Sunday comes and everyone becomes a nervous wreak, practicing the choreography Liao Min has assigned them in every available space in the house.

Shen Yun has taken it upon himself to lead Jade team through impromptu team rehearsals. He takes every chance to remind Xi Zirui of how poorly he's doing.

"You're lagging behind again!"

"How many times have we done this? Turn left on the beat, left!"

"Try not to look like someone is pointing a gun at your head while you dance. We'll loose points if you look like a hostage victim."

The more annoyed he is the less Xi Zirui feels like making an effort. He's doing his best not to drag his teammates down -- because while being in this show is like a waking nightmare for him, he knows it's a dream for most of them.

Han Yu is the first person to snap at Shen Yun. "Why don't you shut up and practice the dance too, instead of telling us what to do?"


Some grumbles of assent rise up in agreement, and Shen Yun only becomes more agitated.

"I only want us to do well as a team."

"There's the individual dances too," Xi Zirui says with a shrug. "Our team will be affected by our individual performances as well, not just by the team dance."

"That's right," a quiet, slightly introspective boy who Shen Yun sometimes tries to pick on says. "Why aren't you practicing your individual dance instead of bossing us around?"

Noticing he's at a disadvantage, Shen Yun hangs his head, and turns his good side to the nearest cameraman. "I was just trying to help, I never meant to impose."

He leaves alone after that, hugging his elbow to his waist like a lost child.


Xi Zirui wants to smother him in his sleep.

"I want to smother him in his sleep," the quiet boy says, covering his mouth as soon as the words leave him.

Han Yu gives him an amused look. "Maybe we should form a club."

A tall guy with a buzzcut and a neck tattoo gives them all weird looks from over the rim of the chair he's straddling. "Fucking weirdos," he says, shaking his head. "I want to fuck him, like a normal person."

Well. "Maybe you should start a different club, then," Xi Zirui says, marveling once again at the incredible diversity of humanity.


Things don't improve when they arrive on set -- itself not far away from the NNI house and academy.

Once there they have several hours of doing nothing to look forward to.Each trainee will take turns sitting for a painfully "candid" interviews, where they talk about their expectations for the upcoming performance, their thoughts regarding the past week and make pleas for the audience to vote for them.

Which is pretty much moot, because the votes have been counting since last Sunday, and the live votes are very unlikely to make a difference.

When his turn comes, Xi Zirui makes his way to the interview booth with all the excitement of an inmate on death row.

There are two haggard looking production assistants sitting behind the cameras, looking tired and overworked.

Xi Zirui sits up a little straighter at the sight of them. He has no interest in making their already grueling job even harder.

"You've had a very interesting week. Lot's of excitement" the girl says, trying to inject some enthusiasm in her voice as she reads her notes on Xi Zirui. "It seems you've had a change of heart. Do you want to tell us about it?"

"Yeah, I think I'm not a good fit for NNI after all, and I think I should leave the show," he says, matter-of-fact.

Both of them must have been briefed on Xi Zirui's unusual situation because their expression doesn't change.

"But it can't have been all bad, surely you've made friends?" the guy asks, looking meaningfully at Xi Zirui.


"Anyone in particular?"

He knows where they're trying to go with this, and he's not willing to play along. There's no way things will end up well for him or Han Yu if he does.

"No, I like everyone."

The girl narrows her eyes at him. "That's not true, it seems you've had some squabbles with Shen Yun. Do you want to tell us about it?"

He hums for a drawn-out moment. "Not really."

"Any reason in particular why the two of you don't get along?" the guy asks, still hoping to get something juicy out of him.

Xi Zirui just shrugs. "I guess we're just different people."

Unseen by the cameras the girl flips her clipboard down on her thighs with a silent groan. "Well, thank you for being here with us. Is there anything you'd like to say to your fans?"

Xi Zirui looks seriously into the camera, leaning forward on his chair. "Please, if you like me, don't vote for me. If you hate me, continue doing what you're doing, and don't vote for me. I want to get off this show. That's all."

He gets up from the chair and leaves the room with one last polite nod towards the production assistants.

---Finally it's time for each team to perform their dance routines.

Diamond team has a cooler, more urban dance, compared to Jade team's more romantic and soulful dance, but both choreographys have similar step sequences albeit with completely different moods to them.

It's those little similarities that make it easy for the judges, besides Liao Min, as well as the audience at home, to clearly identify which was the best team.

"Well, Diamond team is clearly the runaway winner," Bai Mi says. "I'd say their biggest advantage is that they danced as a team, which you kind of need to do, in a group dance." She looks pointedly towards the bleachers where they're all sitting accordingly to the judge awarded ranks last week.

At her side, Su Xueyi nods. "I understand wanting to stand out, but a team effort is a team effort, whether you like it or not."

Liao Min gestures vaguely. "Everyone is right, Jade team didn't perform as a unit. You all wanted to shine on your own, and it showed. Diamond team are the clear winners."

There's a chorus of cheers as the Jade Team members start celebrating, hugging whichever team member they happen to be sitting closest to.

Ji Limei takes the stage to cheer along with Diamond team, "You've heard it guys, we have our first winners for the night, but don't go anywhere! Now it's time for the individual performances, and don't forget you decide who stays for one more shot at their biggest dream or who leaves, tonight!"


The individual performances are a bit of a mixed bag. Some trainees have joined NNI on the basis of their dancing, so naturally they do well. Others are better singers or actors...and it shows.

Cao Fei is like a fish out of water, trying to be cool during a hip hop performance, even as his accessories start falling off him one by one and he stops in the middle of his dance to pick them up.

Shen Yun is elegant and cold in a modern version of the swan lake.

Han Yu is better than expected in a cool little mix of typical boyband dancing and jazz.

And then it's Xi Zirui's and Jin Ranyu's turn to take the stage in the only pair act of the night, and the most anticipated number.

Everyone is styled according to the theme and mood of their dances, but the makeup artists and hairstylists have kept things simple for Xi Zirui and Jin Ranyu -- dressing both of them in black turtle necks, tight fitting dance pants, and slicking their hair back with wax.

Their clothing shows the lines of their bodies, accentuating the sensuality of the dance, but not distracting from the movement.

Xi Zirui feels a little exposed, even though he's covered head to toe, and he can actually feel himself stiffen up with Jin Ranyu holds his waist when they get into position.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath when the music starts playing. He'll do a good job because Jin Ranyu is a nice person, and this matters for him for some reason, and Xi Zirui has no right to judge him.

He doesn't dance well, necessarily, but luckily he's also being mostly led by Jin Ranyu so his shortcomings are masked by his assertive movements and quick footwork.

Sooner than he expected, the song is drawing to a close and they're returning to the position they started from, at center stage.

Jin Ranyu wraps his broad hands around Xi Zirui's waist and lifts him up into the air, for the closing act of their dance.

Xi Zirui wraps his leg around Jin Ranyu's waist, and his arm around his neck as he lowers him back down.

"I'm sorry about this," Jin Ranyu says, when Xi Zirui bumps his forehead against his, following the choreography.

Xi Zirui doesn't even have the time to be confused before a pair of lips brushes against his own in a soft kiss.
