Chapter 235: I still think you are more pleasing to me  

The sky was getting dark, just barely showing up. After the sun disappeared in the clouds, the dark clouds rolled in from the east.

“Hey!” Jiu Feng raised his head and gave a cheerful call to the sky. It likes windy weather, likes thunder and lightning, and occasionally it likes to occasionally break the wind (fart) in heavy rain.

Opposite The Youthful long haired man looked up at the sky and then tried to see the birds on Yan Mo's head.

Yan Mo also looked up at the sky and felt that the lower abdomen was more and more turbulent.

Calm down and keep quiet!

The lower abdomen was calm, and after a few blinks, the trouble was even worse.


Yan Mo felt pain and held his stomach. What exactly did you see to make you so excited? How can you not react to you in front of you for so long?


Eat you a ghost!

"Want... want... ahead..." The Fruit of Witchcraft voice has become urgent.

What do you want? What did you see?

The Fruit of Witchcraft can't describe it, only repeatedly expressing the desires that he strongly wants.


Jiu Feng suddenly stood up and stepped on Yan Mo's head. "Hey, I will go out and play for a while, and I will come to you later."

“It will rain."


This is another wayward little devil! Yan Mo has no choice but let him go. "Go and go."

Jiu Feng's small wings were lightly swayed and the body went away like lightning.

"Booming!" The sky was filled with dull thunder.

There was a lament or curse in the market, and the voices of the slaves were heard everywhere, so that meant they were trying to quickly transfer the rain-stricken goods to the tent.

The man who had caused the attention to Yuan Zhan came out from behind the long-haired young man and spit out a word: "Bu."

It was a handsome man with a handsome face. His face was a combination of the advantages of the East and West, his body was slender, his hair was short, and his nose was straight. No one knew if it’s a mosaic or a vertical diamond-shaped copper ornament with a melon size. He very simple to talk and his face is very cold.

The bronze ornaments on the man was the second most among Ding Yue Tribe's group. The most common one was the long-haired man who had just looked at Yan Mo, but the long-haired man had no bronze ornaments on his forehead and no tattoo on his face.

Yan Mo looked at Yuan Zhan in front of him, and then looked at the long-haired man who was behind him, and laughed bitterly.

Yuan Zhan blankly stared at him, he smiled and laughed

Laughing, you are not handsome, no one is a cool guy, but...

Yan Mo's gaze slowly slid upward from the long legs, hips, waist and wide shoulders of his own animals, and finally his eyes stayed on the side of the other side, which was quite bad.

It’s not good to look at the face. The narrow eyes like snakes are not his favorite. The tribal tattoo on the face makes the face that is not friendly to become even less friendly and that laugh is like a threat. Seeing his people is more thoughtful, heart-wrenching, and strong desires. Although, the savage people are abnormal and uncontrollable.

A person like him will never be attracted to such a person in his previous life. What do the two bad guys do together? I will feed you poison, do you kill me with a knife? Can you sleep peacefully at night?

If it weren't for his special circumstances, and he would have to give him a little trust in the person closest to himself, and they would definitely not be able to go.

In the future... Oh! Who knows in the future?

Yan Mo's hand naturally stopped at the waist of Yuan Zhan, laughing with a gesture of possession that he did not notice. "I still look at you more pleasingly."

"Yeah?" Who are you comparing me with? Yuan Zhan raised an eyebrow.

"Cough!" Cai Yu coughed.

Yan Mo turned to The cold-faced guy. "You have seen our fabrics? Unfortunately, we don't have much time here, but we can look at the goods from your tribe first. If there is something we need, we can agree on trading the next time. The transaction is a little more, or we can go directly to your place."

Although the cold faced brother did not understand some words, but the general meaning is understood, the other party obviously wants to see their goods first.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s not too much, Moer Gan also has fabrics.” The long-haired man behind The cold-faced man said: “There are not many goods we bring, but they are all good things.”

“What is it? Copper knife and metal spear weapons are indeed more powerful than stones. If you bring them, we can really exchange them with you." Yan Mo looked serious.

"Booming!" Thunder is getting bigger and bigger, and the moisture in the air is getting heavier and heavier.

The Fruit of Witchcraft also began to hit Yan Mo's abdomen. If it wasn't for Yuan Zhan to block him, and him, pressing his hand on the abdomen, and someone else could see that he had a problem with his stomach.

