"Is there a right answer?" Su Xueyi asks, exchanging a quick glance with Jin Ranyu.

Bai Mi nods. "Only I know the right answers." She pats the sash around her waist. "It's written in a wax sealed letter and will be revealed to everyone once the challengers present their guesses. However, the judges will award points from one to ten, based on how clearly the case is presented to them. Getting the right answer for the victim or killer is worth an additional ten points for each right answer."

Xi Zirui worries Su Xueyi will still manage to find a way to win.

He's still not fully convinced he hasn't cheated in the previous challenge.

There was something weird about the timing of Cao Fei's distraction.

With all of them seated, Bai Mi nods towards Jin Ranyu to go first and turn around the sheet of paper in front of him.

He holds it up in front of his face. The paper is so thin, and the brushstrokes so heavy that it's almost possible to read the characters from the back.


"My name is Mu Qing and I'm dead," Jin Ranyu reads, in the quiet understated way Xi Zirui has always associated with him. "I died on the second day of the second lunar month alone in my own house when the sun was at its zenith in the sky. I was 46 years old, and I had no illnesses or injuries. On the day of my death I woke up early to feed the chickens, and went to the market to sell their eggs."

Jin Ranyu pauses, clearing his throat. "At the market, I met an old acquaintance."

The riveted audience holds its collective breath, paying extra attention to what they believe will be key information.

"My good friend Wei Ming who I hadn't seen in ten years suddenly showed up in front of my stall. She held a young girl by the hand, and introduced her as her niece. The little girl didn't speak much and seemed shy. Wei Ming said she wouldn't be staying long, as she was only visiting friends and family in our village before returning home. She gifted me a little basket of picked vegetables she had made herself, and then she was off."

Obviously the gift is suspicious, especially considering it's a gift of food. It's easy to imagine Mu Qing eating whatever Wei Ming gave him and dying shortly afterwards.

But Xi Zirui doesn't think it will be that simple.


He chances a look at Han Yu standing on Bai Mi's left and looking attentively at Jin Ranyu. His expression doesn't betray anything beyond concentration.

Su Xueyi, flanking Bai Mi on the left, is likewise difficult to read.

It makes Xi Zirui more anxious, not knowing what either of them is thinking.

Jin Ranyu keeps reading. "Me and Wei Ming said our goodbyes, and I wished her and her husband all the best, and hoped he could visit soon too. After that, I sold a few more eggs and then returned home. I made a small lunch for myself. Shortly after, I was dead."

Jin Ranyu puts down his sheet of paper, signaling there is no more to Mu Qing's story.

As expected, the tale makes it sound as if Wei Ming is the one responsible for Mu Qing's death, probably by gifting him the pickled vegetables he ate with his lunch, but Xi Zirui doubts it will be that clear cut.

Cao Fei is the next up.

Xi Zirui feels some trepidation about this whole thing. Han Yu is smart, sure, but isn't exactly shrewd. There's a very straightforward logic to how his mind works.

It's honestly one of the most lovable and refreshing things about him. He isn't complicated, he doesn't scheme, he's like an open book.

It worries Xi Zirui that he can't tell what Han Yu is thinking. He's afraid it means he isn't thinking anything at all.

Cao Fei adjusts his position on the pillow and starts reading his own character sheet. "My name is Wei Ming and I'm dead."

This sentence falls on the room with the weight of a cleaver.

Xi Zirui sits up straighter and pays careful attention.

"I died on the second day of the second lunar month when the sun was at its zenith. I was 43 years old." Cao Fei's eyes widen slightly as he reads. "After ten years I finally went back to my hometown. Hoping to introduce my child to family members and friends. My hasty departure ten years before, didn't leave room for goodbyes. I brought some pickled vegetables as gifts, one of my first stops was Mu Qing, to whom I left a letter in the basket of pickled vegetable jars, explaining the true reason behind my hasty departure."

