Xi Zirui doesn't know how long he spends wrapped up in Han Yu's embrace, only that he never wants it to end.

He's disappointed when the carriage finally comes to a stop.

The effects of the aphrodisiac aren't completely gone, but he feels more settled with Han Yu by his side, and now they're about to enter Blood Crane territory and he doesn't know how he's going to keep it together.

He's even less sure about what Li Siqi plans to do to elude the other sect members.

Her tricks might have worked on the retainers, but he doubts they'll be as effective on actual disciples who have met Bai Mi.

Xi Zirui and Han Yu follow after Li Siqi, the three unconscious bodies hovering behind them.

The carriages came to a stop inside a cave. Its mouth opening into a wide rocky gallery with a stairway carved into the sheer rock leading them in winding downwards path.


If he was in better shape, Xi Zirui might have mocked the dramatic aesthetics of hiding the entrance to a demonic sect in a cave.

As it stands he can only hold on to Han Yu's elbow and try not to fall down the slippery stairs.

"This disciple can carry Shizun, if he prefers," Han Yu says, keeping his voice quiet.

But not quiet enough, because Li Siqi snaps her head around to shoot them both a questioning look.

Thankfully the retainers are farther back at the beginning of the stairway and it's unlikely they have heard.

"That's not necessary," Xi Zirui says, blatantly ignoring the charged question in Li Siqi's eyes.


He continues holding on to Han Yu's elbow though, and Han Yu's arm comes around his waist to steady him, barely hidden beneath the dark sway of Xi Zirui's veil.


After what feels like an age they reach the end of the stairway. Stepping out of the last step and into lush, knee-height grass.

Nothing could have prepared Xi Zirui to the sight that greets him when the goes down that last step and turns the bend in the narrow passage.

They've reached what looks like an open crater inside the cave. The glow of the moon filters in through the wide opening at the roof of the cave, bathing the abundant greenery growing below in silver light.

A waterfall falls from the left side of the crater and into a turquoise lake at the bottom. A simple log bridge built over the lake leads them to a complex of pavilions hidden between the tall threes and bamboo, growing widely inside the earth in this impossible place.

It takes a lot of concentrated effort not to gape in awe at the the sight before his eyes.

Li Siqi is a lot less impressed and makes a beeline for the log bridge suspended by ropes above the turquoise waters.

They come to the first roadblock in this entire venture when instead of stepping down the log bridge they meet an invisible barrier that doesn't let them walk any further.

Xi Zirui chances a look behind his shoulder. The retainers are now coming down the stairway, carrying all of Bai Mi's and her disciple's luggage.

He has the impression that the retainers can only walk into the sect after a member has granted them passage.

They'll be expecting 'Bai Mi' to open up the barrier for them.

Li Siqi frowns in concentration, looking at the empty air in front of her face.

"Shijie, the token," Han Yu says, pointing at the jade token hanging from the black and purple robes Li Siqi took from Bai Mi.

Stretching out her arm, she holds the token towards the invisible barrier and mutters something under her breath, while making a complicated hand seal with her free hand.An almost imperceptible shimmer in the air, like static electricity before a thunderstorm, is the only indication she's been successful.

When Li Siqi next steps towards the buildings on the other side of the lake her foot doesn't meet any resistance.


The first hurdle cleared, the second comes as soon as they step into the graveled path between Blood Crane's pavilions.

"Master Bai, we didn't expect you so soon," a young man says.

Xi Zirui has heard those same words directed at himself not so long ago. He's beginning to suspect that cultivators, demonic or otherwise, are just easily surprised.

"There's been a change of plans," Li Siqi says, walking past the young disciple without a second look. "We have captured potential spies, escort us to our quarters."

While that's a smart way to get around the fact that they don't know where anything is located, the young disciple isn't as easily convinced.

"Wouldn't Master rather have the prisoners sent to the holding cells?"

"I have plans to question them in private," she says with a vicious glare. "Now, lead the way."

The man swallows dryly and does as he's told, guiding them through the gravel paths cut over the wildly growing greenery and into a smaller courtyard, close to one of the cave's ivy covered walls.

He leads them first to the largest of the buildings, made out of bamboo and with a sloping roof covered in moss and ivy. He opens the sliding doors before standing demurely to the side so Li Siqi can walk in.

There's no doubt that this room can only belong to a sect master, from the rows of spiritual weapons displayed on the walls, to the piles of books and letters strewn haphazardly over the low desk.

Li Siqi walks the floating bodies to one end of the reception hall before ripping the talismans off their chests, making them fall to floor with inelegant thuds.

