Xi Zirui opens the window of his bedroom on the palace's second floor, overlooking the still waters of the lake bellow.

At first, looking out the window doesn't reveal anything, but when he braces his hands on the windowsill and looks down, he sees Han Yu clinging to the wooden railing along the wall.

Xi Zirui smirks and leans his elbows on the sill, supporting his cheek on his open palm. "How the tables have turned."

Han Yu lets out an amused chuckle, and hoists himself up by the arms until his upper body is balanced on the windowsill next to Xi Zirui's, in an impressive display of strength.

"Fate likes to play tricks with me, I've found," he says, laying his head on his crossed arms and looking up at Xi Zirui.

He doesn't even know the half of it. Xi Zirui can't help smiling fondly down at him.

"I was wondering if young master would invite me into his room," Han Yu asks, a rueful smirk curling on his lips.


This sudden change of behavior is surprising. In a way, Xi Zirui didn't expect his plan to work this well.

"Does his Highness think that would be proper?" he asks, lowering his voice and bringing his face closer to Han Yu's. "Wouldn't that be interpreted as me showing favoritism ahead of the challenge?"

Han Yu's grin is almost blinding. "But hasn't young master already voiced his preference for me?"

"Actually, I said that any mate would do, as long as it isn't Su Xueyi," Xi Zirui says, flippant.

Something flashes over Xi Zirui's eyes, darkening his expression.

He hoists himself the rest of the way up, sitting up on the windowsill before slipping gracefully inside the room.


Xi Zirui steps away from the window, looking up at Han Yu's scowling face in confusion.

He doesn't expect Han Yu to push him against the nearest wall. The forearm over his chest effectively pinning him in place.

Xi Zirui's breathing comes up ragged, his pupils spilling over his irises as Han Yu's intoxicating scent permeates his senses.

A moan spills over his lips without any input from his higher brain functions.

Han Yu's grin is triumphant. "I think young master already knows there's no other qianjun for him, besides me."

His arrogance shouldn't be so attractive.

But Xi Zirui won't roll over just yet.

"And why does his Highness care?" Xi Zirui asks, his tongue darting over his lower lip to wet it. "I thought he was solely focused on his beloved."Han Yu's smirk widens. "About that, where did young master hear the song he played during the feast?"

Xi Zirui goes very still. So that's why the sudden change.

Xi Zirui can't help the little fond smile that curls on his lips, it's funny how the first time Han Yu heard the song he was a Prince too -- although their circumstances were vastly different.

As if all of it goes around in a circle, only to end up at the beginning.

"It's my own creation," Xi Zirui says, shrugging nonchalantly.

"I've heard it before," Han Yu retorts, almost whispering the words into Xi Zirui's ear.

Xi Zirui hums thoughtfully, before delivering the killing blow. "Let me guess, his Highness' beloved played it just like I did, behind a sheer curtain?"

Han Yu goes very still, one of his hands coming up to still Xi Zirui in place by the hip. Xi Zirui can hear his sharp intake of breath.

"And how does young master know that?"

Xi Zirui lifts himself on his tiptoes and whispers the words against Han Yu's lips, "Because it was me playing for his Highness then, too."

"How-" Han Yu starts, but before he can get the rest of the sentence out Xi Zirui wraps his arms around his neck and pulls him down into a hungry kiss.

He kisses Han Yu desperately, like a man long denied water, his tongue steals into his mouth and tastes all of him. His fresh, intoxicating scent makes Xi Zirui grow light-headed.

It's only when Han Yu's teeth sink down on his lower lip that Xi Zirui realizes he was moaning into the kiss, making needy, hungry sounds against Han Yu's wet lips.

Han Yu's hands slide down to Xi Zirui's waist, his touch heated even through the layers of robes. Incensed, Xi Zirui wraps one leg around his waist, and Han Yu takes advantage of the opportunity to slide the skirts of his robe all the way up to his hip, baring his leg to the cool night air that enters the room through the open window.

Xi Zirui always hungers for Han Yu, but this is something different, he feels like his skin will melt off his bones if he doesn't get closer.

It's a surprise then, when Han Yu pulls away. "No, not like this," he says, pushing Xi Zirui away by the hips.

