Chapter 126: The Tree Men singing  

The two branches made a shape, the singer and the tree which were like wall parted into two sides

Yan Mo's heart sped up, the other party will soon appear, but the blood on Yuan Zhan's wound has already flowed to him, he can't wait any longer!

The guy just ran around, causing the scalpel to shift, and the stinger with unclear toxicity had stabbed Zhan. If he doesn't hurry to rescue him, this guy will only go to see the ancestors.

If he was outside, he can't treat Yuan Zhan without talking about foreign enemies. It is only from the basic conditions that he is not sure enough to save people. This kind of injury is not just one that can be stopped bleeding with a gold needle. He has to check the visceral damage of the other person, fix it, and analyze the toxicity of the thorn and detoxify him.

And it takes time. Yuan Zhan's injury needs to race against time. He wants to do this quickly and he must have instrumental help.

Holding the laboratory coordinate key that has been taken into the hand, Yan Mo had the experience of entering the lab with Boer's body last time. This time he directly whispered in his heart: open! Take me to the lab with the person I touched with my right hand.


Immediately, The Guide came up with a question in his mind: The test subject still has vital signs when it is brought into the body. Is The Banished Scum sure to bring the living body into the laboratory? Warning, the consequences of bringing a living body into the laboratory are serious, and the survival state after the living body experiment will enter the reward and punishment determination system.

He is saving people and not experimenting, but...

Yan Mo was aiming his eyes at Yuan Zhan in his arms. Is he such a good experimental material, such a good opportunity, does he really want to save him back? The biggest save is going to cause him -100 SCUM VALUE, but it is +100S CUM VALUE to open the lab, plus a large number of SCUM VALUE added by using laboratory instruments, isn't it not very cost-effective?

Yan Mo's finger moved and answered in the brain: Yes.

When it was said that it was too late, it was only three to five seconds from Yan Mo’s decision to bring Yuan Zhan into the lab to actually entering it.

A head came from behind the tree wall.


“...Yes?" What about his? The person gave a pleasant snoring sound.

“Shasha, rustling." The trees around are like answering him.

The followerset foot on this small piece of hard rocky open space, stepped on the ground with his feet, feeling less secure and he had to retract his feet back into the surrounding soft and soil land.

People are gone? Hey, how did they disappear suddenly?

The surrounding trees tell the information of the visitors that they are obviously incomprehensible. They use the singing voice to ask the surrounding trees. "Did these two humans drill into the ground again?"

“Shasha, rustling!" The trees replied in unison: No, No! There is no trace of them under the ground.

“What about the woods?"

“No, no!"

“Find them!"

Find them, find them... The same message is quickly transmitted between all the plants in the forest, and the quiet forest at night became alive and lively.

Once Yan Mo entered the lab and had high-quality experimental materials at hand, he immediately forgot everything.

When he thoroughly obtained all the details of Yuan Zhan's body, he did not count the number of hairs on the other side, and then he took the person out with mercy.

When he brought out Yuan Zhan, who was still in a coma, The Guide judged that the living body had not suffered any more damage, and determined that Yan Mo’s experiment did not cause a vicious result to Yuan Zhan, and saved the other’s life and gave him a reduction. 100SCUM VALUE.

However, because some of his tests brought pain to Yuan Zhan, he was added 20SCUM VALUE in the name of “Not allowing involuntary life experiments without the body owner consent”.

Yan Mo felt the pain of The Guide penalizing him, but he laughed.

After this time, he already knew what to do to meet his needs for live experiments and to avoid punishment form The Guide.

First, try to get the voluntary test body.

Second, it is best to save lives, at least on the surface.

Third, the experimental results should not cause major damage to the experimental body, at least when going out, it is better the subject be better than when he went in.

As long as the above three points are met, even if he has some slight cross-border behavior in the laboratory, The Guide will not punish him too heavy, just like this time.

The sky outside was already bright. When they came out, Yan Mo looked at the time. There was a timer in the lab that was the same as the outside time, and he could tell him how long he had stayed in the lab.