Yan Mo said that the light and natural, Ding Yue Tribe and his party heard a big change, the youthful long haired man and the cold face brother is okay, but the eyes are not overwhelmed.

Cai Yu's ear captured words that he has never heard before. He still pondered about what metal is. Seeing Ding Yue's people faces' expressions changing, and he immediately remembered the phrase "metal weapons are better than stones." After a while, and he must pass the news to the elders in charge of the market.

“You...” The youthful man simply swallowed the phrase “How do you know” and changed it to: “You seem to know our tribe very well?”

“Ah, we are in the upper reaches of the river, but occasionally some of the tourists or the strong people who pass through the wild land, they will bring us interesting things."

"Hey!" The first lightning flashed in the sky to the east.

Yuan Zhan listened to his own Priest and in a blink of an eye, his expression was calm as if something had happened.

The youthful man turned to look at the sky in the east and said to Yan Mo: "It's a pity that we didn't bring what you wanted, but we also brought some useful living utensils, if you want, wait a minute. We can go to you to find you, as you see, it is going to rain."

"Metal life tools? Bronze or iron? No matter which is good, I will remember to leave some fabric." Yan Mo voice is not high, but not too low, to ensure that Moer Gan and nearby people who are interested in watching the lively meeting can clearly hear the words such as bronze and metal.

The youthful man looked straight to Yan Mo. What does this person mean by repeatedly saying vocabulary such as bronzes and metals? Is it unintentional, or is he deliberately saying to other people?

The youthful boy doesn't have to look at Cai Yu to know how tall his ears are. If it wasn’t for his mission in which he also hopes to find some traces in this city with more tribal concentration, and he will not come to participate in this market or meet with The Moer Gan, who had traded with them but he wanted to get some news. The market will not take out the things of your own tribes and exchange them with people.

And many more! What did the boy say after the bronzes?

Metal ware? What is that? Is it better than bronze? Is metal been found in other places and started to be used already? However, and he clearly heard that The Three Cities are powerfully made of specially manufactured bones.

"In addition to living utensils, we actually brought some treasures from the ruins." The youthful man revealed important news to Jiu Yuan, if they knows metal and bronze, they deserves his message, and he wants to know more things about ironware, and about this Jiu Yuan Tribe.

"But we came late, there is no booth for us, we can only borrow Moer Gan booth temporarily. We will take out those treasures at noon. If there is something suitable, we will exchange it. If there is a late person, there will be no more."

Cai Yu wants to say something and closed his mouth, because Ding Yue Tribe's treasures from this ruins, MoerGan even intends to use the blood salt they just exchanged, they want to buy all of the treasure Ding Yue have come with but Ding Yue Tribesmen's is not willing, they want to use those things in exchange for a message that is useful to them.

To this end, they have already gone to the Bi Xian, The Snake-People Tribe, the Wild Hill Tribe, The Earth Cliff Tribe, and the Huang Jing Tribe across the river. He did not expect Ding Yue to temporarily hook up the upper river powerful tribe.

But Ding Yue was still a very strong tribe, and the tribal elders couldn’t provoke them again and again, and he couldn’t stop it at this time.

“Remains?” Yan Mo thought he seemed to understand why The Fruit of Witchcraft was so turbulent. “Is it right at noon? We will arrive on time.”

“Hey!” The lightning approached.

"Boom!" The rain poured down.

At the invitation of the Priest, Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan hid in The Yufu Tribe's tent.

The old man has a high status. Apart from the four slaves who serve him, there is only one person in the tent.

The tent was too dark, and the three did not go inside. They stood at the tent entrance and spoke.

"Child, have you said that there are any good things to exchange herbs with us? I just heard that your fabric is very good, but we are afraid that there are not so many..."

Yan Mo raised a finger and gestured to the old man to wait, his hand went to the pocket and from the pocket he took out a small bag wrapped in linen.

Yuan Zhan asked Yan Mo with his gaze: Are you sure?

Yan Mo also responded with a look: I am sure! And you said, secretly I can.

Yuan Zhan reached out and squeezed his neck, and Yan Mo motioned him to push up from the bottom.

Yuan Zhan squeezed it with a pinch, and Yan Mo opened his mouth and whispered a little.

The old man watched the two interacted and smiled and shook his head. The momentum of the tall young man made him feel a little bit afraid and alert, but now he looks at the expressions and movements between him and the teenager, it is like a big boy who is playing with his beloved partner.