Xi Zirui keens at the loss, instinctively chasing after Han Yu's lips. "Why not? I came from the stars just to be with you again," Xi Zirui begs, talking nonsense that nonetheless feels like the truth.

Han Yu looks down into Xi Zirui's frantic eyes, his own brimming with infinite tenderness. "I believe you," he says, running the pad of his thumb across Xi Zirui's cheekbone.

Xi Zirui's complaint is suddenly silenced when Han Yu's hand covers his mouth. Xi Zirui grumbles in disbelief and outrage from under his palm, seriously deliberating the merits of biting him, but Han Yu raises a finger in front of his own lips and turns his face towards the open window.

Paying attention now, Xi Zirui can hear a faint scraping coming from outside.

The sound is later followed by a strained voice calling, "Rui-er, where are you?"Xi Zirui is glad his groan of dismay comes out muffled by Han Yu's hand.

How many times has that bastard cockblocked Xi Zirui now? How long until it can be considered a war crime?

He puts pressure on Han Yu's wrist who lets his hand fall away from his mouth, sparing Xi Zirui a concerned look.

Xi Zirui gesture at him to stay put and makes his way towards the window, where he finds Su Xueyi hanging to the railing, in much the same way Han Yu was just moments ago.

Su Xueyi's eyes immediately light up as soon as he sees Xi Zirui. "Rui-er, I'm so glad I got the right room. Come quickly, before someone catches us."

"Go where?" Xi Zirui asks, gritting his teeth.

"Those dragons aren't here, Rui-er doesn't need to pretend anymore. I don't want to put Rui-er through the farce of the dispute tomorrow, we can leave tonight." Su Xueyi's tone is urgent, but there's an undercurrent of uncertainty under his words, as if he needs to convince himself as much as Xi Zirui.

Xi Zirui is happy to disabuse him of any romantic ideas. "Su Xueyi should go without me, I want to stay," he says, gaze cold.

Su Xueyi's knuckles go white on the railing. "But our engagement, Rui-er I don't understand..."

"What is there not to understand? I don't love you," Xi Zirui says, hissing at him over the windowsill. "You can either leave, or wait for the result of the dispute tomorrow, but know that I have no intention of marrying you."

Su Xueyi's wide-eyed look of wounded incredulity vanishes, replaced by a bitter scowl. "Rui-er will be my mate whether he wants to or not."

Xi Zirui grins. There's the Su Xueyi he knows and loathes, he was wondering when he was going to give up the act.

"Goodbye, we'll see each other tomorrow," Xi Zirui says, and shuts the window in Su Xueyi's face, the paper panes trembling with the force of his movements.

He's enveloped in Han Yu's arms as soon as he steps away from the window, his solid chest meeting his back. "Say the word, and I'll have him disposed off," Han Yu says, whispering the words hotly into Xi Zirui's nape.

As hot as that would be, unfortunately it would also result in Xi Zirui's untimely demise. But he would rather not get into it now, seeing as they were having such a lovely time.

He pats Han Yu's hands over his waist, running his thumb over the protruding bone on his right wrist. "How about you just claim me and get it over with?"

He cranes his neck towards Han Yu, and pulls all his long hair to the left, baring a stretch of unblemished skin for Han Yu to see and scent.

Han Yu's grip grows tighter on his waist, and he pulls Xi Zirui back against his hips, and into the distinctive hardness raising between his legs.

Xi Zirui closes his eyes on a silent moan and pushes harder against Han Yu, swinging his hips in a teasing motion.

"It wouldn't be right, after a dispute has been issued," Han Yu says, pressing the words into Xi Zirui's neck, licking the skin with his hot breath. "I don't want anyone to question the validity of my claim on you."

So many rules, this world is really frustrating.

Xi Zirui better get amazing sex out of it as compensation.

He wraps his fingers over Han Yu's hand and slides it down his body, until it reaches his own hard on, straining against the fine silk of his robes. "Tomorrow, tomorrow then."

The tip of Han Yu's sharp canine tooth scratches the sensitive skin on Xi Zirui's neck as he speaks, "Tomorrow, I take you and make you mine."
