Xi Zirui couldn't have timed it better.

He misses his fan, from back when he was Xi-fei. It would come in handy to hide his smug smirk.

As it stands he has to recall his days as Xi Zirui - heartthrob actor - and plaster on an airy smile. "Oh I'm sorry, did someone get hurt?"

Feeding off Xi Zirui's convenient excuse, Su Xueyi smiles broadly and says. "Ah, yes, Mr. Cao skinned his knee and I was just helping him disinfect the wound." Su Xueyi pats Cao Fei on the back like they're old buddies. "All better now."

Cao Fei ducks his head and climbs off the table. "Uh, thank you sir. I'll be on my way now."

Red as a tomato, he rushes past Xi Zirui and out of the office.

The most surprising thing about this whole thing is that Su Xueyi is cheating on him with Cao Fei, and not someone flashier. Cao Fei is more of an understated beauty, so to speak.


"Is Host calling him ugly?" Ni Ni pipes up, nosy as usual.

No, Xi Zirui is calling him an understated beauty - there's a difference.

Su Xueyi runs a hand through his artfully combed hair. "What brings you here, darling?"

Xi Zirui opens a wide smile and slides up to him over the edge of his huge desk. "I was thinking we could have lunch together." He trails his fingers down the row of buttons on Su Xueyi's shirt. "This husband misses you."

Su Xueyi pries Xi Zirui's fingers away from his shirt and pats his hand, as if Xi Zirui is his overbearing grandma. "I do too, darling, but we can always see each other at home."

Inside, Xi Zirui fumes, just how cold has this marriage grown?


"Answering Host, Su Xueyi's current favour sits at 30 points of a possible 100. No different from the appreciation one may feel for a distant relative," Ni Ni says.

Su Xueyi is really something. Going to such lengths to seduce Xi Zirui, and marry him, only to grow tired of him not long after. He really is nothing more than a trophy on Su Xueyi's mantle, a notch on his bedpost.

The original was probably okay with that,as long as he could spend all of Su Xueyi's money.

He's less clear why Su Xueyi remains married to him, though.

"Su Xueyi likes the legitimacy that being married to Xi Zirui affords him. The original comes from a good family, and has a civil servant for a father with a high ranking position. He also thinks Xi Zirui looks good on his arm whenever they attend corporate events together."


Xi Zirui pouts. "But I want to see you now. Why can't we spend some time together during your lunch break?" He loops his arm through Su Xueyi's and nudges his shoulder. "I came all this way. I even rode the metro!"

Su Xueyi groans. "Why did you do that? Poor people use that."

Mentally gritting his teeth and thinking of how sweet Su Xueyi's eventual downfall is going to be, Xi Zirui pouts harder, sticking out his lower lip. "I was in a hurry to see you and there was a traffic jam."

He isn't sure whether it is his coy act or if Su Xueyi doesn't have the creativity to come up with another excuse, but he finally relents. "Fine, let's go."

He doesn't sound excited about the prospect.

"Host, CEO's favour has dropped -1 points. Now at 29 of a possible 100 points."

Shit, Xi Zirui has to rethink his strategy if this is how Su Xueyi reacts to him wanting to spend sometime together.

Somehow in the short three years they've been married, Su Xueyi has grown very disillusioned with their marriage and now Xi Zirui has to fix it, so he can tear it all down.---

Han Yu is waiting for them when they come out of Su Xueyi's office, looking bored. He follows them out of the building as unobtrusively as a shadow.

Xi Zirui initially thought about acting cute and sticky towards Su Xueyi, but seeing as that didn't really work out, he keeps his distance while they walk towards a row of restaurants close to the sleek office buildings. He keeps his hands inside his coat's pockets and strides with insouciant grace. The way he thinks a rich young master, who thinks everyone is beneath his attention, might.

Su Xueyi barely looks his way, more focused on looking at his watch every tenth step.

It's pissing Xi Zirui off.

This is the first world the bastard isn't throwing himself all over him.

Why now, of all times, would he play hard to get?

Xi Zirui thinks he has a way of being able to live a full, happy life, with Han Yu, while keeping both Su Xueyi alive for a long time, and his favour up.

But he needs Su Xueyi to cooperate!

He chances a sideways glance at Han Yu, trailing them a few paces behind. Of course, he needs Han Yu to want a happy life with him too, first.

"Work hard Host! Ni Ni is sure Host will get it right, this time."

Somehow, her words don't reassure him.


Su Xueyi is in the mood for western food, Xi Zirui just hums noncommittally.

They're seated inside at Su Xueyi's usual table by the window, and the way the blond waiter is all smiles towards him as soon as he walks in makes Xi Zirui realise exactly what 'western' Su Xueyi is in the mood for.