Yan Mo handed the linen bag to the old man while hiding the movement

The old man was about to open, and Yan Mo raised his eyes and said, "You have to calm yourself." The old man thought about what the baby still allowed me to take a calm point, and got a little weight on my hand, fluttering, thinking, but he still very careful to open the small linen bag.

A small crepe with light red, snow-like particles appeared in the bag.

The old man’s eyes are slightly stared blankly. “What is this? Powder?”

Yan Mo approached the old man and whispered: “This is the best salt in the world that even the people of The Three Cities can’t eat, red salt, my Jiu Yuan special product."

The old man's eyelids jumped, and he raised his hand, slightly stained ihis finger with a little powder and stuffed into his mouth.

Immediately, the old man pulled out his finger at the fastest speed and carefully wrapped the bag of salt and hid it into his arms. After he finished, he looked around.

The old man noticed the strange look of the two men and smiled slightly: "I can't be careless, if I knew that you came up with this..."

Yuan Zhan quickly asked: "Have you seen red salt?"

"No." The old man looked at the probe outside. The rain outside was very big. He found a small mud point on the ground. The people who had just come out to sweep the goods now hid back to the tribal tents. The slaves used only for sale were not inside. Most of them stayed in the open air, shrinking their bodies and letting rain pelt, and they were frozen and had white lips.

The old man saw no one paying attention to their tent and he retracted his head. He said: "No, I haven't seen it, but I heard that MoerGan recently got a batch of blood salt. It is said that the red salt is used by killing countless people. The blood is used to refine the salt into blood red the salt is not only delicious, but also brings strength to people. The blood-ability warrior, especially likes this kind of blood salt. Unfortunately, this blood salt is very rare, only a few large tribes who have made a good relationship with MoerGan got some and even then they got little bit, the other ones were levied by Moer Gan to The Three Cities.”

Speaking of this, the old man spoke a trace of suspicion: “You wouldn’t be the ones who exchanged a batch of your red salt with Moer Gan before?”

Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo looked at each other and nodded.

The old man lamented, his eyes were full of surprises, and he was surprised. "I didn't expect the legendary blood salt to come from you Jiu Yuan!"

"If you say blood salt is our red salt." Yan Mo shrugged.

As soon as the old man grasped Yan Mo’s hand, and he said with great enthusiasm: “Cough, child, you just said that you have taken a look at our herbs? How much do you want? There is not enough here, you can come back with us! We have herbs everywhere. How much do you want! Do you still like our bones? We have more than the bones of the animals, and some bones of big fish, do you want it? Because it is too big, we have not brought it."

Yan Mo wanted to pull, but his hand is held tighter by the old man.

Yuan Zhan, the bastard, just stood by and watched the joke.

The old man was still sighing: "Jiu Yuan is a good place from what I heard. You can go back with me this time when you go. Can you take me on the road? Don't look at me as a weak old man, but I can still run. I'm no slower than those who are young. I can also help you identify herbs and treat the wounded. I have the most powerful snake bite antidote. Do you have more snakes bite?"

Yan Mo did not want to lie to Old shaman. They lack a teacher who can teach knowledge. Only one person teaches that so many people are too heavy and too tired. This old shaman is more suitable as a teacher, regardless of his academic experience or personality. If he is afraid that he will affect his child's loyalty to Jiu Yuan, and he can also teach some adults to identify and use common herbs.

"In this way, we will go to your place to collect medicine with you, and then wait for us to go back. You can come to Jiu Yuan with us again. How is that?" Yan Mo pushed the environment and climate of The Yufu Tribe according to the herbs they had. It is very likely that the hometown of The Yufu Tribe's family will be rich in the common herbs he needs. Even if they don’t get the bamboo forest is a big gain.

Old Shaman, after all, is old and talented. At the same time, for his own people, and he can secure connection to red salt for a long time. He voluntarily pledges to the mother god that he will not disclose Jiu Yuan whereabouts and exchange red salt with them. After that, and he solemnly invites Jiu Yuan and his party after the market. They turned their tribal residence together.

Yan Mo took two rain robes from his pocket in front of the old Priest, and Yuan Zhan draped one of them, and returned to their second floor in the rain.

When Old Shaman saw Yan Mo pulling up two coats, his eyes were big and ferocious, and soon he woke up and nodded. He only asked: "The straw coat that you wear is very good, how did you make it? Can you exchange?”

A/N Im watching Anabelle Comes Homes and Im missing the good parts I will finish the last of the five chapters in the batch tomorrow.... loveyall but horror calls
