“No, then who is the woman?”

“That’s the woman I bought at a special price from the slave market in Nyrux.”

“What? You bought a woman? You?”

“Yes, I had a hard time buying her. I paid four times more to get her.”

With that, Tamon laughed contentedly. He reached out boldly and lightly touched Roselyn’s cheek as she was staring at them.

Tamon noticed Roseline’s eyes had become fierce for a moment, but he could only laugh.

She was a quick witted woman, and he trusted that she should be able to understand his words appropriately.


“Tamon Krasis bought a girl. Why all of a sudden?”

A man, who until yesterday Theo thought was asexual or gay, bought a female slave.

Theo couldn’t believe it.

Above all, Tamon was a man who was always skeptical about slavery. So it was hard to believe he bought a slave for himself.

Belatedly, Tamon answered.

“…because she looks like someone.”


“Oh, yes.”

A sigh escaped the king’s mouth.

Yes, the reason was convincing.

In fact, it was always Tamon who came into full conflict with Tanatos. It was an empire with the power of death, so Amor couldn’t go to war recklessly, they had to continue establishing diplomatic relations.

The interests of many nations were intertwined, so Tamon, as the chief diplomat, always took the lead in clashing with them.

When asked to name the person who confronted him the most and annoyed him the most, the first person who would come up was the Empress of Tanatos, Roselyn V. Sunset.

An empress who did not follow the imperial family name.

She was wise, full of dignity, and strong.

However, it was very annoying and troublesome to keep such a person as an enemy. Theo knew very well that Tamon had gritted his teeth many times when he thought of her.

“Oh, I see. Yes. Well, it’s not that I’m not convinced. She does look like her. So where are you from?”

Theo asked suddenly, turning to Roselyn. Roselyn was staring at the two when she suddenly looked scared and asked Tamon.

[…… Who is this person? Will she kick me out? How am I supposed to answer?]

*[ ] speaking in another language*

It was a foreign language that Roselyn spoke fluently.

It was not the official language of Amor and Tanatos, but the language of Hirusha, which was very far away.

How did she pick Hirusha, of all places?

Tamon forced himself not to laugh at Roselyn’s wit.

Hirusha was the hometown of Theo’s mother, the former queen Galatea Roaman.

She married to Amor when she was very young, and Theo often heard stories about Hirusha from her mother.

Perhaps that was why Theo tended to be generous to the people of Hirusha.

Could it be that Roselyn had calculated this and spoke the language?

Tamon was once again impressed by Roselyn, but he couldn’t help but wonder how far she knew.

Tamon looked deep into the purple eyes that were staring at him.

Did she know that her eyes were too proud and elegant to be a slave’s…

It was not the eyes of one who served her master, but the eyes of one who made her master kneel at her feet.

Tamon grinned and said in a heavy voice.[This woman is the king of this land. You have nothing to fear, my silver fox. And she knows that you have no home.]

Theo, who was listening to their conversation, opened her eyes in surprise.

“What? You’re from Hirusha but were sold in Nyrux?”

“She seems to be from there, yes. Her official language of Amor is not that good.” (Tamon)

“Oh, why would a girl from Hirusha come to Nyrux…?”

Theo clicked her tongue and looked at Roselyn pitifully. Roselyn averted her gaze and made it look like she was scared.

“Look at this poor girl, she has nobody. Her hands and feet are covered in scars. It seems she had gone through a great deal of trouble.”

“Well….her limbs don’t seem to be the problem. I don’t know how much she suffered, but look at her neck and shoulders, it’s all red.”

Theo clicked her tongue at Tamon as she was unhappy with what Tamon did to the poor woman. Tamon made her acknowledge the important fact one more time.

“I would like to remind you again who brought the silver deer’s fur.”

“The d*mn Tamon Krasis.”

Theo glared at Tamon with a nice but disapproving expression. She asked Roselyn in a voice softer than before.

[Where in Hirsha are you from?]

[…… Raem. I’m from Raem.]

[Raem? I’m not sure where that is. It’s not a city near the capital, is it?]

[It’s a very small territory on the northeast side of Hirusha. We mainly herd sheep to eat……….]

[Ah, I see…]

Roselyn’s accent was so perfect that even the locals couldn’t distinguish it, so the king didn’t have any doubt about her tone.

The term “linguistic genius” was indeed not wrong.

“Raem. Raem… hmm.”

Theo, who was pensive for a while, suddenly asked very naturally.

“What is your name, by the way?”

At that moment, Roselyn said in an unsure voice, biting her lower lip.

[I’m sorry, I’m still not very good at the official language, so I didn’t understand what you said. If you could ask me again, please ….]

Tamon breathed a low sigh of relief.

The wise and wicked king tested Roselyn again. Of course, this woman wasn’t easy to fall into Theo’s cute trap.

Tamon was more surprised that she pretended to be foolish to deceive Theo, rather than easily identifying the trap she had sowed.

He’d thought she wouldn’t understand flexibility, but to be able to lie and look like that…

The slightly unsure voice was also something he couldn’t imagine in her usual appearance.

Oh, the more he knew, the more amazing and interesting she was.

Theo casually asked again.

[What is your name?]

[Oh, my name is……]

Roselyn hesitated for a moment.

Then, after staring at Tamon, she slowly opened her mouth to answer.

[My name is Aranrosia…..]


[I’m Aranrosia.]

That name Tamon gave her began to flow out of her lips.Oh.

This woman.

Now that she received the name as her own and became the ‘sea’.


It was an ancient language that Amor had forgotten……

It was “the most beautiful sea.”


A storm passed by.

Roselyn collapsed, exhausted.

The body that Tamon had eaten all night was staggering like rusty armor, and the sudden appearance of the King of Amor seemed to make her feel faint.

‘I’m tired.’

The day passed by so fast.

Maybe it was because she hadn’t slept much, and she felt lightheaded. In the midst of it all, the conversation with the king of Amor and Tamon kept running through her mind.

The most memorable of them all was…….

“I thought you were naturally asexual……..?”


Roselyn’s body, which was bullied all night, proved that it was not true. Not only Tamon wasn’t asexual, but he was full of lust and passion.

A lustful pervert, a sexual deviant, a sexual predator. A monster…

The words that were used to describe the man last night came to her mind like a fountain.

How could such a man pretend to be asexual? Come to think of it, not a single line of information she gathered indicated that the man had ever been involved with a woman.

The incident where he insulted the Queen of Foucault and kicked her out was something Roselyn knew about.

The Queen of Foucault was an amazingly beautiful woman who made men feel lustful just by looking at her once. Roselyn couldn’t believe Tamon refused such a woman.

The Tamon of last night and the Tamon in the story seemed to be two completely different men.

‘Yesterday happened might have been because of the mysterious power.’

Certainly he was not normal last night. Therefore, there was a great possibility that Tamon in his normal state was asexual, as King Amor had said earlier.

So yesterday, it could have been some sort of accident.

Roseline, who thought so and tried to relax, turned pale.

Come to think of it, Tamon embraced her every night when he brought her to Amor. His actions did not stop until she awoke to his kisses and fainted.

Was it just a “burst” from last night to this morning?

No, it seemed he really wasn’t asexual like rumors said.

‘It doesn’t matter to me…’

The man looked so distressed last night that she had no choice but to help.

Whether she liked it or not, he saved her life.

She was not saved by her own will, but now she’s alive…

As long as she made up her mind not to die anymore, the fact that he had saved her was an indelible fact.

She only gave herself once or twice in return for what she received.

Roselyn quickly brushed away the thoughts that disturbed her mind and thought of another story.

…The silver deer.
