Han Yu's single-minded focus on Xi Zirui's humanity in his dreams is frustrating to say the least.

Xi Zirui lets his head drop against the edge of the pool, and closes his eyes, letting the water warm his body.

Han Yu casts him a suspicious sideways glance, not trusting his current silence.

Xi Zirui knows he needs a different approach. Trying to convince Han Yu he's the same person as the one in his dreams is probably not going to work.

How many times has he made Han Yu fall in love with him now?

At least five times, that he knows of.

He might not understand what's happening to them fully, or who they are exactly, but one thing Xi Zirui knows for sure:


He and Han Yu are meant to be, like gravity, there's no fighting the forces that pull them together.

A smug smirk steals across his lips, making the knot of apprehension between Han Yu's eyebrows deepen.

"What are you thinking?" he asks, edging ever so slightly away from Xi Zirui.

Xi Zirui lets out a long sigh, and shrugs. "I'm thinking that I give up."

Han Yu gives him a look of naked disbelief, and cups water into his palms to wash his face. "That soon, uh," he says, shaking out the silky curtain of his hair.

His scent hits Xi Zirui like a freight train, and he finds himself listing towards him again.


It would be easier to whine and beg for what he wants, but Xi Zirui must stick to his plan, he's nothing but a stranger to this Han Yu. All the begging in the world won't mean anything.

"It's unsightly for a kunjun to lower himself like this and beg for a qianjun's attention." Honestly, Xi Zirui has no idea what is or isn't proper in this world, but it feels like the right thing to say.

"The truth is that I'm happy to be freed from my previous engagement, but I must still find a mate, if I want to put it off for good."

That perks Han Yu's curiosity if not his interest. He cranes his neck towards Xi Zirui, and some of the tension seeps from his shoulders.

"My future husband isn't a good person," Xi Zirui says, letting out forlorn sigh.

In fact, he has no idea who the original's intended groom is supposed to be, but judging by the overall trajectory of the other worlds he can make an educated guess.

Ni Ni confirms his suspicions. "The original's intended mate is Su Xueyi."

Of course he is. Xi Zirui really needs to find a way get himself hitched to Han Yu in what now amounts to a little over three weeks.

He doubles down on his complaints. "That man, he can be ruthless, even cruel, I don't think many kunjun would want him for a mate."

His eyelids flutter over his eyes, as if trying to ward off incoming tears, and he gives Han Yu a rueful look from beneath the dark sweep of his upper lashes. "In my desperation I bothered his Highness, and acted in an unseemingly manner, I apologize."

Han Yu's eyes soften. "I'm sorry for your predicament, but as I said, my heart belongs to another."

Xi Zirui sniffles, nodding in fast succession. "I understand, his Highness has made his feelings clear, and I promise I won't bother him again, however, I hope his Highness doesn't begrudge me finding a mate from among the members of his clan."

Han Yu is stumped for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. "Uhm, sure, there are several unmated qianjun among our clan."

Xi Zirui flashes him a relieved grin. "Ah, what great news. If his Highness doesn't mind, I'd like to keep to our agreement, I'm afraid if others find that our courtship has been called off I'll be forced to leave Coiled Dragon clan grounds."

Once again, Xi Zirui has managed to surprise Han Yu. "That's fine, but I-"

He doesn't know if any other qianjun will dare show their interest while they believe Xi Zirui is engaged to Han Yu.

That's obviously not a problem because Xi Zirui doesn't expect to go forward with any of it, but his plan won't hold up to excessive scrutiny, so he stands up all of a sudden, cutting Han Yu, "Splendid, thank you to his Highness for his consideration, I'll be leaving now."

He makes his way out of the pool by climbing over the edge and giving Han Yu a privileged view of his bare ass.

He picks up his discarded robes from the floor and while putting them back on chances a backwards glance at Han Yu, whose ears are glowing crimson and who has his eyes studiously trained on the ceiling beams.

Xi Zirui relishes his small victory, all the way out of the bathroom.

Sometimes he has great ideas.


