tw: explicit sexual content


Xi Zirui nearly jumps out of his skin when Han Yu's arms circle his waist, to keep himself from floating to the surface. He's overly conscious of the closeness of Han Yu's face to a very upright part of his anatomy.

Whoever is at the door doesn't take Xi Zirui's silence as the dismissal it is and just walks right in.

As soon as her eyes land on him, and his undressed state, Li Siqi turns her back to him in an 180º degree pivot. "This disciple apologizes for barging in."

"Apologies accepted, Siqi may leave now," Xi Zirui says, some of the tension leaving him. Much better it be Li Siqi than one of the Blood Crane disciples.

His relief is short-lived. He feels a wide palm clutching his thigh, and then a stream of bubbles being blown against his hard cock.


He closes his eyes and takes a sobering breath. He's going to kill Han Yu as soon as Li Siqi leaves.

Not that she seems interested in doing that.

"I came here to inform Shizun that the prisoners have awakened. I've taken the appropriate measures to restrain them, but they are unwilling to volunteer any information regarding sect leader's whereabouts."

Xi Zirui hums in understanding, and then nearly swallows down his tongue when the tip of Han Yu's tongue teases his urethra slowly, drawing a little circle around the tiny, sensitive, hole.

He can't help the little gasp that leaves his throat.

"Is Shizun alright?" Li Siqi asks, almost turning around.


If she does, she'll see an unusual amount of bubbles floating up to the surface of the tub while Han Yu continues his ministrations.

"Everything is fine!" Xi Zirui says, louder than necessary for believability's sake. "Thanks for informing this master."

"Right," - she clears her throat - "this disciple actually wanted to know if Shizun had any suggestion regarding what to do about them?"

As if Xi Zirui is capable of higher brain function with Han Yu's lips tight around the tip of his cock, suctioning lightly and driving him insane.

Whatever remains of his brain power fizzes out when he feels a determined fingertip probing at his entrance, made slick by the aphrodisiac even in the water.

It takes everything Xi Zirui has not to moan when Han Yu's finger slips inside.

"This master, ah, trusts Siqi's judgement. My disciple is very capable," - as soon as those words are out of his mouth Han Yu's finger slides deeper inside - "Mn, this master has full confidence in Siqi's abilities."

She's stunned silent for a moment, and then nods almost imperceptibly before leaving, closing the door behind her with a soft thud.

"Uhm, so sorry for interrupting Host! Li Siqi's admiration up by +10 points. Now at 80 of a possible 100 points."

Xi Zirui's shock at Li Siqi's high admiration barely registers before Han Yu swallows him down to the root and shoves another finger next to the first one inside him.

There's nothing Xi Zirui can do, he's completely at Han Yu's mercy and it sends an electrifying shiver down his spine.

His legs tremble underwater, his fingernails dig into the side of the bathtub and he bites his lower lip to prevent his ragged moans from carrying through the quiet courtyard.

Han Yu's fingers hit the sensitive bundle of nerves inside him, and the world goes fuzzy around the edges.

It only takes a few expert thrusts and the feeling of Han Yu's warm lips wrapped around the base of his cock, for Xi Zirui to be coming down his throat with an aborted shout.

Han Yu supports himself on the edge of the pool and pulls himself out of the water, licking his lips with a devious smirk.

Xi Zirui nearly goes crosseyed admiring the rivulets of water sluicing down the flat planes of his abdomen and the sharp valley of his hipbones."Shameless," Xi Zirui says, staring at Han Yu's hard cock.

"It's all Shizun's fault," Han Yu says, lowering his head to take Xi Zirui's lips in a filthy kiss, swapping the taste of his own cum back and forth between them with each pass of his heated tongue.

Xi Zirui growls into the kiss and digs into Han Yu's back, scoring his blunt nails down his sinewy back.

Han Yu rubs his hard cock into the cradle of Xi Zirui's spread thighs with sinuous rolls of his hips, hissing at the heady contact.

Xi Zirui cards one hand into Han Yu's wet hair and grips the wet strands between his fingers, pulling Han Yu's head to the side and away from his lips.

"Is this what my shameless disciple studied while I was cultivating in seclusion?" Xi Zirui asks, with a haughty glare. A difficult task to accomplish with the haze of lust clouding his mind.

Han Yu pouts, in the familiar way he used to in the first world. "Of course, to better please Shizun."

Xi Zirui yanks on his hair again. "Did you practice with anyone?"

Han Yu's smirk spills upwards into his cheeks. "Only with Shizun, who was a great teacher even in my dreams." He brings his lips next to Xi Zirui's ear. "And only moaned in encouragement as this disciple used his body as he saw fit."

Xi Zirui closes his eyes against the vivid image Han Yu's filthy words conjure.

"Shameless," Xi Zirui says, swallowing tightly.

Han Yu smirks and gets up to his feet inside the tub, crowding Xi Zirui into the corner. Xi Zirui's eyes are drawn to his big cock, almost at eye-level.

Han Yu cups Xi Zirui's chin into his palm and looks down into his wide eyes. "Open wide, Shizun."

His gaze unwavering from Han Yu's lust blown pupils, Xi Zirui does, covering his bottom teeth with the flat pillow of his red tongue.

