Han Yu lets go of Xi Zirui's jaw, who scowls at the harsh treatment.

After two worlds spent in the company of a loving Han Yu -- who was besotted with him from the get go-- Xi Zirui forgot how much of an asshole he can be when he doesn't like someone.

He tries to focus on his righteous indignation to take his mind off the hurt of being rejected by someone who scant hours before was swearing his love for him.

Just what kind of god is Xi Zirui? The god of bad luck in love? The god of doomed relationships?

The god of star-crossed lovers?

That last one actually sounds like something there could be a god of, so he sincerely hopes not.

Xi Zirui sucks in a sobering breath and steadies himself. He'd rather believe he's the god of determination and victory in battle -- or whatever.


Ironically, he has always been an atheist, so he knows nothing about the Daoist pantheon. He knows about the Jade Emperor and that's the extent of his knowledge.

He's definitely not him, though, so that narrows it down.

Han Yu is still giving him a look of complete disdain, not to mention waiting for an answer.

"This is my natural face," Xi Zirui says, frowning. "Nothing has been done to it."

Han Yu scoffs. "No, I refuse to believe it, someone must have sneaked into my quarters and looked at the paintings I've painted of my beloved."

Xi Zirui's frown melts off his face. "You made paintings of me?"


Han Yu looks at him as if he has grown a second head. "No, of my beloved."

Xi Zirui rolls his eyes. Han Yu will understand soon enough that the two are one and the same.

Xi Zirui has gone through too much to give him up just like that.

He's going to make Han Yu realize he's the one he's in love with if it kills him.

"Host will have limited time to do that, since members of the Brocade Carp clan will arrive in a month to demand Host be returned to them," Ni Ni says.

Her words put a damper on Xi Zirui's spirit, he isn't sure if a month is long enough, but he'll have to try.

With one last glare, Han Yu turns his back on him and goes back to banging his fists against the closed doors.

Xi Zirui lets him go at it and sits down on the edge of their nuptial bed, kicking his legs back and forth.

It's a shame Han Yu would rather throw a temper tantrum than consummate their union, in whatever bizarre way these people do.

But then again, would Xi Zirui even love him if he wasn't such a contrarian bastard?

He tires himself out eventually, and redirects his anger at Xi Zirui again. "Get off the bed, I don't know what you're thinking but I'm not bonding with you."Ni Ni chimes before Xi Zirui can even form the question. "In order to formalize their union, the qianjun will place a claiming bite on the nape of the kunjun, near their scent glands. Bonds are lifelong unions, and can only be dissolved with the death of one of the bondmates."

That sounds absolutely terrifying.

Somewhat sexy, too -- in a possessive sort of way.

Xi Zirui pouts. "I've been kidnapped and brought all the way here, won't his Highness consider my honor?" He leans back on his elbows, stretching out his lean body over the red sheets.


Xi Zirui gets up to his feet with a scowl, bridging the short distance between the two of them.

He gives Han Yu a glowering look. "I care, and I won't be disrespected like this. Since I'm here the last his Highness can do is give me some face."

Han Yu is taken aback by the fierceness in Xi Zirui's eyes. Unused to being so openly defied by the kunjun his cousin drags before him on an almost monthly basis.

Xi Zirui doesn't think he misreads the slight flicker of appreciation that crosses Han Yu's eyes before being snuffed out. "Very well, what are your demands for compensation?"

"I want his Highness to give me a month to try and prove my worth as a mate," Xi Zirui says, smirking.

Han Yu sighs. "You'll be wasting your time, my heart belongs to another."

Xi Zirui shrugs. "The time is mine to waste."

Han Yu narrows his eyes at Xi Zirui but eventually concedes with an annoyed flick of his sleeves. "Very well, you can stay in my Dragon Pearl palace for a month, but after that, you'll be returned to your clan."

"Only if his Highness hasn't taken any liberties with me until then," he says, smirk widening.

Han Yu's frown deepens. "I won't."

They'll have to see about that.

With a courteous bow, Xi Zirui leaves Han Yu behind and makes his way out of the nuptial chambers by the same doors the maids led him through.


Bai Mi is still waiting on the other side, wringing her hands in restless anxiety.

Her face drops as soon as she sees Xi Zirui. "You were rejected," it's a statement and not a question.

"Sort of," Xi Zirui says, pacing with his hands clasped behind his back. "I and His Highness have come to an agreement. He will let me stay in the palace for a month."

Bai Mi's sharp eyebrows hike up her forehead. "That's the first time he has agreed to something like that."

"I can be very persuasive."

She gives him an accessing look. "I don't understand why you aren't taking this opportunity to return to your clan. Weren't you betrothed to another?"Xi Zirui lifts one hand to his chest and lets out a theatrical sigh. "With just one look at his Highness, I could tell he's the perfect mate for me."

Bai Mi still doesn't look entirely convinced, but she also doesn't care.

As long as Xi Zirui is a kunjun for her cousin to knock up, all is well in her book.

She nods quietly to herself as if coming to an inner agreement before turning to Xi Zirui. "I'll help you in every way I can, but you must know that my cousin has been in love with some human he claims visits him in his dreams for as long as we all can remember."

Xi Zirui figured as much.

A human who looks uncannily like Xi Zirui.

This world's Han Yu most likely has memories of the previous worlds, maybe even from their original lives.

Xi Zirui only has to get close enough to Han Yu to make him realize that the person he's been waiting for is him.


That's easier said than done.

He spends the next two days trying to chance upon Han Yu in the palace's hallways and courtyards with zero luck.

The Dragon Pearl palace is a massive complex of floating pavilions, surrounded by courtyards of water, decorated with lotus, lilies and bamboos -- entire gardens growing out of the water.

All the buildings are connected by a system of bridges and walkways above the water.

In one occasion Xi Zirui manages to catch a glimpse of Han Yu's black and gold robes, but by the time he crosses the necessary bridges to reach him, he is long gone.

If this continues, the month will be over before they can even exchange two words.

The worst part is that Xi Zirui is fairly certain Han Yu is trying to avoid him.

He confronts Bai Mi with his suspicions.

"He's definitely avoiding you," Bai Mi says, sipping her tea daintily.

"What does her Grace suggest I do about it?" Xi Zirui asks, sipping his own tea while slumping over the low table they're both sitting at.

Bai Mi raises an eyebrow at him. "You're the kunjun, and you expect me to tell you how to seduce a qianjun?"

He shrugs. "Why not, isn't her Grace a qianjun herself?"

Bai Mai lowers her cup with a loud clink. "I wouldn't know anything about that, other than you and the other possible spouses we've found for my cousin I've never spent any length of time with a kunjun."

That's an interesting piece of information, and it makes Xi Zirui feel a little sad for Bai Mi and the self-deprecating way she puts it.

"Anyway, from what I understand, it shouldn't be hard, an unmated kunjun's scent is said to be irresistible to qianjun," Bai Mi wrinkles her nose. "Although at the moment your scent is barely registering for me."

Well, that's good to know, Xi Zirui thinks he and Bai Mi are better off as friends anyway. Or frenemies, rather.

"Maybe you should put yourself in an environment that heightens it," she says, picking her cup again with both hands. "Something with humidity, perhaps."

Her words light a fuse inside Xi Zirui's mind.

Smirking deviously, he downs the rest of his tea and slams down the empty cup. "When and where does His Highness usually bathe?"