He stayed in the lab for a day and a half.

“Shasha, rustling!" The trees around are windless and automatic.

Yan Mo saw with his own eyes that the trees, which were not too dense, turned quickly, and the branches and branches were intertwined. In a short period of time, a circle of trees was formed around him.

The ground that was originally hardened by Yuan Zhan suffered a lot of damage in this day and a half. There was a crack in the flat ground. If they did not appear, maybe one or two days later, the hard land would disappear completely.

Yan Mo took the gold needle that was tied to Yuan Zhan.

Yuan Zhan, like a living organ, he opened his eyes and jumped up from the ground.

There was some pain in the lower left rib. He pulled the ruptured animal armor and looked at the wound.

There is only one red line left in the original knife-edge.

Yan Mo also looked around and poked his fingers.

Yuan Zhan did not evade.

“The effect is good." If there was no laser stitching, technology in the laboratory, Yuan Zhan will not be able to stitch the injury and he would have to stay flat for a while until the wound is healing. Thanks to advances in science and technology, sometimes-traditional medicine is magical, but you can't deny the benefits of technological advancement.

“You took me to the Temple of the Gods?" Yuan Zhan asked with a positive tone.

“How much do you remember?” Yan Mo asked with interest. On the way to do some testing, he let Yuan Zhan wake up for a few minutes, but did not let him fully recover consciousness.

Yuan Zhan blinked and replied: "Not much, I thought I was dreaming, I saw you, and I saw... strange light, red, green, blue..."

Yuan Zhan suddenly heard the sound, and the body was in an instant. Wrapped in the soil, leaving only a pair of eyes to look outside.

Yan Mo was also tightly packaged, and there was no chance of refusing.

Yuan Zhan was a little surprised. The speed of his ability seems to be speeding up. He even has a feeling of faint sense of upgrade.

th Rank warrior? It’s Yuan Zhan. When he thinks about this possibility, he can’t help but start to experiencing a dancing heartbeat.

Yuan Zhan showed a spear made of hard soil. He could move, and the earthen armor on his body did not hinder him from acting.

But Yan Mo is different. He felt like he was being put into mud sinkhole and couldn't move. However, Yuan Zhan probably considered his breathing problem and allowed him his face.

The two natives stared at the front, Yuan Zhan was savage with murderousness aura, and Yan Mo was silently glaring at Yuan Zhan's back.

A tree jumped out of the tree wall.

Yan Mo turned his eyes and he suspected that he had made a mistake, but the tree jumped again not far away, looking at them.

Shantou... well, it should be.

This tree is taller than Yan Mo and shorter than Yuan Zhan. The waist is similar to Yuan Zhan.

The tree that jumps has a green crown with many leaves on it. The face below the head is about like a human face, but it is not as clear as the humans. Yan Mo has not found a place where there are eyes and mouth for a long time, but he can feel that the other person is watching him.

The tree has many arms, those that are stretched, or hung, or twisted, are all arms.

Its lower body is a trunk, but the roots are divided into many roots, and it is the roots that allow it to walk and walk like a human in the forest.

“~ Come with me, you will become stronger~" The jumping tree is singing.

“~ Come with me, with us~"

The song is very nice, as if it went directly into the human heart.

“~No hunger, no cold, come with me, with us~"

Yuan Zhan grabbed Yan Mo's arm wrapped in soil and asked, “Have you heard it?"


“Don't be tempted by it!" Yuan Zhan can see that it is working hard and tried to resist the magic of the singing."

Yan Mo felt strange, he has no feeling of being tempted at all, and at least he thinks that The Tree Man is very nice at singing.

What is even more strange is that with the song of The Tree Man, the fruit in his belly began to become excited again. It seems to roll in his lower abdomen in the same way as the singer of The Tree Man.

“Hey, don't sing, is our people with you?" Yan Mo looked at Yuan Zhan's hard work and asked. He wants to get out of the soil enclosure quickly, it felt too uncomfortable to move.

The Tree Man waved, but it was like not listening to Yan Mo's questioning, only repeatedly singing the lyrics to them.

