“But that was–!” Roseline’s vassal interjects, unable to endure it. This is just conjecture, but the guys who drove away the people requesting aid were probably vampires. If so, it would be unreasonable to direct their anger towards the Commune government.

“Yes, I am aware that the country was not functioning properly due to Clermont being temporarily taken over by vampires. However, even if they learned the truth, nothing would change from the perspective of those who were harmed. Their emotions would not allow them to accept it. If the government had uncovered the vampires’ plot and dispatched an army, things may have changed, but…”

That would be impossible. Until just recently, Clermont was under vampire control and they were working to retake it. Then, after they took it back, they immediately received news of the Weichsel Empire’s invasion. There was no time for Roseline to send an army to the northwest region of Commune.

“When the Weichsel Empire invaded, the people rejoiced. To them, the Weichsel Empire which wiped out the vampires is justice itself, and the emperor is their savior. As for Commune… Though I am hesitate to say it, they view the government as incompetent for allowing the vampires’ tyrrany and mock the royal family as incompetent rulers.”

For an instant, a surge of rage fills my mind. If Roseline had neglected and abandoned her people, I could understand their complaints. But she was desperate. Even after we retook Clermont, she devoted all her time and effort to governing in order to take the country back from the vampires and rebuild. Knowing this firsthand, it pisses me off that they’re denying her efforts and insulting her.

As my face flushes with anger, Roseline, on the other hand, says nothing in response. As a ruler, she’s resigned to simply accept it.

Even if it’s painful, as the ruler, she cannot avert her eyes. Even if it’s unreasonable, the people who have never seen her directly have no choice but to judge her by her actions. Even if she’s the princess who saved the country to the people who live in Clermont, to those who live in Duke Mayenne’s territory, she’s nothing more than the person who abandoned their territory and didn’t save them. After all, it’s true that the end result was that she couldn’t save them.


It’s because she understands this that she doesn’t make a single objection. I can’t just ignore her emotions and express my personal feelings.

“The people have been continuously exploited. I lost my family as well. So, I understand their rage. The culprits who were supposed to be the targets of their rage have died, so naturally, their hatred has shifted towards the Commune government. It was such a cruel and horrific event. They have lost their composure due to their rage, and they are susceptible to emotional outbursts. Thanks to the rule of the Weichsel Empire, public order has been maintained, but if a new lord arrives, the people will surely rebel rather than obey,” the butler says, and for a moment, the room goes silent.

It’s not over. Even after defeating the vampires, it doesn’t end there. It won’t be resolved that easily. The scars in the victim’s hearts are too deep.

“And it’s not only Duke Mayenne’s territory,” the emperor says. “All the territories ruled by prominent nobles in northwest Commune are in a similar state. Because of this, there’s no telling what will happen if the territories are returned to Commune. That is why I wanted to ask Your Highness how you plan to govern them once they’re returned. Under normal circumstances, asking such a question would be the height of rudeness. However, if the people cause a riot while the vampires are still being subdued, the situation will turn all the more dire. As one who is entrusted with the lives of my country’s soldiers, this crisis cannot be overlooked. Therefore, although it pains me to say it, I wanted to tell you the full and honest truth.”

“No, if it weren’t for your consideration, I wouldn’t have understood my people’s feelings. I admire Your Majesty’s wisdom.”

Now I understand why the emperor hesitated to say it. It’s a remark that calls Commune’s governing ability into question. If the concerns of the butler who is native to the region hadn’t been stated beforehand, it could be taken as an insult to Roseline and Commune itself. The relation between their countries is bad enough as it is without adding more oil to the fire.


However, it’s a difficult problem. As if they’ve understood this, Roseline and her vassals groan in unison. Even if the territory is returned and Commune tries to rule again, problems will arise. Even so, they can’t just leave the territory in Weichsel’s hands. The Weichsel army has no obligation to be stationed there after the territory is returned to Commune.

But handing the territory over to Weichsel would also cause concern. Alexia once said that Weichsel expanded its territory through wars in the past. She also said that if the territorial balance collapses and the Weichsel Empire gains more power, wars between human nations fighting over territory may occur in the future.

Maybe the emperor returned the territory to Commune and gave them that warning because he also knew that there was a possibility it would lead to more war between humans.

But it’s not a problem with an easy solution. Roseline contemplates even longer than before, and her vassals have yet to regain their composure. It doesn’t seem like they’ll be able to come up with any concrete plans. It would also be difficult for them to have an open discussion of their country’s circumstances in front of the emperor of Weichsel.

As if reading the mood, the emperor is the first to open his mouth.“I believe this problem should be handled carefully,” he says. “Our country must cooperate with yours when it comes time to withdraw our troops from each territory. In addition, we will need to negotiate the extent of our support, such as military cooperation in regards to vampire subjugation. At that time, I would like to discuss this issue as well.”

Roseline nods. “Then, we will decide on the details at a later date.”

As the emperor looks around at Roseline and the others who are present, his eyes land on me.

“Your Highness, may I speak to this person for a moment?” he says.

Roseline looks at him with a dubious expression. She probably thinks it’s suspicious that he would suddenly want to speak to someone other than her.

