tw: mild sexual content/ sexual language


It's a fine line Xi Zirui is threading. He can't riskt Han Yu bursting out of the closet in a fit of jealousy. While incredibly hot, it would tip off Su Xueyi that something isn't right, and he would definitely warn Bai Mi.

With someone as slippery as her, it's always better to have the advantage of surprise.

He hopes he can telepathically convey to Han Yu that he is to stay in the closet until Xi Zirui makes Su Xueyi leave, after that he'll be able to take out his jealousy on Xi Zirui's body.

"Host concerns me sometimes," Ni Ni says, voice thin and distant.

As usual Xi Zirui ignores her, and continues to look up at Su Xueyi with big, baleful eyes.


He bites his lower lip for good measure, and watches in satisfaction as Su Xueyi's eyes zero in on the give of his plush lower lip under the pressure of his teeth. "What did you have in mind?"

Su Xueyi doesn't answer him. Instead he grips Xi Zirui's thigh with his broad palm and pulls him forward against his own legs. He blankets Xi Zirui's narrower torso with his own, and tries to nose into the crook of his neck.

Xi Zirui makes an alarmed sound and pushes him away, at the same time something falls inside the closet.

Su Xueyi pulls away with a guilty look and shoves his fists inside his tight pants. "I'm sorry, that was very forward of me."

Xi Zirui nods. "It was."

Su Xueyi's blush darkens. Stammering, he says, "I was just thinking that maybe if you took some revealing pictures with someone else, and then sent them to Han Yu it would make him regret cheating on you."


Yeah, maybe if Han Yu was sixteen. The mental age Su Xueyi doesn't seem to have progressed past.

But that isn't really what Su Xueyi wants, anyway. Xi Zirui knows he's hoping to kill two birds with one stone.

On the one hand, he wants to fuck his teenage crush once and for all, and show him what he's been missing all these years.

On the other hand, he wants to use any eventual pictures to either blackmail Xi Zirui into staying with him, or release them online wholesale to humiliate him as payback for rejecting him - and Xi Zirui can't stress this enough - when he was 14.

Su Xueyi smiles down at Xi Zirui sweetly, his eyes shining as if this is his lucky day.

Xi Zirui shakes his head. "I'm sorry, I really appreciate your offer, but I don't think I'm ready for something like that. I know Han Yu isn't a good person, but I can't get him out of my mind." He sighs in dissatisfaction. "Maybe it would be easier if the sex weren't so great."

For a moment Su Xueyi looks like Xi Zirui punched him, his charming smile slipping off his lips.

Xi Zirui lets out a petulant sigh and leans back on his elbows on the cream duvet, looking over Su Xueyi's shoulder as if he isn't there. "How do you get over the first man to fuck you unconscious? Is that even possible?"

Su Xueyi tries and fails to stammer out a sentence, Xi Zirui looks at him as if he's just then noticing his presence. "I hope you don't think I'm rejecting you because of what happened when we were in school."

As he expected, Su Xueyi goes completely motionless. "You-you remember me?"

Xi Zirui nods and ducks his head. "Of course I do, but I didn't say anything because I was ashamed of my past behavior. I was such an arrogant little brat. I'm really sorry, I regret the way I acted towards you." He gives Su Xueyi a shy, tentative look. "I hope you can forgive me."For a long time Su Xueyi just stands there. Shocked still as years of resentment are brushed off just like that.

Xi Zirui is giving him freedom, in the same breath as he is taking away Su Xueyi's entire purpose for the past years.

Who will he be, now that he no longer has to try and get back at the boy who hurt his tender feelings all those years back?

Personally, Xi Zirui hopes he can move on, and find someone who loves him the way he wants to be loved.

Su Xueyi continues to stare at him, and Xi Zirui decides to put him out of his misery.

He lets out a drawn-out yawn and rubs his eyes theatrically. "I'm really tired, I think I'm going to bed early."

That kicks Su Xueyi into action and he makes his way out of the bedroom and towards the door. "Right, I'll see you tomorrow."

Xi Zirui walks him to the door and opens it for him. "Thanks again for your help, you're a good friend."

He hopes the more he repeats the word "friend" the worse Su Xueyi feels. Hopefully it will make him rethink his whole revenge fantasy. If not, Xi Zirui has an incriminating audio recording to hold over his head.

He closes the door after one last goodbye wave and returns to the bedroom where he expects to find Han Yu ready to curse him out.

Xi Zirui doesn't make it two steps inside the bedroom before being tackled to the bed.

"Didi is such a tease, letting that Su guy touch him like that," Han Yu says, whispering the words against Xi Zirui's neck while he pins his wrists to the cover. "Making me watch...Doesn't didi think he deserves to be punished?"

