Han Yu leaves, after prolonged eye contact, and a subtle joining of fingers.

Xi Zirui watches him leave from the entryway of the pavilion, his eyes fixed on the white of the paper parasol above his head, getting smaller and smaller among the greenery leading out of the courtyard.

Xiao Gou materializes at his side, looking pensively at Han Yu's retreating figure. "First Prince is very nice, but his eyes are sad."

For such a young child, Xiao Gou is very perceptive. Xi Zirui doesn't think that at his age he paid any mind to the adults around him, let alone their moods. But then again, he wasn't forced to grow up as fast as Xiao Gou.

He rests his hand on Xiao Gou's slim shoulder and squeezes it gently. "His Highness has a lot to think about, you shouldn't worry about the matters of adults."

Xiao Gou hums in acknowledgement but doesn't look very convinced.

Xi Zirui shakes his shoulder and smiles down at his morose little face. "What do you say we go skip rocks on the lake?"


His face immediately breaks out in a huge grin. "Can we, Xi-fei?"

It breaks his heart to see him so excited for something has mundane as skipping stones.

"Sure we can," he says, and pulls Xiao Gou along with him by the hand.

The young boy's delighted shrieks break through the monotonous silence of the pavilion, and follow both of them all the way to the water's edge.


The next day, Xi Zirui waits anxiously for the Emperor's visit, wracking his brain for possible ways to get out of consummating the wedding.


Ni Ni tries to help by making the most ridiculous suggestions.

"Host could pretend to go into a prolonged hiccup fit. I'm sure the Emperor wouldn't want to sleep with Host if he didn't stop hiccuping."

"Host could make an unappealing sound...for instance, burp in the Emperor's face as he is about to go in for a kiss."

"Maybe Host should pretend to have gone blind, this would be distressing enough that it would put off the consummation for a long time."

Obviously, Xi Zirui turns down all her ridiculous suggestions, which prompts her to offer a last one, enraged:

"Well, Host can always play dead again, and hope the Emperor isn't into it!"

She stays silent after that little outburst.

Xi Zirui stays in his room wringing his hands, but morning passes and evening comes without sign of Su Xueyi.


Xi Zirui thinks that maybe Su Xueyi is only going to consummate their wedding after the time Physician Tang clarified is well and truly over.

But when the next day comes and goes without any sign of Su Xueyi, or Han Yu, Xi Zirui starts to feel a little worried.

"Ni Ni thinks Host likes having two handsome men fight over him, and is missing their attention" Ni Ni says, once again offering her opinion when it isn't wanted. "Host thinks it's hot that they are father and son."

Xi Zirui thinks no such thing, and wouldn't admit to it even under swordpoint.

Therefore, he's not expecting it when one of the Emperor's servants comes looking for him.

"Xi-fei's presence is required in the throne room," the man says, presenting Xi Zirui with the Emperor's seal, confirming the veracity of his words.

"The throne room?" Xi Zirui stammers, feeling his eyelid twitch. This can't be good.

"Xi-fei must go at once, His Majesty requires his presence to soothe his mood."

Soothe his mood, what would that even entail?A chilling thought runs through his mind as Xiao Gou helps him into a fresh set of cream robes.

"It's unlikely that the Emperor requires Host's presence to have public sex with him on the throne chair!" Ni Ni says, sounding almost exasperated.

Xi Zirui spends the whole ride in the sedan trying not to think of increasingly more terrifying scenarios.


He's escorted through the lavish halls of the main palace complex by the servants, but his nerves make it difficult for him to notice where he's going.

Finally, he enters the throne room and the eunuch who ushers him in announces him to the people gathered there.

The first person he notices is obviously Su Xueyi, sitting on the throne atop a dais. He motions Xi Zirui forward as soon as the eunuch announces him.

His eyes are obscured by the rows of beads on his Imperial crown, and at a distance Xi Zirui can't make out his expression.

As he walks the long distance towards Su Xueyi, he takes note of other things.

Han Yu is standing on the right side of the throne with his hands clasped behind his back, his face unreadable.

Something about his ramrod straight posture makes Xi Zirui worry that nothing good is going on here.

This feeling is only intensified when he looks to his left, and notices Bai Mi stretched out on a divan on top of a tiered dais, surrounded by her trusted entourage on the lower tiers. All of them leisurely fanning themselves and snacking on dainty glutinous rice desserts, as if they're watching an entertaining show.

And that's when Xi Zirui notices the figure kneeling in front of the throne, with their hands resting on their knees and head bowed in penitence.

The person is wearing a soldier's uniform, no a General's, judging by the insignia and the feathers on the helmet at their side.

It's not until Xi Zirui is stepping besides the General that Xi Zirui recognizes her.

Liao Min.

She's dresses in men's armor, but it's definitely her. It's hard for him to place her at first without the shaved head, but that sharp profile and feline eyes are unmistakable.

She doesn't lift her eyes as Xi Zirui ascends the steps of the dais and bows to Su Xueyi.

"Your Majesty called for this humble concubine?" Xi Zirui asks, hiding his face with the golden fan he brought to match his robes.

