Han Yu tries to pull away, probably mindful of propriety and ancient views on decorum and whatnot, but Xi Zirui is still a 21st century guy, and he's horny as hell, so he chases after his lips and kisses him breathless once again.

They pant against each other's lips, open-mouthed, eyes glazed over, and chests heaving.

Xi Zirui digs his fingers into Han Yu's scalp and brings his face closer for one last, bruising kiss.

"Zirui, we can't," Han Yu says, holding Xi Zirui back by the shoulders. "Someone might see us," he says, looking around into the darkened garden.

Xi Zirui wants to protest, but he knows he's right. They've risked enough by being out here in the open. Unlike in the previous world, where the worst that could happen was a media frenzy, here their lives are at stake if they're found out.

"I should go back," he says, dropping his arm from around Han Yu's neck.

Han Yu closes his fingers around his retreating wrist. "I must see Zirui again, we must meet again soon."


More than anything, Xi Zirui wants that too. But where can they meet? It was better when he lived in the little out of the way courtyard. Han Yu would be able to visit and it wouldn't draw too much attention.

But here?

During the day, the routes leading to the Peach Blossom courtyard and all its pavilions and smaller inner courtyards are some of the busiest in the whole palace.

Xi Zirui visiting Han Yu in his own quarters is likewise out of the equation.

Although, if the Fragrant Spring Winds pavilion is now empty...they can make use of it without worrying about as much as a prying servant.

Xi Zirui returns Han Yu's probing gaze and covers his fingers with his other hand. "Han Yu should meet me in the Fragrant Spring Winds pavilion, tomorrow after lunch."


Han Yu nods without hesitation. "If it pleases Zirui, I'll meet him anywhere."

"Han Yu should be careful, and make sure no one sees where he's headed," he says. "I'll do the same."

He reluctantly leaves the cradle of Han Yu's arms. Throwing one last look behind his shoulder he draws his fingertips over Han Yu's palm, and only looks away when they no longer touch.

Xi Zirui makes his way back to his room, and restrains himself from looking back at Han Yu, because he knows if he does, he won't be able to leave again.

Something that only becomes harder when Han Yu starts playing that soft, mournful, tune again.

The music accompanies him all the way back to his room, and until he shuts it out with the cold night air with a woosh of the sliding door.

Ni Ni chimes as soon as he steps inside the room. "No one would say it at first, but Host is quite the romantic."

He sighs with his back against the sliding doors, and lets his head thump against the wooden frame. "There's nothing romantic about what I'm about to do."

He takes off his outer robe, and stores it neatly in the wardrobe again.

Glaring at Su Xueyi's sleeping form, he puts out all the candles in the room, and climbs into bed with him.

Time for some more theatrics to really sell their first night together.


In the morning, Xi Zirui wakes up with Su Xueyi plastered to his side and breathing loudly into his neck.

He doesn't want to stay in bed any longer than he has to, so he knees Su Xueyi in the spleen and passes it off as an involuntary movement in his sleep.

Su Xueyi wakes up with a groan, while Xi Zirui feigns unconsciousness, his long hair arranged in an artful spill over the sheets and his inner robe pooling around his thighs.

But Su Xueyi's eyes are immediately drawn to the white stains flaking off Xi Zirui's stomach and thighs.

Stains Xi Zirui had to put there himself last night, drowning his embarrassment at having to masturbate next to Su Xueyi with thoughts of Han Yu.

Su Xueyi runs his fingers through Xi Zirui's messy hair and he takes it as his queue to blearily blink his eyes open."Your Majesty," Xi Zirui says, pulling the remains of his tattered robe up. "I hope His Majesty slept well."

Su Xueyi's smile is two parts indulgent, three parts smug. "This Emperor doesn't remember the last time he slept this well."

Xi Zirui lowers his eyelashes. "This concubine is glad His Majesty enjoyed himself."

