Su Xueyi's cryptic threat doesn't become any clearer for Xi Zirui in the time it takes Han Yu to return from the lake with the hairpin.

His robes soaking wet, Han Yu hands the hairpin to Su Xueyi with a murderous scowl, his eyes lingering on Su Xueyi's unrelenting grip on the back of Xi Zirui's neck.

Su Xueyi covers his fingers with his long sleeve, and holds the hairpin by the stem, like a pen.

He lets go of Xi Zirui and makes his way to Xi Ming's funeral tablet.

Han Yu rushes to Xi Zirui's side, taking his hand between his cold ones. "Is Shizun okay?" he asks, voice barely above a whisper.

Xi Zirui nods, eyes fixed on Su Xueyi.

His fingers tighten around Han Yu as he watches Su Xueyi rear back to kick down Xi Ming's funeral tablet.


Han Yu gasps in horror and Xi Zirui averts his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek.

Su Xueyi throws them a mocking grin. "Don't worry, I have a much more appropriate funeral tablet for him in our Heavenly Dragon's hall of ancestors."

He kneels on the ground and moves away the tablet, pulling out a lacquered wooden box. His real motive for destroying the tablet.

There's a tiny opening into one of the box's front panels, and Su Xueyi fits the end of the hairpin inside. Something clicks, and he slides off the top panel of the box, opening it.

Most of Su Xueyi's body hides the box from view, but Xi Zirui sees him slide something that looks like a large pearl and a folded up manual into his sleeve.

When he turns back towards Xi Zirui and Han Yu his smile is a thing of menace.


"Thank you, Shidi," he says, wresting Xi Zirui away from Han Yu, gripping his thin wrist in a crushing hold. "I've been trying to find this for a long time. Who knows how long it would have taken me if it wasn't for you."

Han Yu glares at him, his eyes shining with hatred.

Su Xueyi doesn't acknowledge him, continuing to address Xi Zirui. "Gods know those demonic cultivators weren't any use. Useless the lot of them." He runs a finger under Xi Zirui's chin, tipping it backwards. "But Shidi has always been smart."

Xi Zirui wrenches his face away, his upper lip curling in disgust.

Su Xueyi continues smirking. "I always thought Shidi was too lofty, too above the dust of the mortal world and that was why my advances through the years were ignored." His eyes narrow dangerously. "I preferred that misguided belief to the reality."

Xi Zirui tries really hard not to roll his eyes.

Just call me a whore again and go, he thinks, leveling Su Xueyi with an indifferent stare.

Su Xueyi takes a talisman out of his other sleeve and holds it between his fingers. "I took some precautions before following after the two of you," he spares a look towards Han Yu. "I advise Shidi to wipe that frown off his face, I can still leave his disciple trapped here."

Xi Zirui goes very still, he's almost certain Su Xueyi is bluffing, but the fear still makes his heart race. "And how would Shixiong field the questions from Li Siqi regarding what happened to him?"

"Tragically lost in combat," he says, with a shrug and smirk at Han Yu. "If Shidi tries to contradict me, I'll be forced to reveal the nature of your immoral relationship."

Han Yu's hand flies up to Xi Zirui's upper arm, trying to restrain him from advancing towards Su Xueyi.

"Do anything to hurt him, and I'll bite off my tongue and spit it in your face," Xi Zirui says, glaring menacingly up at Su Xueyi. "Try me."

Whatever Su Xueyi sees in Xi Zirui's eyes makes his smile drop, and tighten into a frown.

He activates the talisman with a hand seal and extends it towards Xi Zirui and Han Yu.

"Touch it, and it will take us back to the cave."

Su Xueyi clearly needs Xi Zirui for something.As far as leverage goes, it's always better not to bet with your own life.

But it's not like Xi Zirui has anything else.

With one last look at Han Yu, he reaches forward to touch the yellowing paper.


They land back into the small embankment in the middle of the river, next to Huan Xuan's corpse.

Xi Zirui barely has the time to get his bearings before Ni Ni's chime is sounding repeatedly inside his head, ricocheting off the inside of his skull like a noise bullet.

"Host! Ni Ni is so glad she's able to access him again! It was really scary not being able to see what was happening," she says, voice tearing up, further cementing in Xi Zirui the idea that if she really is an AI she has been programmed by a manic.

"Oh, oh, so many updates, well, Ni Ni is going to try and resume them: Han Yu's admiration up by a combined +30 points. Now at 78 of a possible 100 points."

That doesn't surprise Xi Zirui, considering what they've found out about Xi Ming and Huan Xuan, and the pledge they both made in front of Xi Ming's funeral tablet.

"Li Siqi's favor down by -2 points, now at 88 of a possible 100 points."

That's odd. What could Xi Zirui possibly have done to Li Siqi while he was gone with Han Yu?

"From what Ni Ni understands, Li Siqi was angry at being left alone with Liao Min, and blamed Shizun for disappearing with Han Yu instead of with her."