“Oh, it’s nothing so serious. It’s just that I met the man who saved both our countries while we were still establishing the ceasefire, so there wasn’t much opportunity for conversation. Though I would like to make time for us to talk, this is an important time for both our countries, and I doubt things will calm down anytime soon. But in that case, it will be some time before we can meet again. You must be busy as well, Your Highness,” the emperor explains with a wry smile.

As if somewhat satisfied with this, Roseline glances in my direction and nods.

“You are Chaos, correct?”

“…Yes,” I say, my heart pounding with nervousness so loudly that I almost expect the others to hear it.

“Alexia told me what happened. Thanks to you exposing the vampires’ plot, we were able to avoid the worst possible outcome for our countries. You have my thanks.”

No, that’s not it. I just happened to notice the discrepancy after I talked to Havoc’s group and Alexia’s maid, Irene. They should be the ones getting credit for this, not me. I don’t really deserve to be the only one getting praised for it. But before I can admit to this, the emperor continues.

“By the way, that black hair of yours is rare in this country. Were you born here?”

“No, I wasn’t.”

“Then, where are you from?”

For an instant, my heart stops.

Naturally, nobody knows that I’m from another world. Nobody really asked until now, so it wasn’t a problem.

But is it alright for me to reveal that I’m from another world? I doubt VRMMORPGs exist in this world, so it would be like entering the world of the story of a game. Even if this is a fantasy world where magic exists, would they really accept such a fantastical situation?

If I say something that crazy while I’m here surrounded by two countries’ leaders, they’ll just think I’m joking around and their impression of me will worsen. It would also put Roseline in an awkward position since she’s the one who invited someone like that to this meeting. There’s no way I can do something so discourteous.“…I’m not from a country on this continent.”

After a lot of hesitation, I dodge the issue by avoiding giving a clear answer. I’m not from this world, so it wouldn’t be a lie to say that I’m not from this continent. …I’m fully aware that this is sophistry. Though, I do feel bad about deceiving Roseline too.

The emperor’s vassals murmur in response to my answer. The emperor smiles slyly.

“Oh, you’re from overseas? I don’t leave the country very often. Even the streets of Clermont are new to me. I can’t even imagine a land across the ocean.”

Judging by their reactions, it seems like it would be unthinkable for a person of unknown origin to be at an important meeting, so I thought he would question me more. But apparently, the emperor’s interests lie elsewhere.

“So, visitor from foreign lands, why did you come to this country?”

That’s another question that’s difficult to answer.

I didn’t come to this country for any specific goal. If I had to say, it’s because I explored the Castal Kingdom and the Weichsel Empire during the beta test and wanted to visit the country I hadn’t been to yet, and because there was an announcement about an event happening in the Allied Commune. But I can’t just say that. Judging by the previous response, it seems dangerous to give a bad answer here. In that case, I have to go with the safe answer.

“I’m traveling the world for adventure.”

In the game, Another World, it can be said that going on adventures all around the world, like exploring different areas, obtaining rare items, and fighting strong enemies, is part of the fun of the game. So in a sense, I don’t think this answer would be a lie. Unlike before, there isn’t a strong reaction from those around me, so maybe it doesn’t seem particularly strange to them.

But then, the emperor says something shocking.

“I see. Then you are an adventurer. Your Highness, has Chaos been hired by your country?”

“…No, he hasn’t.”

“Then, Chaos, how do you feel about serving Weichsel? Ah, I don’t mind waiting until after things have calmed down, of course. I have heard that you are a skilled mage. If your contract period has expired and you are willing, I would very much like to invite you to my country. I can guarantee you a position worthy of a hero.”

Upon hearing this, Roseline pales and Alexia kind of looks happy. What kind of position is a position worthy of a hero? He’s probably planning to give me a pretty important job. This is no joke. To be frank, it’s hard enough getting treated like a hero, so a position like that would be unbearable. I’m exhausted just thinking about it.

“Um… I’m grateful that you think so highly of me, but that’s kind of– I mean, such a position would be too great an honor for me.”

It might be rude to reject the emperor’s invitation, but I’m not budging on this. Although, maybe he expected me to refuse, because he doesn’t seem to mind too much. Roseline looks as relieved as I am. Yeah, it looks like this wasn’t the wrong decision. Alexia, on the other hand, looks a bit conflicted.

“I see. However, if you change your mind, you can come to my country anytime. The recent monster activity can no longer be ignored. Talented mages are always welcome.”

I see, that was probably the emperor’s way of giving lip service. Thank goodness he didn’t take offense to my refusal.

To be honest, I should probably stop coming to this world to avoid this sort of problem, but Roseline’s uncle Raoul who died in battle asked me to take care of Roseline, and personally, I also can’t help but worry about Roseline and Alexia who are involved in this world. I think I should at least keep coming to this world until all the commotion in the Allied Commune dies down.

“That is the only way I can repay my gratitude towards you,” the emperor says, lowering his head as if apologetically. I don’t need the thanks, but I feel uncomfortable saying something so self-important. “Regarding your actions in Clermont… Part of the truth must be concealed.”