"I hope Xi-fei enjoyed himself too," he says with a smirk. "He was certainly enthusiastic, last night."

The last thing he wants is to hear about whatever feverish sex dream Su Xueyi had about him, but it looks like there's no wiping off that smug smirk off his face.

"This concubine is ashamed of his lewd behaviour."

Su Xueyi coos at him and his shyness and gathers him into his arms, not noticing the way Xi Zirui tenses. "Xi-fei has nothing to feel ashamed of, he can be as vulgar as he wants for this Emperor."

Xi Zirui smiles coyly, all the while thinking about the ways he's going to let Han Yu wreck him to make himself feel better about this ridiculous pantomime.

After an excruciating long time of cuddling, - "Host, it was ten minutes at best," Ni Ni informs; Xi Zirui ignores - Su Xueyi finally gets up from the bed with a desolate sigh.

"This Emperor would love nothing more than to spend the day in Xi-fei's company, but there are important issues he must see to today. Not least of all, the matter of General Liao's marriage."

Xi Zirui helps him back into his robes, desperate to be rid of him. "This concubine understands, he will wait patiently for His Majesty's next visit."

Su Xueyi surprises him by taking him by the waist and kissing him soundly on the lips. "Xi-fei won't have to wait long."

After that, he finally leaves and Xi Zirui collapses on the bed with a groan. "I thought he would never leave."

"Host shouldn't celebrate so soon, he still has to greet the Empress," Ni Ni says, reminding Xi Zirui once again that his life is cruel and unfair.

And whose fault is that?


Bai Mi hasn't targeted him directly since the first time he went to the Hall of Glimmering Virtue, but that was before Su Xueyi announced that he would be moving quarters.

He decides it's in his best interest to keep it low-key, and dresses in a subdued blue robe with a matching fan. His crown and hairpin are white jade, much more expensive than the gold he has used previously, but less eye-catching too.

"Host has been spending a lot of time thinking about his outfits lately," Ni Ni says.

Xi Zirui hates to admit it but it's true. It's not like he has anything else to do all day in this terrible place.

Bai Mi looks to be in a terrible mood, which is made obvious by the way she doesn't smirk at the blatant fawning, nor seems to be much interested in humiliating Xi Zirui.

Which is odd to say the least.

Her bad mood only increases when she's interrupted while in the middle of reviewing the harem's expenses and salaries by the entry of a flustered servant.

The servant kowtows at once. "This lowly servant apologizes for interrupting, but His Majesty requires Xi-fei's presence in the throne room. Xi-fei must go at once," the servant says, nose pressed to the floor.

From up on her dais she fixes Xi Zirui with a blood-curdling look. "This Empress will be going too."

The servant shivers under her glare. "Her Royal Highness...His Majesty only requires Xi-fei's presence, this humble servant..."

"I know what he requires his presence for," she says, already stepping down the dais. "The brothers and sisters are dismissed, please remember your household tasks."

Surprisingly, the she grabs Xi Zirui's arm on her way out. "Little brother shouldn't tarry, he wouldn't want to displease our husband, uhm?"

The smile she fixes him with is positively chilling.


They make it to the throne room without any bloodshed, but Xi Zirui can't be sure it will stay that way.Besides Su Xueyi sitting on his chair and Han Yu standing on his right, in much the same way the had the previous day, there is now a row of princess kneeling in front of the dais, and Liao Min standing awkwardly a little to the side, now out of her armor and wearing simple scholar's robes.

Su Xueyi frowns as soon as he sees Bai Mi. "This Emperor doesn't recall summoning the Empress."

"The Empress made an executive decision," Bai Mi says, walking up towards the row of princesses and lifting one up by the arm. "A-Qi isn't marrying anyone."

To Xi Zirui's shock the princess she pulls to her feet is none other than Li Siqi.

Su Xueyi slams his hand down on the throne's armrest. "Every princess of marriageable age is to be considered as a candidate!"

