Su Xueyi isn't inclined to let Xi Zirui go. He glares up at his son, eyes hazy with wine, and tightens his arm around Xi Zirui's waist.

"Why should Xi-fei go anywhere with First Prince?" he asks in a tipsy drawl.

That's a good fucking question.

Xi Zirui appreciates the gallantry, but he doesn't know what Han Yu thinks he's doing.

"There's been an issue at Xi-fei's estate that requires his immediate attention. A servant has run here to inform Xi-fei but this Prince spotted him first," Han Yu says meeting his father's wavering gaze with his own even stare.

Xi Zirui takes the opportunity to disentangle himself from Su Xueyi's arms. "This concubine thinks he knows what this might be about," flashing Su Xueyi a placating smile, he gets up to his feet, standing at an appropriate distance from Han Yu. "With His Majesty's permission, this concubine will be back soon."

Su Xueyi lets out a put upon sigh but nods. "May Xi-fei return quickly."


King Diming smirks and downs the contents of his wine cup. "It isn't a proper party without the entertainment."

Xi Zirui bows to them both and follows after Han Yu at a respectable distance.

They walk out of the main hall and into one of the palace's extensive hallways.

In no way are they walking outside and in the direction of Xi Zirui's pavilion.

Han Yu stops in front of a closed door, opens it and peers inside. Satisfied with what he sees he pulls Xi Zirui inside by the hand.

Xi Zirui barely has time to ask him what's happening before he's being pressed against the door and having the breath kissed out of him.


Part of him wants to berate him for coming after him so publicly and throwing caution to the wind in such a brazen way.

An even bigger part of him missed his kisses, his touch, the feeling of his long fingers digging into his skin, his warm breath coming up in harsh pants against the sensitive skin of his neck.

It's so unfair that he can't have this everyday.

He sighs into the kiss and lets himself melt against Han Yu's chest, holding on to him as if he is the only thing tethering him to reality.

"I couldn't bear to see his hands all over you," Han Yu says, whispering the words into Xi Zirui's temple.

Xi Zirui loops his arms around Han Yu's neck and lets his head drop against the door. "I don't like it any better than Han Yu, but what can I do? Su Xueyi is my husband."

Han Yu closes his eyes and presses their foreheads together, inhaling haltingly. "How I wish that weren't so."

Xi Zirui says nothing, there's no use crying about what could have been. He isn't responsible for the original Xi Zirui's actions, and there was never anything he could have done about the marriage to Su Xueyi.

But he could have stopped himself from pursuing Han Yu and making his life so much more complicated.

He looks up into Han Yu's shining eyes and wonders if that would have been possible. He feels drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Even though he knows it will hurt him he can't stop himself.

He'd like to think it's the same for Han Yu, across universes.

Tucking a loose strand of hair behind Xi Zirui's ear, Han Yu asks, "What is Zirui thinking about? His gaze grew distant."

Xi Zirui cups Han Yu's palm with his own. "I'm thinking that I'm glad Han Yu came to my rescue. That King Diming is very inconvenient."

Han Yu snorts. "He's a brute, and we used to have constant skirmishes with his kingdom, but his people breed excellent horses, my father has been trying to get into his good graces for years so that he'll sell them to our armies at a discount."Unfortunately for both King Diming and Su Xueyi, Xi Zirui doesn't have a brother, so their negotiations have probably stalled, once again.

They have to go back eventually, in case their prolonged absence draws unwanted attention.

Xi Zirui is unwilling to let go of Han Yu, for once he's the one begging for just one more kiss while Han Yu indulges his pleading and matches his hunger kiss for kiss.


Nothing could have prepared them for the scene that greets them when they arrive back at the main hall.

King Diming and Su Xueyi with ceremonial swords drawn against each other's neck.

The Palace's Guard circles King Diming, but Su Xueyi waves at them to stand down.

Liao Min pulls Li Siqi against her chest and draws her - very much not ceremonial-sword over both of them, ready to strike in case someone attacks.

"Everyone, please don't worry, this Emperor is sure that King Diming has only had too much to drink and is feeling playful," Su Xueyi says, smiling lopsidedly at the guests nearest to him.

King Diming doesn't look like he's playing. "I mean it, Your Majesty. If you want any sort of peace between our peoples, I want back the border towns in Liyang. That land belonged to us when my father was King, and I want them back."

Su Xueyi's smile widens. "And now those towns are part of our Great Su, and those people are now our citizens, this Emperor would never give away his citizens."

His words only anger King Diming further, his weather-beaten features tightening in disdain. It's then that he notices Xi Zirui's entrance in the hall, flanked by Han Yu.

He lifts his sword from Su Xueyi's neck and points it at Xi Zirui. "Then I want him."

Two things are obvious to Xi Zirui.

. Diming and Su Xueyi have only gotten drunker in the few minutes he was away.

. This is not going to end well for him.

Especially if Han Yu continues to glare at Diming as if he wants to roast him over an open fire.

Xi Zirui darts a look at him from the corner of his eye, that he hopes conveys the need to keep absolutely chill during the next few moments.

"Xi-fei is this Emperor's concubine, he can't be traded like cattle," Su Xueyi says, his upper lip curling in disdain.