Why is this man apparently into everyone except his fucking husband? Xi Zirui's task shouldn't be this hard.

He wants to know exactly what Su Xueyi's type is, so that he can use it do his advantage.

"Answering Host, Su Xueyi's many lovers all have different personalities. Cao Fei is meek and subservient, and Su Xueyi had to coax him into accepting his advances. The waiter, named Luke Oliver, is friendly and outgoing, and it was he who hit on Su Xueyi first."

Ignoring the fact that the waiter has two first names, nothing Ni Ni told him helps Xi Zirui in any way.

"Ni Ni is doing her best!" she retorts. "Ni Ni thinks Host still has a chance because Su Xueyi hasn't loved anyone since the original Xi Zirui back when they were both students."

Xi Zirui's eyes dart towards Han Yu, carefully examining the menu and tapping his index finger against the side of his cheek while the waiter lists the day's specials.

What was it about the original Xi Zirui back in high school that Su Xueyi liked so much? What was it that made him become a ruthless businessman just so he could have a chance with him?

His eyes widen in sudden realization.

Xi Zirui can be really slow sometimes.

He frowns and takes the menu from Su Xueyi's hands. "You're taking too long."

Both Su Xueyi and the waiter give him startled looks, but Xi Zirui ignores them and continues running his eyes over the menu.

"I'll have the grilled salmon with the green pea puree and the Port wine reduction," Xi Zirui says affecting the confidence of a connoisseur and hoping his order is at least edible. "My husband will have the champigon risotto with scallops.""Excellent choice, sir," Luke tells him, accepting the menu from him with a wan smile. "And to drink?"

Su Xueyi opens his mouth to answer, but Xi Zirui cuts him off. "My husband has to get back to work, so we'll both have water. Warm for me, room temperature for him."

"Very well, sir, I'll be back with your orders promptly."

Xi Zirui smiles at the waiter before turning back to look at Su Xueyi. He laces his fingers under his chin, and spares him a knowing smirk. "What a nice young man, he's all smiles, isn't he?"

Su Xueyi swallows around nothing, and pulls on his shirt's collar. "Is he? I didn't notice."

"You don't pay attention to a lot of things," Xi Zirui says and grins. "Sometimes I think I could be having an affair right under your nose and you wouldn't notice."

Sitting on an empty table directly behind them, Han Yu stiffens, widening his eyes at Xi Zirui.

He's on a roll now. "I wonder if my husband would even notice if I fucked another man in our bedroom while he slaves away at work."

Han Yu is trying to communicate with him using sign language at this point, Xi Zirui is pretty sure.

Su Xueyi looks like he's feeling hot under the collar. He clicks his dry tongue, "Are you?"

"Of course not, I said 'I could be'," he shakes his head, still grinning. "You know how hard to please I am."

Su Xueyi hums, his dark eyes fixed on Xi Zirui's. "I know."

Xi Zirui narrows his eyes and tilts his head. "Do you? Sometimes I think you forget."

Su Xueyi sucks on a harsh breath at the same time as waiter Luke arrives with their food.

"I hope the two gentlemen enjoy their meals," he says after setting the plates in front of them.

Xi Zirui gives him his most dazzling smile. "Thank you, Luke, I'm sure we will."

Ni Ni chimes, and Xi Zirui is already grinning before she speaks. "Congratulation's Host, CEO's favor increased +2 points. Now at 31 of a possible 100 points."


When they finish their meal, Xi Zirui asks for Su Xueyi's wallet to pay for their food.

He doesn't think he's imagining the way Su Xueyi's eyes darken when he hands over his debit card to Luke the waiter.

When they leave the restaurant, Su Xueyi takes the initiative to lace Xi Zirui's fingers with his.

"Thank you for coming to see me, I had a good time," he says, in a smoky tone of voice he probably thinks is going to get him somewhere.

But when he leans over to kiss Xi Zirui, he turns his face so that Su Xueyi's lips land on his cheek.

"I'll see you at home," he says, already walking away. Han Yu hot on his heels.

"Congratulations Host! CEO's favor went up +1 points. Now at 32 of a possible 100 points."

It's so simple in hindsight. Su Xueyi just wants to be bossed around by the teenage crush he thought would never give him the time of the day. He wants the opportunity to show he's worthy, but he can't do that if Xi Zirui is playing the part of his loving husband, now can he?

Xi Zirui's grin is so wide that the people walking in his direction give him odd looks.

They're almost at the metro's stairs when Han Yu pulls him by the elbow into the cover of some nearby bushes.

"That was so hot, fuck," he hisses, his eyes flashing with barely suppressed desire.

Xi Zirui doesn't have time to react before Han Yu's lips are claiming his in a fiery kiss.