Xi Zirui can't get over the fact that Bai Mi seems to care about the whole thing enough to be in a bad mood over it.

She wisely keeps her mouth shut in the face of Su Xueyi's temper.

For her part Li Siqi pries Bai Mi's fingers away with a kind smile and shakes her head. "Imperial Mother(1) shouldn't worry about this princess, she understands her duty and will respect Imperial Father's will."

Su Xueyi points at Li Siqi with his fan and turns towards Han Yu with a derisive snort. "That's what a filial child sounds like."

Han Yu says nothing and only gazes vacantly ahead.

Xi Zirui's hatred for Su Xueyi goes up a few levels every time he publicly humiliates Han Yu.

One of the princesses gets up from her kneeling position and loudly proclaims, "This Princess volunteers to marry General Liao!"

Xi Zirui hisses under his breath. Poor girl, that's a sure way of ensuring she's not going to be chosen.

Sure enough, "Disrespectful child! Did this Emperor ask for your opinion?"

The poor girl kowtows immediately and mumbles a series of humbling apologies her father doesn't even bother to listen to.

"Reminding Host, he'll only win the bonus points for getting the B-couple together if Liao Min and Li Siqi get married," Ni Ni says, her voice ringing with anxiety.

He did exhaust almost all his experience points last night, so a few more would come in handy.

The question is, why is Bai Mi so adamant that Li Siqi doesn't marry Liao Min?


Ni Ni dismisses that thought. "They aren't involved in a romantic relationship, but the Empress has latched on to the young princess ever since she came to the palace. Her innocence and naivety reminded Bai Mi of herself at that age, and she has always been protective of Li Siqi whose mother died in childbirth, like Bai Mi's own."

Of course, even evil has loved ones.

Although it is unfortunate that once again his and Bai Mi's goals are diametrically opposed.

Su Xueyi's gaze finally lands on Xi Zirui, and his pinched features smooth out into an indulgent smile. "Xi-fei gave such great counsel last time. Who does he think should marry General Liao?"

He makes his way to the front of the dais and casts his eyes over the gathered princesses, pretending to evaluate them when in fact he's buying time as Ni Ni feeds him a series of information regarding Li Siqi that he can use in his favor.

"This concubine thinks that more than status this marriage should be an union of equals," he says, looking away from the princesses and towards Su Xueyi. "General Liao is a military leader, it would be suitable if her wife was interested in scholarly and academic pursuits, perhaps even had a mind for strategy. A woman like General Liao wouldn't be happy in a marriage to a woman who doesn't share at least some of her interests, and this could be a great opportunity for a princess who has been resisting the idea of marriage to find a partner who would afford her more freedom as a spouse."

Liao Min nods her head along with Xi Zirui's words, her eyes shining and her stoic face almost breaking into a grin.

"She's probably wondering how Host knows her so well," Ni Ni says.

Xi Zirui remembers well what it felt like to follow Liao Min's orders, if she was fierce as a director he can only imagine what she's like as a General. She definitely needs a wife who can stand up to her.

Su Xueyi considers Xi Zirui's words for a moment before nodding. "Xi-fei is wise in his remarks. This Empreror has decided, Fifth Princess will marry General Liao."

Bai Mi's fingers tighten around Li Siqi's arm, but she remains quiet.

Ni Ni chimes, voice wavering. "Host, not like we're measuring that in this world, or that it matters, but Bai Mi's resentment gauge just maxed out."

Xi Zirui can feel her cold glare crawling down his spine like a thousand little spider legs, so Ni Ni's words don't surprise him.

Congratulations to him.


(1)- I should have mentioned this before, but since Bai Mi is the Empress, all the Princes and Princesses have to call her Imperial Mother, some of them aren't allowed to call their own mothers "mom/mother" if their mother's rank isn't high enough inside the harem. Again, different dynasties different strokes, but this is world is based on a bit of everything.