Those words, uttered in such a drunken state offer Xi Zirui very little safety, especially when the ministers invited to the wedding start talking among themselves with shining eyes.

King Diming's smirk only widens. "Why not? His Majesty has done it before, Hua'er sends her regards by the way."

Xi Zirui's mind grinds to halt. What the fuck is he talking about?

"Ah, Host, it's matter that happened a few years back. King Diming's people were attacking the previously mentioned border towns, and in an effort to settle the dispute the Emperor invited him for a feast in the palace, which was when King Diming took a fancy to a concubine named Ouyang Hua. The Emperor wasn't particularly fond of her, so he sent her along with King Diming back to his lands. Su and King Diming's people have enjoyed a tentative peace since then...until now."

Great, now Xi Zirui is at the center of a political conflict, just what he needed.

Su Xueyi doesn't seem any more inclined to agree with King Diming's demands, despite a few ministers loudly proclaiming that it would be in Great Su's best interests to do so.

How much is a single concubine's life worth compared to that of thousands of soldiers and innumerable civilian casualties?

The worst part is that Xi Zirui can't fault their logic.Next to him, Han Yu is growing more agitated, his hands balled into fists and his sharp eyes boring holes through Su Xueyi's back. Other people are starting to notice.

There's only one thing Xi Zirui can do.

He throws himself on the floor in full prostration, and says, "This lowly concubine will follow His Majesty's guidance in this matter as in all others, and will gladly lay down his life for our Great Su!"

"Congratulations Host! Emperor's favor maxed out, now at 100 of a possible, 100 points. Please check the system's shop for new and exciting consumable items."

Now of all times.... Su Xueyi's favor has been increasing steadily over the last week, but it has been stalled at 96 for the past days.

Of course the key to fully win him over would always be complete and total devotion.

Su Xueyi crosses the distance between them and lifts Xi Zirui from the floor, crushing him to his chest in a drunken hug. "Xi-fei is the most precious of this Emperor's jewels, this Emperor will never be parted from him."

Diming glares at both of them but ends up sheathing his sword in the face of Su Xueyi's refusal. "I hope His Majesty is ready to explain to his own subjects how he values a single concubine far above them."

"King Diming...we have extended you courtesy because your land is rich and there are advantages in trading with you. If you become too much of a bother, it might just be easy to wipe your entire kind off the map."

Diming's eyes narrow with an evil glint. "If His Majesty thinks our people will make that easy for him, he's sorely mistaking. Any death on our side we will repay tenfold."

A harried minister rushes to King Diming's side, sweating profusely under his hat. "Your Majesties, please, this is a joyous occasion, old grudges shouldn't be brought up in such an auspicious occasion."

"How is this occasion auspicious for me? It's not as if I'm the one the Princess got married to."

Something clicks in Xi Zirui's mind.

So that is Diming's true purpose. He's just using his apparent overwhelming desire for Xi Zirui has a diversion tactic.

He came to Su looking for a bride.

Xi Zirui has to commend his ingenuity. He "wants" Xi Zirui, but he'll hold back any attacks for the consolation prize of an Imperial Princess's hand in marriage. Establishing a more secure, and likely profitable, alliance with Su than any verbal agreements would ever allow for.

Whether Su Xueyi has also figured out the King's real intention, or whether his next words are the result of Diming's careful manipulation, Xi Zirui will never know:

"That's easily arranged, this Emperor has several unwed daughters. King Diming can have his pick."

King Diming's answering smile is a jagged thing filled with edges sharp enough to rend flesh from bone. "Is that so? Then it's possible the two of us might come to an agreement yet."

All the princesses in attendance grow several shades paler, a few of them even throw Li Siqi cold, jealousy filled looks.

In the midst of it all, Xi Zirui can't help the gnawing guilt in the pit of his stomach.

"Nothing would give this Emperor more pleasure than to celebrate another daughter's marriage!" Su Xueyi says, leaving Xi Zirui's side to slap Diming across the back and embrace him like a brother, as if they weren't crossing swords a few moments earlier.

"Good, that's good," King Diming says, returning Su Xueyi's drunken embrace half-heartedly.

"Since this is such a joyous occasion, this Emperor will take this opportunity to announce that he will promote Xi-fei from concubine to Imperial Consort, first rank."

Xi Zirui's blood freezes in his veins at Su Xueyi's words.

Bai Mi clears her throat loudly, making her presence heard from the back of the room for the first time the entire day. "His Majesty already has the maximum number of consorts allowed, if Xi-fei is to be promoted, that means another concubine will have to be demoted."

Her keen gaze meets Xi Zirui's panicked eyes, and some silent message passes between the two.

Xi Zirui is fucked if Su Xueyi doesn't go back on his plan. That they both agree on.

He tries to speak but Su Xueyi barely hears him. "So what? This Emperor will do as he pleases! Her Royal Highness can choose the consort who'll be demoted if the issue worries her so much."

At that moment a lyrical voice rings through the din. "His Majesty, forgive this consort's impudence. But this consort can't let His Majesty continue to be fooled by Xi-fei's duplicity."

Heart hammering in his chest Xi Zirui turns around towards the sound of the voice, at the same time that Han Yu's hand tightens reflexively on his shoulder.
