
Surprised, Asrell bent her knees to examine Roselyn.

Her face and features were different, but this middle-aged maid reminded Roselyn of Kanya.

She was also one of the people Roselyn had failed to protect and had died.


“Ah…. Why does the beautiful young lady look so sad? Really.”

Asrell knelt down and looked up at Roselyn, who was crying. She looked at her for just a few seconds, and it was a face that Roselyn couldn’t forget, feeling frustrated that she was crying in front of a stranger helplessly.


Roselyn stopped, reaching for the maid.

She wondered what she would do if the skin of this person she saw in front of her was as cold as Kanya’s, who had died in front of her.

She was terrified, even though she knew it couldn’t be. She had never felt this way before.

“‘Oh my God. What’s going on here…?”

Unable to help herself, Asrell grabbed Roselyn’s hand, which was halfway extended, and comforted her.

“It’s okay. It’s okay. Please don’t cry………. What in the world happened to make these poor eyes so full of sorrow?”


After a moment of hesitation, Asrell reached out and hugged Roselyn. The gentle, caressing touch was like Roselyn’s mother’s.

It was sweet and warm.

“It’s going to be okay. Ralph’s blessing will protect you. Lersha Resha.”

Lersha Resha.



This was what Kanya said as she comforted Roselyn before.

“God will bless you.”

Lersha Resha.

However, God has never once helped them.

If there really was a God they followed so faithfully, and if they were so proud with their faith…..

The poor Athesians would not have had such a tragic history.

Yet they believed in God. They prayed to God again and again.

Roselyn loved that faithful Kanya. Very much.

The maid patted Roselyn’s back with her big hand.

It was really strange. Even if it was Kanya, she could not touch Roselyn casually. But all the people Roselyn met in this country touched her without hesitation.

Roselyn closed her eyes, feeling the warmth within her reach.

The dead Kanya was not here. There was no coldness of the dead.

It was just the warmth that only the living could give.

“My Lord!”

“My lord! General!”

With similar but different voices, the twin maids came running, shouting when they saw Tamon.

Tamon, who was returning after kicking Ronasso out of the door, stared at the running twins.

“I’m going to fall. Don’t run.”

Tamon walked slowly on his long legs, his bulky head twitching lazily.Meanwhile, the twins came rushing in like lightning, surrounding him on both sides and waving noisily.

“My lord, my lord, my lord!”

“Master, oh… my breath!”

“Do we have to agree on whether to call me ‘lord’ or ‘master’?”

“That’s right, Master!”

Tasha, the older sister , raised her head first.

“The woman, the woman!”

“Who is she?

“She’s incredibly beautiful. You told us to take care of her.”

“Yes, she’s very, very beautiful! I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful in my life, though I couldn’t compare her to Halo. Isn’t that what a fairy would look like if she came down? Isn’t that right, Louie?”

“Yes! Really! I was so surprised at first, I had hiccups!”

At Tasha’s words, her sister Louie nodded her head as if her head was going to fall off and tried to explain the emotional moment that filled her heart.

The twins had never seen anyone so beautiful in their lives. But they wondered if the Snow Queen they heard so many times in fairy tales looked like that.

Or was she a fairy? A snow fairy. The twins couldn’t even breathe, let alone get close, but Asrell was really amazing.

Asrell got closer, talked to her, and even touched the fairy’s cold forehead.

Tamon, who was looking at the twins’ fuss with a grin, abruptly stopped walking.

“What happened?”

The twins punched each other in the forehead to regain their composure.

It’s such a stupid thing to do!

They were running in amazement and their souls slipped out of their bodies as they thought of that person’s beauty again.

It was a very beautiful face that deceived people whether they were looking at it or not.

Oh, this was not the important thing.

The beautiful one held Asrell and was shedding tears like holy water. That was the important thing!

“She’s crying! She’s crying!”

Yes! She’s crying! She is crying and holding Asrell! Please go quickly ……..!”

For a moment, the twins thought they were getting winded.

But it was only when they blinked that they realized that it was an afterimage of Tamon moving like the wind.

Tasha and Louie looked at each other. Their eyes were the same, only the color of their eyes was different, and they both turned at the same time.

They lowered their voices and whispered to each other, even though no one was there .

“I knew it…”

“Right. Let’s go and watch. Come on!”

“I’m so nervous!

And the twins, who were whispering and laughing, hurriedly ran after Tamon.


She cried aloud.

Roselyn only realized this when her tears stopped.

It was embarrassing.

She wasn’t crying physiologically due to pain and suffering, she was crying because she was really sad.She hadn’t heard herself cry since she was a child.

Her ears turned red with belated embarrassment. For no reason, she stretched her neck and sat up straight, but the embarrassment still persisted.

“Are you feeling better now?”

Asrell asked softly as she sat beside Roselyn, comforting her.

Roselyn gave a small nod, smiling at Asrell to mean that she was fine.

“······ Oh my, you are more beautiful than spring flowers. How can you have such beautiful eyes?”

Asrel was stunned for a while by Roselyn’s smile.

Is this what it feels like to have your eyes purified?

It was as if all the radiance in the world could not compare to her smile.

Asrell’s face reddened and she didn’t know what to do, she looked at Roselyn again and let out a small cry.

“Oh, my God, I’m being silly. I’m stupid. I keep peeking without realizing it.”

“Don’t peek, just look at me as I am, Asrell. You have to see me face to face in order to have a dialogue.”

“Hehe, now let me look at you with confidence. Oh, it’s dazzling.”

Asrell smiled brightly, her eyes widened mischievously.

Roselyn felt her innocent smile soften her heart.

She had heard so many compliments about her beauty.

They were compliments filled with dark ulterior motives, trying to rely on her authority and power as an empress.

Perhaps that was why. Roselyn had rarely been impressed by the word beautiful.

But now it wasn’t so bad to hear Asrell say it.

It was just as heartwarming as that time when her mother had told her that she was beautiful, that she was lovely.

It seemed to be because of those warm, green eyes full of fondness.

“Do your eyes hurt? Would you like some water?”

Roselyn took a sip of the water that Asrell gave her.

That sip of water pushed away something that had been hanging on Roselyn’s chest.

At that moment, the closed door slammed open and a huge man appeared.

Asrell stood up quickly and greeted him.

“You’re here, Master.”

Asrell shifted in her seat. Roselyn looked at Tamon, who was trudging towards her, and turned her face away.

She didn’t want to show him her face, which still had traces of tears.

It was embarrassing.

She averted her gaze and silently bit her lips.

Standing in front of Roselyn, Tamon stared at her sharply.

He lifted her chin gently.


When Roselyn didn’t answer, Tamon turned her head around and looked at her face.

Roselyn let out a small sigh and pushed his hand away from her chin.

Tamon, who missed her chin, looked at the nape of her neck this time. He raised her hand and carefully examined her wrist as well.

“I see you didn’t hurt yourself anywhere. I’m glad.”

Roselyn was dumbfounded and stared at him.

At that moment his hand gripped her chin again.

“What about your tongue?”