Su Xueyi smiles briefly up at him before rubbing his temples with a big sigh, "This Emperor has a complicated decision ahead of him, his advisors have proven useless and his First son unfilial."

Han Yu only raises his chin higher at his father's words, and doesn't make eye contact with Xi Zirui.

"This Emperor would like to hear Xi-fei play the guqin once again, so that Xi-fei's wonderful music can soothe this Emperor's nerves."

Here? In front of everyone?

Xi Zirui doesn't say anything but he starts fanning himself harder.

Noticing his discomfort, Su Xueyi adds, "This Emperor remembers Xi-fei's shyness, everything has been arranged for his comfort."

He flicks his golden sleeve towards a nook behind the throne, partitioned off by a gauzy muslin curtain and obscuring a guqin sitting on top of a low table.

Relieved, Xi Zirui bows again. "This concubine is honored to play for His Majesty once again."

He has barely sat down behind the curtain when a crystalline laugh rings out.

"Poor Xi-fei, he has just joined the harem, and has already been demoted to court musician," Bai Mi says, her eyes shining with mirth over the arch of her blue, gem-encrusted fan.

Her sycophants laugh right along with her, until the Emperor stops their tinkling bell laughter with a thunderous, "Silence."

Su Xueyi doesn't deign Bai Mi with as much as a glance but his next words are wholly meant for her."This Emperor appreciates it when his spouses are talented, their skills bring honor to the harem, this court, and this Emperor." He lowers one arm over the armrest of his throne, and taps his fingers against the fine wood. "Lately, it seems some members of the harem prefer to gossip and indulge their vices than cultivate any talents worth mentioning."

Instead of being cowed, Bai Mi reclines further on the divan and stretches out her long legs, the shape of her body made evident by the thin silk of her robes. She caresses her round belly with a smirk. "The members of His Majesty's harem are good for one thing at least."

When the Emperor doesn't answer her, she adds, craning her neck backwards as if to look at Xi Zirui. "Some of them at least."

Su Xueyi slams this hand down against the armrest with a loud thud. "The Empress will cease with this petty squabbling!" Bai Mi falls silent but the smirk doesn't leave her lips. "And lately, this Emperor has begun to reconsider the benefits of having children, since his own prove most unfilial as of late."

Han Yu's lips tighten into a fine line, Bai Mi's smirk grows vicious. She doesn't mind having the Emperor's contempt when someone else has his ire.

Xi Zirui watches all this from his place behind the muslin curtain. If Bai Mi was dangerous in the last world, that's nothing compared to what she can do know; who she is now.

"Xi-fei, please proceed," Su Xueyi says after some time. "I must decide the fate of General Liao's sister, who decided to make a mockery of the army and this court."

Ni Ni queues up a Doraemon guqin cover playlist, and Xi Zirui sits back to watch the show.


He learns that Liao Min is the twin sister of the Su dynasty's most famous General, Liao Mu. She secretly accompanied her brother on his tours, disguising herself as a soldier, and enjoying her brother's protection.

She gained some merits on her own, and no one suspected her true identity.

In this world, like Xi Zirui's own, women weren't allowed to serve in the army in feudal times. Which of course made it so that heroic women would join anyway and become legends, when they survived the punishment, that is.

Liao Min sits at just one of those crossroads.

Her brother died from a wound sustained in combat, but instead of making his death public and risking it demoralizing the troops, Liao Min took his place and led the troops to a resounding victory over the northern powers.

But her rouse was discovered when some soldiers wanted to spy on their handsome captain bathing, and saw more than they bargained for.

Now Su Xueyi is left with the decision of how to punish her for her transgressions.

Obviously he doesn't want to kill her, as the Liao family is an important military family, with their own private army, and displeasing them could prove disastrous.

So the solution is marriage. To both muffle the scandal, and bring the Liao family under Imperial control.

It's also the reason why Han Yu looks like he's been sucking lemons the entire day.

Su Xueyi wants him to take Liao Min has a consort, since making her his first wife would mean she would be the future Empress, something Xi Zirui imagines would give Su Xueyi hives.

Xi Zirui doesn't know how long these negotiations have been going on, but they've clearly stalled.

Han Yu insists, "I'm not marrying her, or anyone else. I refuse."

As if Xi Zirui would let him.

Liao Min begs, "Please, His Majesty must find another way to punish this wretched one for her crimes!"

Bai Mi and her cronies eat glutinous rice cakes and enjoy the spectacle.

Xi Zirui waits for Ni Ni to ping and let him know there's a special opportunity for him to get the B-couple together.

"If Host is so smart, then Ni Ni doesn't need to say anything."

He needs to know who Li Siqi is in this world, actually.

"Fifth Princess, not particularly beloved by her fathered, but not ignored either."

With all the information he needs, Xi Zirui cuts off the music suddenly making the conversation cease and everyone turn to face him.

"His Majesty, could this concubine be so bold as to make a suggestion?" he asks, getting up to his feet, but staying behind the curtain.

"Xi-fei may speak freely."

"Instead of marrying First Prince, why doesn't General Liao marry a princess instead?"

His words fall on the throne room like a hammer hitting the anvil.

Xi Zirui unfolds his fan from his waist sash and hides his smirk behind it.