"Have some food brought out to our quarters as well," she says, once the man is about to leave the building. "I don't want to be disturbed until at leas the day after tomorrow," she narrows her eyes at him, "Is that clear?"

"Yes Master," he says, lowering his head.

Xi Zirui is hanging on to his self-control by a thread, and desperately needs some time to himself. He can't wait for the man to show him to a room in which he can shut himself in and lose his mind in peace.

The young disciple goes down the stairs of Bai Mi's ample pavilion and crosses the little courtyard towards the much smaller building across from it.

Inside, he opens up the windows to let in the fragrant night breeze and lights a few candles.

"The young ladies' food will be delivered promptly," he says, stepping away from the door to let them into the pavilion.

Xi Zirui's heart sinks as soon as he walks inside and sees the two bed rolls on opposite sides of the single chamber.

He and Han Yu are supposed to share a room. Again.

The universe really hates him.

"Bring me a bathtub and warm water as well," Xi Zirui says, affecting a higher, more feminine voice.

Whatever evil the universe wants to inflict on him, it can wait until Xi Zirui has had his bath and cleaned up the unpleasant reminder of the aphrodisiac's effect from between his thighs.


As promised, food and a wooden bathtub, plus the necessary buckets of warm water to fill it, are delivered to their room.

"Does Shizun want to bathe now or after eating something?" Han Yu asks, eyeing the bathtub sitting in the middle of the room as if it might sprout a head at any moment.If Xi Zirui waits any longer to get out of his sweaty robes, he might die.

"I'll bathe first," he says, starting on the sash at his waist.

He stops with the knot halfway undone when he realizes he doesn't want Han Yu to see the state he's in.

"Uhm, would Han Yu mind turning around while this master gets into the bath?"

It's an incredibly humiliating request to make, especially after he so brazenly asked Han Yu for help undressing back at the hot springs.

If Han Yu finds Xi Zirui's sudden shyness odd he doesn't comment on it, dutifully turning away.

Xi Zirui makes quick work of his robes, dropping them to the floor haphazardly, and jumping into the tall tub as fast as his unsteady legs allow him.

He sighs in contentment as soon as the warm water touches his heated skin.

It's not the relief he wants from the fire burning in his veins and the maddening cold shooting up his spine, but it's something.

He lets his head thump against the edge of the tub with a groan.

He can't put it off anymore, he needs to know how long the effects of the aphrodisiac are going to last.

Ni Ni chimes at once, as if summoned by his despair. "Answering Host: The effects will last for at least four more hours. Please endure it Host."

That's easier for her to say, it's not her none existent brain being turned into dumplings here.

Han Yu kneels beside the tub by Xi Zirui's head. "Is there anything this disciple can do for Shizun?"

The earnestness shining in his dark eyes is heartbreaking.

Han Yu wants so badly to please his master, to be useful, to be worthy.

Xi Zirui wonders if there's any room for the kind of love he wants among all that devotion.

He closes his eyes and shakes his head. "No, Han Yu has already helped this master more than enough. This master doesn't know if he would have been able to make it this far without Han Yu's help."

Xi Zirui can anticipate Ni Ni's familiar chime from the shine of Han Yu's eyes alone

"Congratulations Host! Han Yu's admiration up by +10 points. Now at 38 of a possible 100 points."

He spares Han Yu a sad smile, wondering how many years has he waited for the day he would get validation from his callous Shizun?

"Doesn't Shizun want any medicine for his ailment," Han Yu says, still kneeling. His eyes staying modestly lowered as if to not look at Xi Zirui's naked skin.

Amusing considering the day before Xi Zirui was squirming in his lap with only a thin piece of underwear between them.

Endearing, due to the fact that from his position Han Yu can see little more than Xi Zirui's collarbones.

"Han Yu should eat and rest. Siqi has bought us some time by demanding no one bother her for a day, but who knows how long it will take us to find sect leader and leave here," Xi Zirui says.

For his part, he couldn't care less about Su Xueyi, but he guesses both Li Siqi and Han Yu do, as Heavenly Dragon disciples, and he's already acting plenty different without suggesting they just abandon their sect leader to the tender mercies of demonic cultivators.

"Han Yu will eat with Shizun," he says, getting up from the floor at last.

Xi Zirui thinks he's going to give him some space but moments later Han Yu reappears at his side with a washcloth in hand.

"Would Shizun allow this disciple to wash his skin?"

Xi Zirui sucks in a shuddering breath, the question hangs between them like a sharp knife.

Han Yu's offer is crossing a line, and judging by the thin dusting of red across his cheeks, he knows that.