Xi Zirui squirms on the covers and bats his eyes up at Han Yu. "If gege had a problem with what he was seeing, he should have done something about it."

"Host is a hypocrite," Ni Ni says, in reference to how Xi Zirui didn't actually want Han Yu to do something and risk ruining their plan.

Xi Zirui hopes he's about to get fucked within an inch of his life. He really doesn't want Ni Ni along for the ride. "Ni Ni, fuck off."

Han Yu gives him a puzzled look. "What?"

Xi Zirui throws his arms around his neck and kisses him as a form of distraction. "I said fuck me."

Han Yu groans into the next kiss, he splays his hand against the divot of Xi Zirui's thigh hiking it up against his waist. "Didi has teased me so much, I don't know if he's ready for it."

Filled with impatience, Xi Zirui takes off his shirt and shimmies his shorts down his thighs. He scoots up on the bed and leans back against the decorative pillows, holding up his open legs by the knee.

"I told Su Xueyi so many great things about gege, how disappointing if gege doesn't live up to my expectations."

Han Yu's eyes run the expanse of Xi Zirui's reddened chest and arms, lightly defined from all the years he spent dancing, travelling down to his tight waist, wondering if his thumbs will meet in the middle when he holds on to him.

His eyes stop wandering when he notices the clear, hard outline inside Xi Zirui's underwear.

Xi Zirui smirks at him in open invitation, and Han Yu throws himself over his body, raining down kisses over his sharp clavicles and down his chest.

Xi Zirui marvels at all the perfect ways their bodies fit together.Made for each other, he thinks deliriously, returning each of Han Yu's hungry kisses. After that, it's a long time before he's able to form another coherent thought.


The next morning, Xi Zirui wakes up feeling as if he's just run a marathon. His bandaged wrists are throbbing in pain, probably because of how careless he was with his hands last night.

Han Yu is spooning him from behind, still fast asleep and rubbing his hard cock where Xi Zirui is still open and wet.

Even asleep Han Yu has a one-track mind, his hips thrusting minutely against Xi Zirui in the soft cadence of sleep.

Xi Zirui moans into the pillow, he has half a mind to reach back and guide him into where they both want it.

Unfortunately they need to be on set in a few hours, and it's better if Han Yu is back in his room by the time Cao Fei goes looking for him.

With great difficulty, Xi Zirui manages to put some distance between himself and Han Yu, turning around in the mussed sheets to face him.

Han Yu's face is relaxed in sleep, his soft lashes trembling slightly on his cheeks, his lips slightly parted in soft, sleepy exhales. It's incredible how innocent he can look while just seconds ago his unconscious body was trying to hump Xi Zirui.

Xi Zirui runs a finger down the upturned curve of Han Yu's nose, filled with fondness.

Han Yu's nose scrunches up at the feeling of something touching him and Xi Zirui can't help his laughter.

Slowly, Han Yu's eyes blink open. His face splits in a huge grin as his eyes focus on Xi Zirui's smiling face. "Ah, for a moment there I thought yesterday was a dream."

Xi Zirui rolls his eyes at him, and wraps himself around his neck, mouthing against his lips. "Not a dream."

To prove his point, he takes Han Yu's fingers and guides them behind his back and lower, under the curve of a smooth cheek, towards where he's still wet with what Han Yu left in him.

Han Yu hisses as soon as his fingers make contact. He tries to bully one of them inside, seeking more warmth and Xi Zirui laughs at his antics. "No, we need to get ready. Go take a shower."

He whines pitifully and hides his face against Xi Zirui's neck. "I want to shower with you."

Xi Zirui's combs one hand through Han Yu's messy hair, indulging him just a little. "If we shower together no one is making it to set, and then what?"

Han Yu whines some more but Xi Zirui shushes him with a kiss.

It takes some cajoling, and many assurances that they'll see each other later, but Han Yu eventually unsticks himself from Xi Zirui's side and leaves for his own room.

Xi Zirui luxuriates on the ruined sheets for a few more minutes. Feeling too relaxed and languid to move just yet.

Ni Ni has other ideas. "Host is very close to falling in love with the Male Lead," she says, it's not a question.

Xi Zirui hums. "It's a definite possibility, yes."

"If Host is determined to get a bad ending then there's nothing Ni Ni can do."

Xi Zirui nods, he doesn't understand why Ni Ni has taken to stating the obvious this early in the morning.

"But, Host needs to pay attention to his public perception and reputation, both are really low. If they completely deplete there's nothing Ni Ni can do to prevent the free trial from expiring."

Ah, about that, Ni Ni doesn't need to worry. Xi Zirui's public perception is about to skyrocket.

Reputation is sure to increase in its wake, too.

"Don't worry your robot head, Ni Ni, my fortunes are about to change."