Xi Zirui looks out at the riverbank, expecting to see Li Siqi glaring at him. Instead she's sitting cross legged on the gravel, Liao Min's head on her lap, apparently unconscious.

"What happened to young miss Liao?" Xi Zirui asks, directing the question at Su Xueyi.

He only spares a disinterested glance at her before answering. "She wouldn't shut up about her sect brothers, so I decided to put a stop to all her questions."

"Oh, don't look like that, Shidi, it's temporary, she's fine," he says, patting Xi Zirui's cheek with an indulgent smile.

Xi Zirui wrenches away from his touch and helps Han Yu to his feet, who got the worse of the transportation talisman's effects.

Su Xueyi narrows his eyes at them, lingering on Xi Zirui's hands around the bared stretch of skin on Han Yu's arm where his sleeve has ridden up.

"What's happening, Shizun?" Li Siqi asks, fully aware of the odd mood that has descended over them.

Before Xi Zirui can say anything Su Xueyi interjects, smiling widely. "Shidi, I believe there are some things your disciple would rather not hear."

As far as threats go, it's not a subtle one.

Xi Zirui is well aware that Li Siqi wouldn't react well to learning of his and Han Yu's relationship.

His silence is good enough for Su Xueyi, who casts his eyes towards Huan Xuan's body and announces, "Let's return, I have what I came for."

His cold eyes glimmer with satisfaction.


The journey back to Heavenly Dragon sect is a fraught affair.

Liao Min is still unconscious, her head resting on Li Siqi's shoulder as they ride in the carriage.

Su Xueyi makes quick work of the Blood Crane retainers before ushering them all into the carriage.

Only Li Siqi's insistence prevents Su Xueyi from abandoning Liao Min outside the derelict temple. Of her two sect brothers, Xi Zirui sees nor hide nor hair, and can only hope they're still alive, because Su Xueyi doesn't volunteer any information despite Li Siqi's questions.

As soon as they step into Heavenly Dragon's sect grounds all the disciples flock to them, excited to see the sect leader back, and naturally curious regarding his whereabouts the past days.

Su Xueyi humors them all with an agreeable smile and pleasant words. "Master Xi's quick thinking helped resolve this unfortunate situation as soon as possible. This Master will rest first, before addressing the sect elders and disciples."

The hum of curiosity doesn't die down, but the excitable crowd parts to allow Su Xueyi passage.

Xi Zirui is glad for the opportunity to put some distance between them.

He's following after Li Siqi and Han Yu when Su Xueyi's deep baritone cuts through the din.

"Master Xi, a word." He beckons Xi Zirui forward, the smirk never leaving his lips.

Xi Zirui goes still, his hands clenching into fists at his side. Han Yu turns around, his gaze heavy with meaning when it lands on Xi Zirui.

It feels like it was an age ago that they were both making plans for their future together.

The desolate look in Han Yu's lovely eyes drives home just how powerless the two of them are in this situation.

What can Xi Zirui do but follow after Su Xueyi?

He can accept the risk to himself, but he knows that even if he dies, it's Han Yu who'll have to live out an entire existence in this world, and bear the consequences of anything Xi Zirui does.

Sometimes, more than the loss of the people they are in each world, and the relationship they build, what hurts Xi Zirui the most is hearing Ni Ni's dispassionate account of how Han Yu suffers after he's gone.


Su Xueyi's quarters are well-appointed, but not lavish, decorated with fine furniture similar to the one in the original's own quarters.

He summarily dismisses the servants that show up to ask him if he needs anything.

He wants to be alone with Xi Zirui for what's going to happen next.

Xi Zirui takes a seat at the low table in the middle of the reception room and pours tea for himself. He might as well make himself comfortable while Su Xueyi evil-villain monologues at him.

He doesn't have to wait long.

Su Xueyi takes a seat across from him, and takes the iridescent pearl Xi Zirui saw him hide in his sleeve back in the realm of Huan Xuan's memories, and shows it to him.

"Does Shidi know what this is?"

Xi Zirui doesn't answer him, instead takes a sip of his tea and raises his eyebrows with a disinterested hum.

Su Xueyi doesn't quite manage to hide his annoyance at Xi Zirui's indifference.

"This is the dragon pearl that grants Huan Xuan, like all dragons, his immortality."

"Fascinating," Xi Zirui says, taking another slow sip.

"I'm glad Shidi thinks so, because he's going to eat it."

Xi Zirui goes still with the cup halfway to his mouth. "Why would I do that?"

"I know that Shidi would like to achieve immortality by his own merits," he shrugs, "but it's important that his body can withstand the technique."

Does Xi Zirui even want to know? "What technique?"

Su Xueyi takes the folded up manual from his sleeve's pocket, slapping it down on the table between them. "'Soul Summoning Technique' "

That doesn't sound good.

Su Xueyi raises his cup up to Xi Zirui in a mock toast. "Shidi is about to have some permanent company very soon."