"That's a terrible idea," Bai Mi tells him as soon as they meet outside the bathroom's doors.

"I don't see why."

"How can you expect the elders to allow you to marry my cousin if you have the reputation of being a kunjun of loose morals, who entertains others while being engaged to the prince of our clan?" Bai Mi hisses, her narrow chest heaving with the strength of her anger.

Xi Zirui pats her comfortingly on the back, rubbing soothing circles over her shoulder blades to stave off a panic attack. "I'm not actually going to throw myself at anyone. Ideally they'll be doing that."

She gives him a confused look.

"How about your Grace finds an excuse to host a feast, maybe in honor of the prince's upcoming wedding, seeing as he agreed to keep his end of our deal until I find a mate," Xi Zirui says, his tone leading. "Maybe in that feast someone could be persuaded to let their affections for me show."Bai Mi grips him by the arm and pulls him into a secluded corner. "I don't know if I like what young master is implying" she whispers, her tone low and dangerous. "Are you suggesting I go behind my cousin's back and actively conspire against him?"

Xi Zirui pulls his arm free of her grip with a confused frown. "You literally kidnapped me to try and force him into a marriage?"

Bai Mi rolls her eyes as if Xi Zirui is incredibly stupid for no understanding what she's trying to say. "As his oldest surviving relative, I should have his best interests in mind. Getting married so he can be crowned king, and produce heirs for our clan is in his best interests!"

"Well, if you want him to marry me, or anyone else, he needs to get over his dream lover first!" Xi Zirui says, whispering angrily. "Your way hasn't been working, so why not try mine?"

Some of her indignation seeps away. "Fine, we'll try it your way," she concedes but with the consternation of someone who expects everything to end in disaster and possibly catch fire.


The problem then, becomes convincing Han Yu to sit through a feast in honor of a wedding that in his mind, absolutely isn't going to happen.

"No, absolutely not," he says, as soon as Bai Mi makes the suggestion.

He gets up from his golden throne, carved in the shape of two coiled dragons looking in opposite directions, and paces the length of dais on which it sits.

"Cousin, please reconsider, after what our clan has been through, any chance for celebration is a welcome one," she flickers her trailing sleeve in an arch encompassing their clan's seat of power. "Besides, as the future king, you should be seen attending official events, and our brothers and sisters want to enjoy the opportunity of celebrating your wedding, seeing as you have decided not to celebrate it in the traditional way."

The traditional way being: staying locked up with Xi Zirui in the nuptial chamber for days, after giving him the claiming bite that would trigger Xi Zirui's season of rain(1), which would only break after Han Yu did his best to impregnate him.

Or so Xi Zirui understood, from Ni Ni's frankly disturbing explanation.

Han Yu isn't any closer to being swayed by Bai Mi's rational arguments, so Xi Zirui decides to give it a shot with his irrational ones.

"Could her Grace give us a moment alone?" Xi Zirui asks her, arching his eyebrows meaningfully.

Bai Mi gives her cousin one last look before leaving the throne room and closing the doors behind her with a soft thud.

Han Yu doesn't relax once he's alone with Xi Zirui.

He continues his frantic pacing, his hands clasped tightly behind his back.

The weary monarch look is charming on him, Xi Zirui tries not to smirk as he walks slowly up the dais.

"Your Highness isn't seeing this for the opportunity it is," Xi Zirui says, his tone mellow.

Han Yu gives him a disbelieving scowl. "Opportunity for you, perhaps."

"For his Highness as well. It's true that the feast is the perfect event for me to find a possible mate, but also for his Highness to be freed from our engagement. No one will expect you to go forward with the wedding if they see me accepting the advances of another qianjun."

Han Yu stops his pacing, coming to a halt in front of Xi Zirui. He lowers himself until their eyes meet. "And will you, accept another qianjun's advances?"

Xi Zirui bats his eyelashes. "His Highness knows how much I want to find a mate," he says, his words coming out a little breathless, and only partially because of his act.


(1) - season of rain; heat