It's all the invitation Han Yu needs. He feeds his cock gently into Xi Zirui's mouth, as if letting him savor a delicious treat.

Unblinking, Xi Zirui keeps going until his nose touches the wiry thatch of hair on Han Yu's pubic bone.

Han Yu groans, mesmerized by Xi Zirui's defiant look and the sight and feeling of his cock disappearing down his tight throat.

He places one hand on Xi Zirui's head and winds a loose strand of hair around his fingers. "May I, Shizun?"

In lieu of an answer, Xi Zirui swallows around his cock and bobs his head forward.

Han Yu's grip on his hair tightens and he pulls Xi Zirui's head downwards at the same time he fucks into his mouth, making him choke around the invasion.

Xi Zirui pulls away from Han Yu's cock with a loud pop, wrapping his fist around the thick base.

"Did this disciple hurt Shizun? I'm sorry, we can stop if Shizun wants," Han Yu asks, the assured cockyness gone from his voice, replaced with genuine concern.

Xi Zirui looks up at him from beneath the fan of his long lashes and runs the edge of a sharp canine over the swollen glans. "Han Yu should fuck his Shizun's throat."

His breath coming up short, Han Yu tightens his fingers on Xi Zirui's head and takes him up on his offer.


Minutes after Han Yu has come so far down Xi Zirui's throat he thinks he can feel it in his stomach, Xi Zirui still hasn't come down from the breathless high of sex.

Han Yu has called for more warm water and emptied out the pool. Now the two of them are luxuriating inside together, while Han Yu bathes Xi Zirui, often getting distracted by his own wandering hands and his impulses to pepper every available bit of Xi Zirui's skin with kisses.

It's sweet, Han Yu's need to claim his territory. Xi Zirui has no problem indulging him.

He sighs and makes himself comfortable against Han Yu's broad chest, dropping a kiss of his own on Han Yu's shoulder.

Han Yu smiles against the back of Xi Zirui's nape and tightens his arms around his slim waist. "Shizun is full of surprises.""So is Han Yu."

"This disciple is surprised that Shizun could be so...forward," he says, trying to come up with a diplomatic word.

Xi Zirui rolls his eyes. "Han Yu forgets this master has been alive for longer than him. Each year brings with it wisdom, in this as in everything else."

Han Yu's ensuing whine is not surprising. "This disciple hoped he would be Shizun's first, as Shizun is his."

So presumptuous. It's a little embarrassing that Xi Zirui finds Han Yu's sticky side so endearing.

He turns sideways against Han Yu's chest, and runs a thumb over his sharp cheekbone. "Who says Han Yu is not?"

There's no harm in indulging this side of him either, and besides, Han Yu's answering smile warms up Xi Zirui more than the bathwater ever could.

"That makes this disciple very happy," he says pressing a kiss against Xi Zirui's cheek.

Xi Zirui melts into his embrace with a contented sigh. "It seems I have led my disciple astray."

"Don't worry Shizun, I'll tell everyone that it was I who seduced you."

Xi Zirui's laughter is swallowed up by Han Yu's kisses.


It's a struggle to talk Han Yu into leaving the bathtub, but somehow, Xi Zirui manages.

Then biggest issue becomes convincing him to go into the next pavilion over and check in on Li Siqi.

"Do we really have to?" he whines, trying to undo Xi Zirui's waist sash and pull him towards one of the bedrolls. "Why don't we stay here, in bed? Shizun can check on shijie in the morning."

Now that his mask is off he has no qualms about showing his bratty side.

Xi Zirui bats his hands away. "Impertinent disciple, do as your Shizun says."

Han Yu rucks up the back of Xi Zirui's robes and runs a hand up his thigh, stopping where leg meets ass. "Indulge this poor disciple, Shizun."

Xi Zirui pulls Untold Sorrow out of the sleeve pocket of his outer robe and smacks Han Yu upside the head with it. "No."

That's how Han Yu ends up dressed and grudgingly follows Xi Zirui into the next pavilion.

They wear the veil hats, on the off chance someone might spot them crossing the courtyard.

As soon as they're inside Xi Zirui takes his off with a sigh, and joins Li Siqi at the table she's sitting at.

"How is everything?" he asks, serving himself some of Li Siqi's tea.

Li Siqi is sitting with her legs crossed and her back straight, facing the tree captives bound against the wall facing her.

Her eyes are closed in what appears to be meditation, but that the tight furrow of her eyebrows betrays as something else: deep aggravation.

"Not great," she says, through gritted teeth.

Bai Mi smirks. "Is little meimei not enjoying our company?"

"Silence, you perverse, vile woman," Li Siqi says, her nostrils flaring.

Bai Mi's grin grows tenfold. "Hypocrisy really is the immortal cultivation sects' greatest asset." She tilts her head sideways to get a good look at Han Yu standing behind Xi Zirui.

"This little meimei calls this master perverse, when I saw hers sitting on his disciple's lap yesterday."

Li Siqi's eyes fly open in stunned shock. The porcelain cup in Xi Zirui's hand shatters into a million pieces.

Ji Limei giggles and shakes her head. "There really is nothing for us disciples like the love of our Shizun."

At her side, Liao Min groans and rolls her eyes.