Yan Mo asked again.

“Hey!" The wooden thorns were directed at Yuan Zhan's only exposed eyes.

Yuan Zhan has been wary of this time, and even caught a slight screaming in the voice of the other party.

The earthen spear hit the wood thorn.

Yuan Zhan's body disappeared in place, and The Tree Man suddenly screamed.

Its body was wrapped in soil, it struggles and wanted to break through the soil.

However, the soil that wraps around it becomes extremely hard in the blink of an eye, and the branches and roots that it has just broken out are fixed.

“~ Ability warrior! You are the ability warrior~"

Yan Mo felt funny, this Tree Man is still singing even in such a panic.

“~ Let me go, otherwise you will never be able to walk out of the Black Forest~"

"Released our people we will leave immediately, and will let you go." Yan Mo shouted at The Tree Man. The fruit in his belly obviously didn't think so. It was desperately leaning against the lower right side of Yan Mo's lower abdomen. It seemed to urge him to go to the right and go deeper into the forest.

The Tree Man clearly saw Yan Mo yelling at him, but it was like not listening to Yan Mo's shouting, only shouting loudly: "~Brothers, come and save me~"

“Shasha, Shasha!

“Shut up!” Yuan Zhan wrapped the whole of The Tree Man in the soil and pulled it back to Yan Mo, knocked it down, stepped on it, and whispered to Yan Mo: “There is something close by here, big and moving very fast!”

“Hey!” The tree walls opened the passage, and the tall Tree Man appeared on the open space.

“~Brothers, they are capable warriors, be careful~" this was shouted by The Tree Man, who was stepped on by Yuan Zhan.

Yuan Zhan stabbed the body of The Tree Man with a spear in his hand.

The Tree Man screamed.

The surrounding Tree Man uttered an angry roar: "~Let our brothers, humans, or all of your tribes will be buried in the Black Forest! Bury and bury ~"

“You put our people first!" Zhan pointed his head at the head of The Tree Man with his spear.

Yan Mo doesn't feel that the head of The Tree Man can kill them. The Tree Man was scared, but it doesn't look particularly scared.

“Let my people, otherwise I will use the fire to burn the Black Forest!"

Yuan Zhan was threatening that Tree Man, and those Tree Men are also shouting loudly.

Yuan Zhan was furious, but his ability to deal with these Tree Men is not enough, a few it’s okay, but the number is increasing, he has to escape with Yan Mo, and this makes it long after the ability is acquired. Yuan Zhan, whose wings are basically unfavorable, is very hurtful.

“Ah-Zhan! Wait!" When Yuan Zhan pulled out the fire flint, Yan Mo patted him. "You didn't find it strange? They didn't seem to hear us."

“They don't need to hear, just as long as they see me and what I do!” Yuan Zhan, who is on the rise of the liver, plans to change the tactics. He won't play with fire, but it doesn't mean he won't set fire!

“Wait!" Yan Mo patted h again, his voice suddenly changed, and a melody like a tune was spit from his mouth: "~The friends in the forest, we are not hostile, our people disappeared in the forest, we Come to them, if you know where they are, please let us know, please let us know - we will not hurt your people ~"

Everything suddenly become quiet around.

All The Tree Men are watching Yan Mo.

Yuan Zhan also stopped the action. The voice from Mo mouth made him feel layer of goose bumps. It was not ugly, not good, but this kind of Mo voice was purely physiological stimulation for him!

“~the human being can say our words~,” The Tree Men were whispering.

“~Oh, that human being can talk like us~" The Tree Man was sighing.

“~ I thought that not all humans could talk our language ~ “The Tree Man went near and stared at Yan Mo.

Yan Mo pressed the excitement and said to Yuan Zhan: "Take off the earthen armor on my body."

“You...? These monsters?" Yuan Zhan still doesn't understand what happened, but from the songs of the trees, he seem to hear Mo song?

“Their physiological systems that accept sound are different from ours." Yan Mo's eyes were shining. "I know, I know how to communicate with them!"

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