“Well, Granny Sun, let’s look at the fire-type pokemons.”

Fang Yuan didn’t make a decision right away. Although he was troubling the elder, he still wanted to get to know all the Pokemon.

Granny Sun snorted and continued to lead the way, and said at the same time, “In the fire types, there are five pokemon that have a little special talent.”

“Oh.” Fang Yuan replied.

Fire-type Pokemon could not be raised in the same place as grass-type Pokemon.

This was a vast open space with a valley-like environment and many rocks.


The reason why there were more rocks may be because rocks do not burn easily.

“This Charmander has an outstanding talent in the dragon category and, at the same time, has good physical fitness but has a bad temper. However, because of this, it learned the Dragon’s Rage early.”

After coming here, Grandma Sun first found a bunch of Charmander and introduced them.

Then, next was Cyndaquill.

“The Cyndaquill in the middle has the Flash Fire ability. One of the parents is Ninetales, so it has also inherited Psychic power moves.”

Fang Yuan grunted. It sounded good.


Counting the grass-type ones, the talents of these Pokemon were almost as good as his Magneton.

After all, Magneton has Psychic talent.

Fang Yuan felt that he was too lucky.

To find a Magnemite in an abandoned power plant like that would be a stroke of luck.

As for the talent of his Eevee… Fang Yuan couldn’t tell. After thinking about it, Eevee doesn’t have any talent. But, on the other hand, it could be this good because of its own cultivation.

“Torchic…” Fang Yuan saw a few Torchic running around the stone and couldn’t help but speak: “The first one has the Speed Boost ability, right? So the speed is very fast.”

“Well, the Speed Boost Torchic is also very talented in speed and has learned Quick Attack. There should be no Fire type pokemon in this area that is faster than this Torchic.” Granny Sun continued: “There’s also a Chimchar with a special talent over there, and it’s the last one.”

Fang Yuan’s heart was not moved by the talented Charmander of the dragon system. If he had a MEGA stone, he would definitely choose Charmander, but he didn’t.

Cyndaquill with psychic powers, although it sounds good and can use his pokeblock; if you think about it carefully, it is not very suitable.Moreover, the temperament of the Cyndaquill was not suitable for Fang Yuan.

A Torchic with Speed Boost ability, if it uses purple-red pokeblocks, will have both speed and strength. It would be very strong.

But Fang Yuan still looked at one of the two choices he had considered carefully, Chimchar.

Under the guidance of Grandma Sun, Fang Yuan saw Chimchar sitting cross-legged on a rock and wondered, “Aren’t Chimchars naughty and curious? This…how does it look so peaceful.”

“This is just the surface.” Grandma Sun said, “This child has inherited the Focus Energy move, has very hard fists, Iron Fist Ability, and good power in boxing-like moves. He was born less than two months ago. It has already learned Fire Punch and Thunder Punch by itself. By the way, it has also awakened the Hidden Ability move, whose attribute type is electric.”

“Hidden Ability…” Fang Yuan was startled.

This Chimchar has a fate with me.

Now both of Fang Yuan’s Pokemon have Hidden Ability.

However, he chose Chimchar and Bulbasaur as options because Chimchar is the only Pokemon that can maximize the effects of the purple-red pokeblock and the light blue pokeblock.

Chimchar could use Calm Mind to exercise mental power. But, at the same time, the physical strength of the Chimchar is also very powerful.

Chimchar is one of the few fighting Pokemon taking physical and spiritual paths.

In addition to it, there are Riolu, Medicham, and Mienshao.

The most prominent feature of this type of Pokemon is their strong perception and willpower.

Chimchar belongs to the latter, with strong willpower, a strong fighting spirit, and outstanding fighting consciousness. And perhaps, this Chimchar has other talents?

Suddenly, Chimchar opened its eyes and looked at Fang Yuan.

Then silently jumped off the stone and looked intently at the boulder in front of it.

“What is it going to do?” Fang Yuan asked.

“Practice boxing.” Grandma Sun said: “This Chimchar is not as naughty as other Chimchar. It sits and rests on adjusting its breath, that is, practicing the ‘Focus Energy’ move to enhance the destructive power of boxing. “



Chimchar’s fist was filled with flames. The straight fist smashed into the rock. The rock’s surface was instantly burnt black, and along the blackened place, a crack spread out.

Chimchar looked at its results with dissatisfaction and then continued to jump on the stone and sat down to adjust his breath.“This training method is very special.” Fang Yuan was surprised.

The Fire Punch was very powerful. You must know that Eevee had to constantly hit a tree when it trained for a month or two.

But what is this?

Looking for a state of spiritual unity?

Do you think that you are a senior brother and could cultivate immortals?

The special training method of Chimchar attracted Fang Yuan because although other Pokemon have special talents, they still retain the character and habits of their own race, but this Chimchar has a strong personality.

This was no longer a matter of talent but more of a personality factor.

Fang Yuan shook his head and continued to ask Granny Sun to show him the water pokemons.

The water pokemon were also quite satisfactory. There was a Mudkip whose ice talent made Fang Yuan’s heart move, but it was only a heartbeat.


Finally, after looking around, Fang Yuan made up his mind.

“I choose that Chimchar.”

There are few Venusaur that can control nature, but there may only be one such interesting Chimchar in the world. Fang Yuan’s intuition tells him that there is nothing wrong with choosing this Chimchar.

Inherited Focus Energy, after evolution, can learn Calm Mind to improve mental strength and smash with Focus Punch that requires concentration. With the integration of energies, it is no problem to become a one-punch man…no one-punch monkey. It’s handsome to think about.

“Have you decided?” Grandma Sun was surprised, but she also agreed with Fang Yuan’s vision. This Chimchar was really good.

The potential and talent were enough to rank in the top 3 in this batch of Pokemon. If the resources are in place, becoming the main Pokemon of professional trainers is not a problem.

“It’s decided.” Fang Yuan said.

With the purple-red pokeblock, the physical strength can be developed to the limit, and Chimchar can definitely become the main force of Fang Yuan within a year. While the light blue pokeblock could be used as an aid, then Chimchar’s mental strength will not be left behind.

Fang Yuan and the others returned to the place where the Chimchar was.

Looking at Chimchar sitting quietly on the stone, Fang Yuan invited it.

The next moment, Chimchar’s body burst into flames, opened its eyes, and stared at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan also looked at Chimchar.

Neither of the two guys blinked.

Chimchar y: ? ??

Fang Yuan: ? ??
