, who had lived two lives, finally found a sense of satisfaction in sharing it with someone.

She pointed to the orderly farmland in front of her and said, "This is the precious space I just acquired."

Then, she carefully explained the benefits and characteristics of this space to Mo Jiuye.

Upon hearing this, Mo Jiuye was indeed shocked at first, but when he turned his head and saw the familiar medical room, he quickly put his mind at ease.

If He Zhiran could possess such a magical medical room, having one more farm like this was not a big deal.

He Zhiran was extremely excited at the moment. She even took the initiative to hold Mo Jiuye's hand and took him to visit the farm space.

Just like her, Mo Jiuye also had a feeling of not wanting to leave when he arrived here.

There were no dangers like outside, no deceitful schemes, no right or wrong, only the girl he had already fallen in love with from the bottom of his heart...

Seeing Mo Jiuye sitting by the fish pond in a daze, He Zhiran nudged him.

"How do you feel about this farm space?"

Mo Jiuye wasn't very good at expressing himself.

"It's naturally good."

Seeing his calm appearance, He Zhiran couldn't help but pout.

"Don't think this space came for free."

Mo Jiuye asked in return, "Then how did you get it?"

He Zhiran held out her palm. "Fifty million, I bought this space with fifty million."

Mo Jiuye frowned. "Where did you get so much money?" He clearly remembered that the wealth he obtained from the treasury, when converted to silver, would amount to at most eighteen million.

Seeing his expression, it seemed like he had forgotten about her earning money in the online marketplace.

"It's not silver, it's money earned from the online marketplace."

Although Mo Jiuye was not unfamiliar with her opening a shop in the online marketplace, he didn't have a deep understanding of the concept of money. "Fifty million? How many valuable items did you have to sell?"

He Zhiran calculated.

"A few dozen calligraphy and paintings, as well as dozens of vases and ornaments, that's all."

Mo Jiuye simply couldn't believe his ears.

Although those calligraphy and paintings, as well as vases and ornaments, were all from the treasury, they were not the most valuable things.

With that in mind, Mo Jiuye couldn't help but sigh, "It's too cheap."

"You think fifty million is cheap?"

For He Zhiran, who had relied on allowances to get by in her previous life, fifty million was definitely a huge sum of money.

Mo Jiuye answered seriously.

"When I led the army to invade the enemy's palace, the emperor liked to collect those things, but I didn't really care about them at that time."

Listening to Mo Jiuye mention the treasures of the enemy country, He Zhiran instantly remembered the time they moved the treasury together.

She could still vividly feel that satisfying feeling at this moment.

She couldn't understand why Mo Jiuye didn't appreciate those things.

"Why don't you appreciate them?"

"During years of war, the people of both countries were starving to death. Those things couldn't be eaten as food. In my opinion, they were just a pile of showy and useless junk."

Hearing Mo Jiuye say this, He Zhiran couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking about the possible whereabouts of so many treasures, she asked, "Don't tell me all the treasures in the enemy's palace have been surrendered to the court."

Mo Jiuye shook his head, "Those treasures have been exchanged for silver. Part of it was distributed as rewards to the soldiers who fought alongside me, risking their lives. Another portion was given to the displaced people who lost their homes due to the turmoil of war."

Upon hearing this, He Zhiran couldn't help but admire Mo Jiuye's disregard for wealth.

Originally, she had thought that as a martial family that had been engaged in battles for years, their storerooms would be filled with endless riches.

After all, they had plenty of opportunities to acquire spoils of war.

However, the storerooms of the Mo family were not just poor, they couldn't even be considered wealthy.

It turned out that the reason for the poverty of the Mo family lay here.

But when she thought about it, He Zhiran could understand Mo Jiuye's actions.

As a patriotic general, he risked his life and donned armor with the purpose of protecting the safety of the people.

If Mo Jiuye turned a blind eye to the plight of the people who had become homeless due to the war and claimed all those possessions for himself, it would contradict his original intention of fighting.

With these thoughts in mind, He Zhiran's admiration for Mo Jiuye's noble principles grew even stronger.

If all future officials could consider the well-being of the people like Mo Jiuye, surely the lives of the common folk would become more prosperous...
