"What are you doing!!"

 I went to the other side of the counter by passing through next to it, and rushed over to the young boy, Jack, that the boss had knocked flying.

 "Are you alright?!"

 "G-… get away from me."

 The young boy glared at me, spitting bloody spit on the floor, possibly having cut his mouth.

 "This kind of thing happens all the time. It's no big deal."

 "All the time…"


 I was speechless.

 Child labour.

 Violence occurring daily.

 And then the careless system of not even doing a quality check on repaired goods before sending them out.

 (What on earth is going on in this workshop?!)

 I was struck by a light panic.


 "Oi, you! What're you doing coming here without permission!!"

 The yell of an angry voice resounded behind me.

 I put my thoughts behind me, stood up and turned around, facing the boss.

 That large body looked down on me irritatedly.

 I resolutely glared back at him.

 And then, I shouted.

 "I'm the one who wants to complain! If this child's repairs are so bad, why are you sending it to customers in that state? Why hasn't the quality manager properly checked it? You haven't even done the minimum management, so why'd you think it's justified to use violence against your young subordinates!!"

 At my words, the boss became furious.

 "Shut up!! I stayed silent 'cause you're using the Count's crest, but the one that's this workshop's manager is me! What's wrong with disciplining the craftsmen that do a crude job?! Even my master taught me like that. I dunno who you are, but stop being so meddling!!"

 Yelling at each other, glaring at each other.

 Directing violence at your coworkers.

 A stance to quality, which is a disgrace to magic-toolmakers.

 And then the speech and conduct as though the workshop is his own.

 In the midst of these swirling emotions, facing the man that was called [Boss], I realised something.

 I'd had an uncomfortable feeling ever since I entered the workshop.

 The nostalgic store's appearance.

 The Owleyes crest hung up on the storefront.

 The workshop that I had visited countless times before appeared exactly according to my memories… yet was different from my memories.

 This man that was introduced as the boss.

 That good-looking young man.

 And the young boy wiping his mouth next to them as well.

 ——— I don't know their faces.

 The first time I came to this workshop in the first future, I was fifteen. If we're talking about the current timeline, it'll be three years later.

 Back then when I was introduced to the workshop manager, it was someone I knew well.

 Originally a skilled craftsman working at the Owleyes' main workshop, though he was cold, that uncle gave me advice when I was making magic tools through trial and error.

 He was by no means the kind of person to hit his younger subordinates.

 Besides, I think the other craftsmen were also familiar faces from the Owleyes territory.

 What the heck, I wonder when the people got changed?

 (Come to think of it…)

 Digging up my dusty memories.

 A little bit before I went on to the royal capital's academy, back when I still lived in the Owleyes territory.

 There was a time when Otou-sama and the guys at the main workshop had a weird commotion.

 (By any chance, was that because something happened at the Royal Capital Workshop?)


 8 or 9 times out of 10, I guess a problem must've occurred.

 Rather, it may be more correct to say [the problem was exposed], as far as I can see from the disastrous scene before me.

 Whether it's quality or customer service, the current Royal Capital Workshop has far too many problems.

 Even though it's on the decline, we still have many nobles among our clients.

 If they keep up with work like this one now, they'd surely send ina complaint to Dad someday.

 If that happens, these guys would undoubtedly get fired.

 I'm sure that, in the previous life, all the craftsmen in the Royal Capital Workshop were fired, and craftsmen from the Owleyes territory were sent in their place.

 I don't care what happens to this guy in front of me, but I can't bring myself to get the young man and young boy, and also the other craftsmen who have no faults, involved in this.

 ——— I have to do something.

 I focused my gaze once more on the [Boss] in front of me.

 "My name is Leticia Ainsworth. This workshop's owner, the Owleyes Count Brad Ainsworth[1], is my father."


 The boss became speechless.

 The other three also began to stir.

 "O-, Ojou-sama, what brings you to this place?"

 The boss's cheeks cramped up.

 "You, what's your name?"

 "It's… Duncan, the head of this workshop."

 Duncan replied with a pained expression.

 I drew closer to him.

 "The other day, a notification should have gone out in my father's name. Saying to fully cooperate with me."

 "Oi, Roland!?"

 Duncan glared at the flustered workshop's young man.

 The young man, called Roland, stiffened his body with a start.

 "Y-, y-, yes. A notification did in fact come. Oh, I reported this to Boss the day before yesterday, but…"

 "I didn't hear that!!!!"

 Bang! Duncan hit the counter.

 The young man, Roland, retreated with a shriek.

 Duncan grimaces while returning his gaze to me.

 "So, what brings Ojou-sama to our workshop?"

 "To make a new magic tool, I came to request material preparations and parts manufacturing, but…"

 I gave a fleeting glance to the sword from a while ago.

 "With this being the state of things, I'd better ask the Owleyes main workshop for the parts manufacturing."

 I deliberately sighed.

 "You made such sloppy repairs to a customer's precious magic sword, sent it out without an inspection, and even responded to legitimate complaints with a quarrelsome attitude. I can't entrust my work to such a workshop."


 The workshop head's face warped.

 "I'll report to Otou-sama, [about that]… Let's go back, Anna."

 "Yes. Ojou-sama."

 I turned my back on Duncan, who'd turned as white as a sheet, and turned to the confused customer.

 "I… I didn't realise you were the young lady of the Owleyes Count, I've been extremely rude!"

 The swordsman customer bowed his head.

 I spoke to him while not letting out any intimidation as much as possible.

 "Please raise your head. The one who should apologise is me."


 The swordsman looked at me with a surprised face.

 "Due to our workshop's sloppy repairs, your companions were exposed to danger. As a member of the Ainsworth House, I offer my apologies once more."

 "No… there's no need for the young lady to apologise!"

 I continued speaking.

 "I shall take upon the responsibility of repairing your sword. As it will be delivered to your address tomorrow, may I ask that you wait one day?"

 "Huh, the young lady will repair it???"

 "Yes. I am a daughter of Ainsworth, after all. More or less, I'm certified to handle special-grade magic tools, you know."

 As I laughed [Fufu], the male swordsman froze with his mouth open.

 I walked to the entrance of the workshop, and summoned Coco and Mel who were holding the sword.

 "And so everyone, farewell."

 I smiled broadly at all of them.

 Beside me, Anna opened the door, and I went out —

 "Hey, wait!!!"

 At that moment, an impatient man's voice could be heard behind me.

TL Notes:

[1]it's so weird that the surname differs from the House name ↩

[2]onomatopoeia for teeth-gritting sounds? Well, something like that. I'm sure you've seen it before. ↩