Cao Fei's fingers tighten on the paper. "After visiting everyone, we set out to return to the village where we lived. Along the way, we made a short detour to eat something. I never made it back to the cart."

And that's all there is to Wei Ming's story.

Xi Zirui has an idea of what might have happened, but it's his turn to read, and several expectant eyes are now turned on him.

"My name is Li Song and I'm dead," Xi Zirui reads.

The hum of excited speculation bubbles up from the crowd, summarily silence shortly after by Bai Mi's assertive cough.

Xi Zirui continues. "I died at 47, on the second day of the second lunar month. My wife and child left to visit our hometown and I was left alone at home. It would be a short journey, but it still pained me to be parted with them. Especially my Xiao Mimi who was the apple of my eye. I was overjoyed when my wife finally got pregnant, after several years of attempts, and I couldn't help but dote on my only child."

Xi Zirui's dry throat clicks when he swallows, before continuing,"Left to my own devices I tended to our little patch of land for most of the day, and then had lunch with the leftovers of yesterday's dinner. I rested for some time inside, and cleaned the house. I found a letter my child had written me the day before. I debated whether to throw it away or not, but decided to keep it so I could properly explain everything to her upon her return. I felt a little peckish and decided to have a little snack I had secreted away. Moments later I was dead."

Xi Zirui lowers the page with a feeling of trepidation.

The scenario is much more complex than he originally thought, and he needs time to put his thoughts in order.

"Your Grace said there was one victim, and one killer, but the three people are dead!" A finely dressed gentleman points out, fanning himself furiously.

"My exact words were 'one of them is a victim, one is a killer', Bai Mi points out, not that it clarifies anything for the gentleman who lets out and annoyed harrumph.

"I'm ready to answer," Su Xueyi says, stepping forward towards the tables.

He shoots Xi Zirui a smirk, making his dimples more pronounced.

Xi Zirui looks away.

Bai Mi casts a look towards the water clock. "There's still some time."Su Xueyi shakes his head and shrugs. "There's no point in delaying, I'm sure already."

"Very well, then please tell us who you think is the victim, and who is the killer."

"The victim if the vendor, Mu Qing, and the killer is the woman, Wei Ming," he says with an insouciant smile.

Some of the tension drains from Xi Zirui.

Su Xueyi is wrong.

If Han Yu can get it right, he'll have an easy path to victory.

Xi Zirui looks up at him, biting his lower lip anxiously. Han Yu doesn't look to be deep in thought or confused, but he doesn't look certain either.

Xi Zirui chances a quick glance at the water clock. The stream is getting narrower.

Bai Mi takes note of Su Xueyi's answers and nods to him. She looks up at Han Yu next, a note of worry on her voice as she says, "His Highness should hurry to make his guess, there isn't much time left."

Han Yu nods.

"I'll make my guess then," he says stepping forward.

Xi Zirui holds his breath. He can hear his heart thumping in his ears. If Han Yu doesn't get it right, it will all depend on his ability to explain his reasoning.

"The victim is Mu Qing, and the killer is the husband, Li Song."

Xi Zirui goes very still.

Han Yu is wrong too.

He darts a glance towards Bai Mi, hoping to convey to her the urgency of the situation, but her expression doesn't give anything away.

There's a slight chance Han Yu might lose this challenge too.

If that happens, Xi Zirui will be forced to go back to Brocade Carp clan with Su Xueyi.

He refuses to marry Su Xueyi again, absolutely won't do it. Twice was more than enough.

He'll kill him and take his chances in the next world if that happens.

Bai Mi approaches Su Xueyi and Han Yu with two hairpins clutched in her fist. "Please take one, whoever gets the shortest, goes first."

They both pull an hairpin out at the same time. Su Xueyi gets the shortest of the two.

That at least is good news. Whoever goes last as the advantage of learning from the previous person's mistakes.

Xi Zirui tries to catch Han Yu's eye.

When their eyes meet, Han Yu shoots him a wink and carefree smile.
